Weekend Plans

Saturday evening looked a bit like this..


Bit late but yesterday I took the day off as my car was having a new exhaust pipe fitted. So spent the morning cleaning the house in order to spend the afternoon loafing in the sun without getting in trouble for not doing anything all day long. Lovely afternoon laying and drinking in the sun and listening to music. Heard a perfect mix by Phat Phil Cooper at Pikes. If I shut my eyes I could almost be there.
Today we’ve gone to the local garden centre to get a lemon tree for my Dad but the prices were silly. Food and drink shop. Now home in the garden with feet up .
Tomorrow, family round in the afternoon for Father’s Day drinks.

how was your Spanish trip Marts? did you say you were driving all the way?
how was your Spanish trip Marts? did you say you were driving all the way?
The week in Spain was great but not what I expected . We didn’t drive, though. Motorhome won’t be with us until later this year. But we had a very relaxed holiday. We were going to be going to a few parties but it was just a bit too far up in the hill for us. We are a couple of beach bums so stayed near the beach. But it turned out great for us. The weather was sunny and warm and not loads of tourists so perfect for us.
It did make us realise the next time we go to Ibiza will be earlier in the summer. Last year was so hot we couldn’t go anywhere apart from the beach. And I had a list of places to go from the good members of this forum.
But hopefully the big drive next year. 🤞
Oh well, our long weekend in Ibiza went faster than a toupee in a hurricane.

Got home yesterday to some pretty devastating news that our oldest daughter (18) had been a victim of drink spiking, early on a Saturday night in Newcastle.

She was lucky, she had a very alert friend with her. There was just the two of them, waiting to meet her boyfriend and some other friends in a bar. She collapsed in the toilet, her friend came to check she was ok as she was away for a while. About the same time her boyfriend and a couple of his mates arrived. He immediately knew something wasn’t right.

He took her straight to the hospital in a taxi. Ledge of a lad.

Bless her, awful ordeal to go through. She still feels ropey now, and this will obviously have a mental effect on her. She told everyone not to tell us, as she knew we’d fly straight home from Ibiza. She didn’t want to spoil our holiday. We would have came straight home if we knew, no doubt about it. Feel some sort of guilt for being away enjoying myself at such a critical time.

There are some grade A cunts in this world we live in.

I’m fcuking beyond angry. It’s unlikely I’ll ever catch up with these pond life, skip licking pricks. But if I ever do I’ll kill them with my bare hands.

My missus is pretty calm about it, she says it could have turned out a lot worse. Just the thought of what could have happened to her is the stuff of my nightmares. Police are following it up. Apparently they’ve been checking the CCTV at the bar.

Sorry, I’ll come back and put a holiday review together at some point when my head is a bit clearer.
Oh well, our long weekend in Ibiza went faster than a toupee in a hurricane.

Got home yesterday to some pretty devastating news that our oldest daughter (18) had been a victim of drink spiking, early on a Saturday night in Newcastle.

She was lucky, she had a very alert friend with her. There was just the two of them, waiting to meet her boyfriend and some other friends in a bar. She collapsed in the toilet, her friend came to check she was ok as she was away for a while. About the same time her boyfriend and a couple of his mates arrived. He immediately knew something wasn’t right.

He took her straight to the hospital in a taxi. Ledge of a lad.

Bless her, awful ordeal to go through. She still feels ropey now, and this will obviously have a mental effect on her. She told everyone not to tell us, as she knew we’d fly straight home from Ibiza. She didn’t want to spoil our holiday. We would have came straight home if we knew, no doubt about it. Feel some sort of guilt for being away enjoying myself at such a critical time.

There are some grade A cunts in this world we live in.

I’m fcuking beyond angry. It’s unlikely I’ll ever catch up with these pond life, skip licking pricks. But if I ever do I’ll kill them with my bare hands.

My missus is pretty calm about it, she says it could have turned out a lot worse. Just the thought of what could have happened to her is the stuff of my nightmares. Police are following it up. Apparently they’ve been checking the CCTV at the bar.

Sorry, I’ll come back and put a holiday review together at some point when my head is a bit clearer.
Glad your daughter is safe. There really are absolute cunts out there!
Oh well, our long weekend in Ibiza went faster than a toupee in a hurricane.

Got home yesterday to some pretty devastating news that our oldest daughter (18) had been a victim of drink spiking, early on a Saturday night in Newcastle.

She was lucky, she had a very alert friend with her. There was just the two of them, waiting to meet her boyfriend and some other friends in a bar. She collapsed in the toilet, her friend came to check she was ok as she was away for a while. About the same time her boyfriend and a couple of his mates arrived. He immediately knew something wasn’t right.

He took her straight to the hospital in a taxi. Ledge of a lad.

Bless her, awful ordeal to go through. She still feels ropey now, and this will obviously have a mental effect on her. She told everyone not to tell us, as she knew we’d fly straight home from Ibiza. She didn’t want to spoil our holiday. We would have came straight home if we knew, no doubt about it. Feel some sort of guilt for being away enjoying myself at such a critical time.

There are some grade A cunts in this world we live in.

I’m fcuking beyond angry. It’s unlikely I’ll ever catch up with these pond life, skip licking pricks. But if I ever do I’ll kill them with my bare hands.

My missus is pretty calm about it, she says it could have turned out a lot worse. Just the thought of what could have happened to her is the stuff of my nightmares. Police are following it up. Apparently they’ve been checking the CCTV at the bar.

Sorry, I’ll come back and put a holiday review together at some point when my head is a bit clearer.
Jesus. Super happy your daughter is OK, great work by her friend and bf. She chose well on both accounts.

Don't beat yourself up, even if you were home there isn't anything you could have done. Hope she recovers quickly!
Oh well, our long weekend in Ibiza went faster than a toupee in a hurricane.

Got home yesterday to some pretty devastating news that our oldest daughter (18) had been a victim of drink spiking, early on a Saturday night in Newcastle.

She was lucky, she had a very alert friend with her. There was just the two of them, waiting to meet her boyfriend and some other friends in a bar. She collapsed in the toilet, her friend came to check she was ok as she was away for a while. About the same time her boyfriend and a couple of his mates arrived. He immediately knew something wasn’t right.

He took her straight to the hospital in a taxi. Ledge of a lad.

Bless her, awful ordeal to go through. She still feels ropey now, and this will obviously have a mental effect on her. She told everyone not to tell us, as she knew we’d fly straight home from Ibiza. She didn’t want to spoil our holiday. We would have came straight home if we knew, no doubt about it. Feel some sort of guilt for being away enjoying myself at such a critical time.

There are some grade A cunts in this world we live in.

I’m fcuking beyond angry. It’s unlikely I’ll ever catch up with these pond life, skip licking pricks. But if I ever do I’ll kill them with my bare hands.

My missus is pretty calm about it, she says it could have turned out a lot worse. Just the thought of what could have happened to her is the stuff of my nightmares. Police are following it up. Apparently they’ve been checking the CCTV at the bar.

Sorry, I’ll come back and put a holiday review together at some point when my head is a bit clearer.
That's terrible.

I'll never get head around why people do it and presumably the mates of the people doing it must know 😳
Oh well, our long weekend in Ibiza went faster than a toupee in a hurricane.

Got home yesterday to some pretty devastating news that our oldest daughter (18) had been a victim of drink spiking, early on a Saturday night in Newcastle.

She was lucky, she had a very alert friend with her. There was just the two of them, waiting to meet her boyfriend and some other friends in a bar. She collapsed in the toilet, her friend came to check she was ok as she was away for a while. About the same time her boyfriend and a couple of his mates arrived. He immediately knew something wasn’t right.

He took her straight to the hospital in a taxi. Ledge of a lad.

Bless her, awful ordeal to go through. She still feels ropey now, and this will obviously have a mental effect on her. She told everyone not to tell us, as she knew we’d fly straight home from Ibiza. She didn’t want to spoil our holiday. We would have came straight home if we knew, no doubt about it. Feel some sort of guilt for being away enjoying myself at such a critical time.

There are some grade A cunts in this world we live in.

I’m fcuking beyond angry. It’s unlikely I’ll ever catch up with these pond life, skip licking pricks. But if I ever do I’ll kill them with my bare hands.

My missus is pretty calm about it, she says it could have turned out a lot worse. Just the thought of what could have happened to her is the stuff of my nightmares. Police are following it up. Apparently they’ve been checking the CCTV at the bar.

Sorry, I’ll come back and put a holiday review together at some point when my head is a bit clearer.
Strange world we live in. I'm bewildered this type of criminal behaviour is so widespread. Thanks for sharing
Oh well, our long weekend in Ibiza went faster than a toupee in a hurricane.

Got home yesterday to some pretty devastating news that our oldest daughter (18) had been a victim of drink spiking, early on a Saturday night in Newcastle.

She was lucky, she had a very alert friend with her. There was just the two of them, waiting to meet her boyfriend and some other friends in a bar. She collapsed in the toilet, her friend came to check she was ok as she was away for a while. About the same time her boyfriend and a couple of his mates arrived. He immediately knew something wasn’t right.

He took her straight to the hospital in a taxi. Ledge of a lad.

Bless her, awful ordeal to go through. She still feels ropey now, and this will obviously have a mental effect on her. She told everyone not to tell us, as she knew we’d fly straight home from Ibiza. She didn’t want to spoil our holiday. We would have came straight home if we knew, no doubt about it. Feel some sort of guilt for being away enjoying myself at such a critical time.

There are some grade A cunts in this world we live in.

I’m fcuking beyond angry. It’s unlikely I’ll ever catch up with these pond life, skip licking pricks. But if I ever do I’ll kill them with my bare hands.

My missus is pretty calm about it, she says it could have turned out a lot worse. Just the thought of what could have happened to her is the stuff of my nightmares. Police are following it up. Apparently they’ve been checking the CCTV at the bar.

Sorry, I’ll come back and put a holiday review together at some point when my head is a bit clearer.
Love and strength mate. No other words of wisdom to add x
Awww...yours looked amazing!

Molly is already settled with kids and is working with me today:

View attachment 14050
Any pretty much bang on a year later, we're having to try and find her a new home, as my wife has had it confirmed she is hugely allergic to her. Absolutely gutted, but it's made her (Mrs B) so ill, we've got no choice.
Haven't told the kids yet either 😞
Oh well, our long weekend in Ibiza went faster than a toupee in a hurricane.

Got home yesterday to some pretty devastating news that our oldest daughter (18) had been a victim of drink spiking, early on a Saturday night in Newcastle.

She was lucky, she had a very alert friend with her. There was just the two of them, waiting to meet her boyfriend and some other friends in a bar. She collapsed in the toilet, her friend came to check she was ok as she was away for a while. About the same time her boyfriend and a couple of his mates arrived. He immediately knew something wasn’t right.

He took her straight to the hospital in a taxi. Ledge of a lad.

Bless her, awful ordeal to go through. She still feels ropey now, and this will obviously have a mental effect on her. She told everyone not to tell us, as she knew we’d fly straight home from Ibiza. She didn’t want to spoil our holiday. We would have came straight home if we knew, no doubt about it. Feel some sort of guilt for being away enjoying myself at such a critical time.

There are some grade A cunts in this world we live in.

I’m fcuking beyond angry. It’s unlikely I’ll ever catch up with these pond life, skip licking pricks. But if I ever do I’ll kill them with my bare hands.

My missus is pretty calm about it, she says it could have turned out a lot worse. Just the thought of what could have happened to her is the stuff of my nightmares. Police are following it up. Apparently they’ve been checking the CCTV at the bar.

Sorry, I’ll come back and put a holiday review together at some point when my head is a bit clearer.
Shit news to come back to. Don’t blame yourself for going away, you’re a grafter and deserve to get away with the missus. Just a real bad bit of luck for that to happen and you not being there.
Hope Your daughter is ok though mate. Stay strong and positive for her and I’m sure she will get over it. 👊🏻
Thanks for the support everyone! Means a hell of a lot 🙌

And sorry for bringing the weekend thread down the other day.

My daughter has been really strong this past week, I take my hat off to her. The police have visited us and said there isn’t much that they can do about it. Apparently this sort of thing is increasing in Newcastle, again.

Please take care when you are out and about having a drink. Having a mad one, or even just going out for a few swifties, these cockroaches are out there lurking.

Just about to roll into my last weekend at home before I leave for work. Hopefully the sun shines long enough for us to have a family BBQ on Saturday.

Take care lads and lasses :D
Thanks for the support everyone! Means a hell of a lot 🙌

And sorry for bringing the weekend thread down the other day.

My daughter has been really strong this past week, I take my hat off to her. The police have visited us and said there isn’t much that they can do about it. Apparently this sort of thing is increasing in Newcastle, again.

Please take care when you are out and about having a drink. Having a mad one, or even just going out for a few swifties, these cockroaches are out there lurking.

Just about to roll into my last weekend at home before I leave for work. Hopefully the sun shines long enough for us to have a family BBQ on Saturday.

Take care lads and lasses :D
Glad to hear she’s on the mend. It’s such a scary thought and does make me think twice sometimes as it’s happening everywhere. Happened to a poor girl at my hotel in Ibiza the other week.

Let’s just hope karma catches up with the scum that did it!
Another warm weekend. Tonight - not much. Drink beer and watch Glastonbury.
Saturday- hot but not much sunshine so after the usual boring house stuff, I’m going to be picking out some random records for a guest slot on a mate’s radio show on soul legends radio. Variety is forefront in my selections for this one. Might start graffing the train I bought at the Beyond Walls exhibition using my new airbrush! Never used one before.
Sunday, full on sunshine so a day laid out in the garden drinking non alcoholic beer until at least 5pm! Mondays with a hungover really aren’t fun.
Rave day. Up at 6am as usual. Back to the 90’s we go.

Full Line-Up Across 2 Rooms
Playing Old Skool Hardcore / Jungle / Drum & Bass

Brockie & Det (’95 - 2005)
DJ Sy & Scratchmaster Techno
Randall & Lenni (Classics Set)
Vibes & Livelee (’94 - 97’ Skelter Classics)
Ellis Dee & Magika
Frenetic & Trafic
Dazee & Bassman
Mistress Mo & Boogieman (30 Years Set)
Tim Ryan & Juiceman (Jungle Classics)
Phase 2 & Biggie (2000s)
Thumpa & Ranski (’93 - ’96)
Diverse B2B Flinty (Wax On)
Mr Dee (Classic House)

Flashback 2023
Saturday 24th June
The Mill, Birmingham
4pm - 3am - 18+ Event
Rave day. Up at 6am as usual. Back to the 90’s we go.

Full Line-Up Across 2 Rooms
Playing Old Skool Hardcore / Jungle / Drum & Bass

Brockie & Det (’95 - 2005)
DJ Sy & Scratchmaster Techno
Randall & Lenni (Classics Set)
Vibes & Livelee (’94 - 97’ Skelter Classics)
Ellis Dee & Magika
Frenetic & Trafic
Dazee & Bassman
Mistress Mo & Boogieman (30 Years Set)
Tim Ryan & Juiceman (Jungle Classics)
Phase 2 & Biggie (2000s)
Thumpa & Ranski (’93 - ’96)
Diverse B2B Flinty (Wax On)
Mr Dee (Classic House)

Flashback 2023
Saturday 24th June
The Mill, Birmingham
4pm - 3am - 18+ Event
Ratpack were the guys finishing off the Telepathy nights in Bow. Sound system turned off? Not a problem.human beatbox with Eversan Allen rocking the mic accappella