Weekend Plans

This is disappointing miss Sparkle. I thought you were a trance addict? Maybe I have you confused with another spotlighter from another post, but regardless,
...olly murs is NEVER, I repeat NEVER a good idea

Haha no, you do have the right person :lol: I am just a good friend to the girls who wanted to go :D
If anyone is in the Midlands today - come down to DDC it's £1.50 entry and has 16 of the best street food traders in the UK.

Aswell as music from
Back in the hometown visiting family this weekend, coincides with the padre's birthday and a big air airshow! Caught the Belgian F-16 yesterday, Typhoon GR4 later - The noise these things produce, gives me goosebumps!!
Chilled one this weekend.

Lost Village festival next weekend. Really looking forward to it. Great line up and plenty I've not heard of, hope to hear some great new music!