Weekend Plans

Working at Glasgow record fair saturday and Manchester record fair Sunday. If anybody wants the info google VIP record fairs and click on events diary. Thanks.
Lancaster Music Festival this weekend, taking place all over the city.
Many batshit genre's ranging from Alternative Trip Hop Rock to Mandolin And Bazouki.
I will mainly be in the electronic venues
Saturday: head to Stansted for 13:30 flight to Lanzarote, get to hotel early evening for dinner, followed by Ireland vs New Zealand.
Looking at weather, tried to change this for Ibiza instead but Jet 2 reckoned I'd have the pay the full price all over again:(
Been with the misses 10 year today so we’re off out for a few drinks and a meal tonight in the town. Im gunna wait until she’s had about 4 and drop it on her that i want us to go see robert hood tomorrow and sweeten the deal by saying i’ve already booked us a nice hotel room in the city centre. Luckily i got the free cancellation on booking until 6pm tomorrow somehow incase she’s having none of it:lol:
Been with the misses 10 year today so we’re off out for a few drinks and a meal tonight in the town. Im gunna wait until she’s had about 4 and drop it on her that i want us to go see robert hood tomorrow and sweeten the deal by saying i’ve already booked us a nice hotel room in the city centre. Luckily i got the free cancellation on booking until 6pm tomorrow somehow incase she’s having none of it:lol:
Well played sir! And a very happy anniversary to you both!
Apologies for my absence. Not been my usual cheery self due to an ongoing muscle strain and signed off from plus spending money on a car repair and it’s still not working. But feeling a bit better mentally as I’ve gone back to work.
Anyway, not a huge amount going on this weekend. A relaxed evening in front of the telly box. Tomorrow lunch and beverages in Hertford and a catch up with best mate after a good few weeks of behaving like a recluse. Sunday, family visit and muck about with some music. And sort out the winter wardrobe.
Apologies for my absence. Not been my usual cheery self due to an ongoing muscle strain and signed off from plus spending money on a car repair and it’s still not working. But feeling a bit better mentally as I’ve gone back to work.
Anyway, not a huge amount going on this weekend. A relaxed evening in front of the telly box. Tomorrow lunch and beverages in Hertford and a catch up with best mate after a good few weeks of behaving like a recluse. Sunday, family visit and muck about with some music. And sort out the winter wardrobe.
Sounds like tomorrow willl be exactly what you need. Glad you are feeling a bit better x
Been with the misses 10 year today so we’re off out for a few drinks and a meal tonight in the town. Im gunna wait until she’s had about 4 and drop it on her that i want us to go see robert hood tomorrow and sweeten the deal by saying i’ve already booked us a nice hotel room in the city centre. Luckily i got the free cancellation on booking until 6pm tomorrow somehow incase she’s having none of it:lol:
Just told her where we’re going tonight and she’s buzzing. HOWEVER the next text i got is ‘i think there’s gunna be a catch’ i’ve been sussed already:lol: and thats what 10 years does for you ffs
Quiet one this weekend as broken after a week long bout of the flu. Off to the rugby tonight as first match of the season for Bristol, then tomorrow is walk with the pup and rugby in the pub for the afternoon and at home in the evening. Sunday is a trip down to the coast to take the dog onto a beach for the first time, plus fish, chips and ice cream obviously.
Quiet one this weekend as broken after a week long bout of the flu. Off to the rugby tonight as first match of the season for Bristol, then tomorrow is walk with the pup and rugby in the pub for the afternoon and at home in the evening. Sunday is a trip down to the coast to take the dog onto a beach for the first time, plus fish, chips and ice cream obviously.
Dogs love the beach.
Catch an evening flight (drunkenly booked a month or two back) tomorrow night for my final trip this year.
Taxi to Ibiza Town then go find somewhere for a few drinks, maybe some food, to take it kind of easy...yeah that one never quite pans out!

Looking at Malanga Cafe as Nightmares On Wax playing a DJ set and enjoyed him last year at Pikes a couple of times but we'll go with the flow.

Sunday daytime is weather dependant but will involve sitting about eating & drinking between walking a few places.
Maybe a taxi somewhere if it is nice enough.

Then Sunday night going to wander across to Pacha to see if anything is going on :)
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