Weekend Plans

Taking both my boys for pizza and then Arsenal session today, as boy 2 is off school for an appointment so will be home in time. Sleepover in the cloud as per after that.

Saturday morning visit to a local park I think and then to this: https://barnetmedievalfestival.org/ in the afternoon. Took eldest last year and he loved it.

Saturday night is Champions League Final!

Sunday - off to my folks in the morning, and the kids have a play date in the afternoon.

One day I will post something rock n roll again - happy to relive those days vicariously though some of you lot, right now:cool:
Report back on how tomorrow night is at Pacha, really want to hear how it is. TIA!
Pacha (Pure Pacha) ticked the boxes. The star of the night was Mel C (Sporty Spice). She brought the smoke and energy. I left at 330 in the middle of Shultz because I enjoy sleeping and not a huge fan of some of the EDM stuff.

Got a selfie with the pirate too @FallenangelGparsons

Overall a good night for Pacha.
Pacha (Pure Pacha) ticked the boxes. The star of the night was Mel C (Sporty Spice). She brought the smoke and energy. I left at 330 in the middle of Shultz because I enjoy sleeping and not a huge fan of some of the EDM stuff.

Got a selfie with the pirate too @FallenangelGparsons

Overall a good night for Pacha.
Sounds like a fun night! Thanks for reporting back, appreciate it!
Well well well, the weekend has landed :D

I got my feet back on dry land a few days ago. Managed to make it to footy on Thursday night and even scored a goal! Legs are still felling it now :(

Oldest daughter was at SJP last night to see Sam Fender. She sent a few snapchats, it looked amazing.

While I was away working at sea, she unfortunately had her first car accident. Luckily it wasn’t too bad, she reversed into a parked car. I told her to get the blokes details and I’d sort him out without using the insurance. You know what they’re like, insurance companies, they pull your pants down. So anyway, that was 420 pound down the pan. Trust her to reverse into a BMW with fancy headlights and all that shit.

Took the youngest daughter to her Roller Derby training last night. I swear I will figure out what the hell the rules are one day. Looks like they just skate around battering each other. It certainly tires her right out and she has an early night in bed :D

Chilled weekend really, as we are away to Ibiza on Thursday for a weekend. It hasn’t really sunk in yet if I’m honest. No solid plans for what we are going to do, just make it up as we go along probably.

I managed to catch my hedgehog having a wander around the garden yesterday 🦔 he must have knew I was home. Shifted a half a can of dog foodwithout a problem😄👏

Have a good weekend troops!

Final essay of the year- DONE!

Means I can now start thinking about Glastonbury, woop! And then holiday, woop! And then..........IBIZA! Double woop!

And then back to the sodding MBA in September....

For the rest of this weekend:
Today- Fooooooood and the Champions League final tonight
Tomorrow- 5k around Cheltenham Racecourse as part of my training for the Big Half in LDN in Sept
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Final essay of the year- DONE!

Means I can now start thinking about Glastonbury, woop! And then holiday, woop! And then..........IBIZA! Double woop!

And then back to the sodding MBA in September....

For the rest of this weekend:
Today- Fooooooood and the Champions League final tonight
Tomorrow- 5k around Cheltenham Racecourse as part of my training for the Big Half in LDN in Sept
Congrats!! Enjoy your freedom :-D
Not a bad wkd. After the CL popped along to a tiny club in the 'trendy' poble sec part of town (behind Sala Apolo where there's loads of pintxo bars), a bit dilapidated, about 20 people in the back room. In the dark i thought there were pills on the floor but it was actually bits of rubble from where part of the concrete floor had been destroyed (!) Run by this Uruguayan guy who doesn't spend a € on it. Cracking music. Gotta make the most of these gems before they all turn into coffee shops
Jealous for tomorrow but i'll be there Friday at WHP. Cristoph will be b2b with Franky Wah who was brilliant at Parklife, so looking forward to that one but particularly buzzing for Artbat that night 💃
Anyone go to Parklife this weekend? Seen a few videos of people fighting at it!
Brutally hot at work this week, had to treat everyone to ice creams. Time to treat my self to an ice cold beer.
This has just reminded me of the choc ices in the freezer, excellent.

This weekend is a perfect mish mash of the Ashes, Canadian GP, half marathon training and Glastonbury preparation
Reminds me I’m back on the half marathon training this weekend. Signed up to do the Chippenham half in September.

Found out I passed my masters this week, so I might have one or two wines to celebrate! But on the other hand I think I’m still in need of a detox after Ibiza last week 😂
Congratulations on the masters!

Commiserations for having to go to Chippenham
Reminds me I’m back on the half marathon training this weekend. Signed up to do the Chippenham half in September.

Found out I passed my masters this week, so I might have one or two wines to celebrate! But on the other hand I think I’m still in need of a detox after Ibiza last week 😂