
stashing stuff inside a clean diaper (that to others looks dirty)
Some ideas in that.Good New York Times article on how you can protect your stuff on the beach.
I'm with you I'm not a violent person but if I catch someone with hands in my pocket my instinct will be to throw one (6ft 3 and 100kg so it won't tickle)I don't condone violence but if I caught a 1 of them little rats with there hands in my pockets I wouldn't think twice to sticking 1 on them! Vermin the lot of them. I dread to think how much they make per night.
I've been a victim before this year I've bought a leather phone case with a hand strap. Simple tying the hand strap to the piece on my shorts where a belter goes through
Ive just come back from Benidorm and it was the same. A couple tried telling my mate the cashpoint doesnt work as he put his card in they tried to type his pin code in, so just as the card came out he grabbed it quick turned and hit him square in the face proceeding the other one to run.
Wankers just have your wits about you
Yeah had something similar from the airport in Madrid, it's amazing how obvious they can be spotted if you're got your wits about you. Two blokes got on at either end of the carriage, eye contact, came and stood behind me (I had my backpack facing the middle of the carriage), could see them both eyeing up my backpack and then each other as they moved closer until one was stood next to me and the other came and stood the other side. Soon as I turned around and kept making eye contact with the bloke immediately next to me they both got off at the next station.Was at privelege for supermartxe other night. Was my missus 1st time in ibiza and I clocked my eyes on a couple of 40/50 year old blokes working together in there eying people's stuff up including my missus bag. 1 min they was 10 metres away from her next they were either side of her. Swiftly pulled her away but just shows how easy pickings you are if your not looking out for it. To be honest I thought they stuck out a mile away
Because they said it didnt work, doing it the way my friend was.I don't get why they were trying to put in the code? They didn't know about the code before hand did they?
How does the little dance work? They actually come up to you and dance and put hands on your hips? ...