Weekend Plans

Ibiza tmrw for just under a week. The last chapter in a 6 month sabbatical after redundancy, before reality resumes. Hopef see a few familiar faces. Have various things *loosely planned, and staying all over the place. Missus joining me on Sunday and hoping autumn holds out a bit longer :)
Feeling better?

Also, get a job you filthy hippy!
I found a shipwreck today! My dog is in the sea if you look closely 😂

Early plans from me, as next couple of days is busy as hell at work,

Friday: decide whether I have time to take the eldest to Arsenal session, but definite sleepover in the cloud.

Saturday: head to Stansted for 13:30 flight to Lanzarote, get to hotel early evening for dinner, followed by Ireland vs New Zealand.

Sunday: early morning run, throw thow the kids around the pool, try and retain some control on the all inclusive food. (repeat for 7 days)
Early plans from me, as next couple of days is busy as hell at work,

Friday: decide whether I have time to take the eldest to Arsenal session, but definite sleepover in the cloud.

Saturday: head to Stansted for 13:30 flight to Lanzarote, get to hotel early evening for dinner, followed by Ireland vs New Zealand.

Sunday: early morning run, throw thow the kids around the pool, try and retain some control on the all inclusive food. (repeat for 7 days)