Weekend Plans

Big weekend in Nyc. Tonight brings Scuba, Shackleton, and Anthony Parasole for Blk Market and tomorrow Papa Sven at Flash Factory as the warm up followed by Sonja Moonear and ZIP for Resolute, going to need to nap at work in a few hours in preparation.
Jealous of you guys heading over this weekend! Have a good one and look forward to your reports :twisted:

I've started to get very excited about heading over in a month. First time in years I'm properly up it :D
Jealous of you guys heading over this weekend! Have a good one and look forward to your reports :twisted:

I've started to get very excited about heading over in a month. First time in years I'm properly up it :D
When were you last there Evo?
I've not had a proper night out for nearly 2 months. Heading down to Ministry to check out this Dolby Atmos set up. Doorly & Switch using it, also Maxxi Sound System who I think is very under rated on warm up duties.

Shame Golf Clap are in the loft room as I think they are decent too. Should be good
Big weekend in Nyc. Tonight brings Scuba, Shackleton, and Anthony Parasole for Blk Market and tomorrow Papa Sven at Flash Factory as the warm up followed by Sonja Moonear and ZIP for Resolute, going to need to nap at work in a few hours in preparation.

Sounds like a blast. Would love to hear how Flash Factory is if you don't mind sharing. Heard good things but have yet to go.

I haven't had many big club nights out this year since I'm saving up for Ibiza, but I may make an exception for Seth Troxler and the Martinez Bros. day/night party at Output on July 4 weekend. Wow.
Just spotted our favourite Frenchman outside sa trinxa with his drum! What a hero!
What a trooper.Love him. So many meet ups planned, it has to end badly 9out 10 times..Love reading the reviews.. f***in brilliant.and he doesn't give a shit..legend
Went to one of the funniest one-dayers i can remember yesterday - a free reggae/dub/dnb festival in the poble nou district of Barcelona. A total free for all. never see so many white rastas and crusties. (maybe counted 11 black people!) An equivalent in UK would have fences and would be crawling with hi viz nazis everywhere. this one had no security and was really good natured. no dickheads. Shame about the loos though - the girls were in some distress...

NITSA was excellent on Friday at sala apolo. surely has to be the longest running night in europe after subculture? Deepchord played beautiful warm atmospheric techno whilst italo connection did a live PA in the other room. Ace.
Sounds like a blast. Would love to hear how Flash Factory is if you don't mind sharing. Heard good things but have yet to go.

Always happy to share, here comes the essay. Not sure if this may require its own thread or something of that nature but here goes.

For starter's, this was my first visit to Flash Factory (opened in January as Manhattans new mega club for those who dont know), as I tend to give things time in NYC to develop, work the kinks out and let the hype blow over.Flash Factory definitely had a ton of money thrown into the development of it and the design is impressive. The sound is absolutely thumping but it will be really overbearing for someone who isn't expecting it. I was with my girlfriend who was noticeably having an issue with the sound and luckily a bouncer had a fresh set of ear plugs he gave to her so I handed him over a 10 spot which would end up working favorably for us. I'm not old enough to make comparisons to the likes of Sound Factory and Limelight but there is definitely a throwback element going on at Flash in that you have the drag queens, club kids, dealers, and wide eyed party girls all in the same club so it is definitely a melting pot. None of that concerns me and Im not even bothered by the $10 beers and $7 waters.

On to the actual music. Caught about 45 min of Enzo who was playing some proper warmup stuff maybe even a little harder prior to Papa Sven coming on and things were moving along nicely. Sven came out with what I believe was a Prince track followed by a little bit of a slower paced vocal track which I think was something of an Ame remix or edit. Thereafter, the techno was in full force, a lot of very tough sounding tracks quite harder than i expected actually but was more than pleasantly surprised (I've mentioned before on the boards I've never caught a Sven club room set at Cocoon, but I'd imagine this set was that kind of direction).

The problem. Flash Factory totally trying to pose as something which it is not. It definitely is difficult for clubs in Manhattan to stay open well into the night but I've seen the likes of Luciano, Marco Carola, and Sven as well play to 6, 7am at either Marquee or Space 'Ibiza nyc'. At around 4 the volume took a real heavy turn down and then at around 415 Sven got on the mic and i believe his exact words were "New York I love you but i was told i need to stop playing so this is the last track". I cant really say that i was shocked but what a disaster in my opinion to bring Sven Vath, a techno icon, out to this club and then have to deal with the old "sorry we have to pull the plug". So after that the club basically just stopped, not sure i really understand it, and there was no police presence or anything like that from what i saw but i have heard from others that this is pretty common place at Flash Factory. I wasn't really expecting the party to go much beyond 530, but to completely shut it down at around 420 just seemed ridiculous to me. I'm pretty sure Sven himself was ready for a solid 4 hour set.

For those who don't know, new york state liquor laws state no sale of alcohol after 4am. So that is definitely something that makes you wonder how it factors into what happened with night ending abruptly for the club. All in all, I'm not sure I would go back again and I had originally planned to get right back over for Len Faki next weekend but the inconsistency with closing times and outright shutting the place down without warning is not for me. There are for sure some positives especially with some of the bookings coming through there but I just cant imagine looking at what happened, how could Sven would ever come back to this spot? Happy I made the stop in to catch the Papa play some tunes but I wouldnt recommend it to anyone who is well into the scene and going out solely for the music. It seems a little more of a carnival, which is fine and will always draw a crowd, but its not my thing.
I'm not old enough to make comparisons to the likes of Sound Factory and Limelight but there is definitely a throwback element going on at Flash in that you have the drag queens, club kids, dealers, and wide eyed party girls all in the same club so it is definitely a melting pot

as the best nights are

but yeah sounds like the ghost of giuliani still influencing policy...

interesting post. my cousin lives in brooklyn - says there's always loft/warehouse parties and stuff + v good sound system at starvue.
I might have asked before, and please note, I'm not asking where to get anything etc, but do people get on it at parties in New York. I was the impression that even possession could get you serious jail time and wondered if the 'atmosphere' lacked the enhancements the culture is so heavily joined with?
Saturday night - best mate's stag do in Pompey. Not electronic music fans, so I expect it'll be beer, beer, beer followed by Tiger Tiger, or something of the like. Only a small group, part of me hopes the rest flake early so I can sneak off to catch Todd Terry & Rhythm Masters at the festival afterparty.

Sunday morning - check-out B&B > throw-up > eat breakfast > catch train to Essex (not necessarily in that order)

Sunday = We Are FSTVL... for my sins!!

Ideally would rather be Lincolnshire bound and heading to Lost Village, but vast majority of mates are heading to Upminster, and can't quibble with the line-up (even if overall the clientele will leave a little to be desired!)

Sunday night - got tickets for Rodhad & Radio Slave at Oval Space. Chances are nobody else is gonna fancy this, so I expect they'll go to waste! :( More likely to end up at a soulless afterparty. Still, rather that than work!
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Saturday night - best mate's stag do in Pompey. Not electronic music fans, so I expect it'll be beer, beer, beer followed by Tiger Tiger, or something of the like...

Went to Pompey uni and it's pretty dire for club nights if you have any kind of taste in music whatsoever. Pretty much a generic Liquid/Envy/Tiger set up. There are a few decent pubs around if you’re going to do a bit of a crawl beforehand though.

Sunday = We Are FSTVL... for my sins!!

Same here, going for both Saturday and Sunday - can't wait. Will be a nice warm up for Ibiza. Hoping the weather holds.

Also debating going to fabric on Sunday for Sasha and/or Dave Clarke. I think I'll have to play that by ear though depending on how I'm feeling after FSTVL...
Went to Pompey uni and it's pretty dire for club nights if you have any kind of taste in music whatsoever. Pretty much a generic Liquid/Envy/Tiger set up. There are a few decent pubs around if you’re going to do a bit of a crawl beforehand though.

Yeah, I can't say I've ever really rated a night on the tiles there. But every now and again there's something decent going on at the Astoria or if Love Amplified are throwing a party.

Doing Albert Road in Southsea early doors before moving to Gun Wharf i think is the tentative plan. Bite to eat at Gin + Olive.

Also debating going to fabric on Saturday for Sasha and/or Dave Clarke. I think I'll have to play that by ear though depending on how I'm feeling after FSTVL...

This was on the cards for me until the stag do got announced! Fur Coat too. Check-out their recent afterhours mix for Radio 1. Quality