Weekend Plans

Just had my first festival since 2019 @ Thuishaven Amsterdam. It was AMAZING!
Everyone had to be tested for entry, no distance, no masks, no rules, just dancing the day and night away. Never experienced such a vibe, everyone was smiling ear to ear.
I want that so bad....anymore festivals coming up there?
Tonnizle: Meet my boy at Arsenal after school for his inclusive footy session. Then sleepover in the cloud (see previous for explanation)

Tomozzle: Youngest is self-isolating, so may take oldest out and about. All bit weird, given we all live in the same house and will sleep in the same bed tonight

Sundizzle: Similar issue around keeping kids separately entertained, but obviously, all eyes on the 8 o'clock kick off.....
Birthday weekend and doing a DJ stream for charity. Football Sunday!

Off to see Black Widow tonight, should be good!
I'm still in quarantine. It's now day 5 (out of 7). It feels like I'm being punished for having been to Ibiza. Although it was totally worth it.

Today: Not much going on. I might go for a walk this evening.

Saturday: Long road bike trip.

Sunday: Probably hike up a nearby mountain, then watch the dramz at Wembley.

Monday morning: Bike ride to the local hospital for a PCR test, after which I'm a free man again.
my wife's birthday week is coming up - usually we don't just celebrate it on the day, but in very typical spanish way, it's turning into a week of good times.

starts tonight with a dinner at home by a friend who's just back visiting, then on monday we do a nice small surprise villa party (monday as it's our usual dc10/cocoon day of course) where a few family and close friends fly in just for the occasion and she has no idea about it! tuesday hangover and then a nice BBQ on weds which is her actual birthday.

still more bits planned and more ideas coming up. gonna be a busy time!