Weekend Plans

Just back from Naples. Possibly the funniest, loudest, dirtiest city I've ever visited. You could not imagine anywhere more Italian. A trully wonderful place, serving up top carbs + a handful of really good fun music bars and wall to wall celebratory scudetto football flags on just about every street, square and back alley. The maradona mural is a must alongside the secret tunnels beneath the city. The buzz around town was electric. More scooters than you've ever seen and no hostility or tv gangland clichés whatsoever. Top bar recommends: Keste, Perditempo, Vesuvius Soul. Well worth checking before the brands move in for the kill.
Keinemusik all night on Saturday in madrid but it's an outdoor event and it is going to rain, gutted I really wanted to go but I am not going to stand in the rain
I went to keinemusik, so glad I went and didn't listen to the weather reports it didn't rain at all! Had a great time! They played africa, rapture 3, Adam Port form of love, and lots of other well known tunes they normally play!

And now back at home and will get enough sleep for work tomorrow

Such a good time! Had a really good dance! Well needed after my ibiza nights didn't hit the mark musically fully

Ibiza 3 in July for dc10 24 th anniversary...feels like ages away

And...water was 3 euros cudnt believe it, feels so strange paying that for water compared to the prices in ibiza
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