Huzzah! I love Fridays! Leave my desk (at home) early, hop on the tube to meet the eldest at Arsenal at 4, lovely pizza on the Holloway Road before back in to Arsenal for his footy session at 5, then home for sleepover in the cloud. Just the eldest tonight, as the youngest has got his first 'away' sleepover.
Guitar lesson for the eldest in the morning, then I've got a footy match against the bottom of the league side, who have been shipping goals for fun. Considering putting myself up front

. Saturday night is early pre-Xmas meet up with my oldest and best school friends.Are Indian restuarants that show Premiership footy common nationwide? We've got 3 very good ones in our area, so Wolves vs Arsenal and some great food ahoy!
Sunday is the usual script, take the kids to my folks, and as the weather looks ok, may avoid the soft play this week and get them on bikes at the park. Might sneak a peak at Fulham v Man U.
I'll obviously also be listening to some obscure music from an underground Berlin (is it still Berlin?) based producer you would't have heard of, and sneaking fat lines while ironing the kids pyjamas.