Weekend Plans

Friday - Chillax on me lonesome 8)

Saturday - Dinner and Theatre for a second date - well im saying take 2 of date 1 seeing i got sooo bloody trashed on saturday and cant remember any of it :lol: clearly i didnt leave a bad impression seeing he wants to see me again :eek:


Sunday - Depends on Saturday ;)

Enjoy will be amazing i missed when in bristol but big thumbs up from my mates that went
Fri: No children, going to try real hard to stay in, and fail miserably.

Sat: Friends over then drive to Manchester for overnight stay and to see Roger Waters perform The Wall at MEN arena (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbhBDuL7TAs&feature=player_embedded#at=34). My most anticipated music gig since, well ever really as never saw Floyd in their pomp. Try and persuade friends Sankeys is a good idea after the concert:spank::lol:

Sun: Home & reunited with children.
Fri - dinner at the folks - not seen them in about 2 weeks and not got time to fit them in this weekend :oops:

Sat - breakfast with friends, really need the weather to be nice for this one as we really want to go to this cute little cafe on the bowling green near us, the breakfasts look amazing but we need to sit outside really, makes it cuter! Rest of day not sure, prob a quiet one in Sat night

Sun - meeting a pregnant friend at Bluewater who I havent seen since Jan and then dinner at the BFs parents
Friday - Chillax on me lonesome 8)

Saturday - Dinner and Theatre for a second date - well im saying take 2 of date 1 seeing i got sooo bloody trashed on saturday and cant remember any of it :lol: clearly i didnt leave a bad impression seeing he wants to see me again :eek:


Sunday - Depends on Saturday ;)

I LOVE the theatre! Seen a few in the last year or so - Dirty Dancing, Billy Elliott, Priscilla Queen of the Desert

Thinking about it seen all these with the girls so prob not a date place so to speak :lol:
I LOVE the theatre! Seen a few in the last year or so - Dirty Dancing, Billy Elliott, Priscilla Queen of the Desert

Thinking about it seen all these with the girls so prob not a date place so to speak :lol:

I wana see Grease and Oliver :D

I have got a gooden with this guy im dating, he loves all the same things as me :D
I LOVE the theatre! Seen a few in the last year or so - Dirty Dancing, Billy Elliott, Priscilla Queen of the Desert

Thinking about it seen all these with the girls so prob not a date place so to speak :lol:

I saw this on Broadway in NYC a few weeks ago. Camptastic8)
central london on saturday evenings is always rammed with packs of loud, portly, middle-aged women from the home counties or the united states on their way to watch musicals

one of the most compelling reasons (and there are many) to avoid central London like the plague
Im 23 so is this going to effect my understanding of what the hell you 2 are going on about :oops: :lol:

(Ollys now thinking no your pure ignorance and blondeness might tho) haha

I actually think you're a lot smarter than you make out. I think the ditzy/blonde bombshell/girl about town in maidstone/beefa uncovered image is all an act, an elaborate hoax to lull people into a false sense of security and that you're actually doing a masters in nucleonics at Cambridge. You didn't have me fooled though!
I actually think you're a lot smarter than you make out. I think the ditzy/blonde bombshell/girl about town in maidstone/beefa uncovered image is all an act, an elaborate hoax to lull people into a false sense of security and that you're actually doing a masters in nucleonics at Cambridge. You didn't have me fooled though!

I reckon she's an alias log-in of yours ol' mucker!;)