The 'L' Word

Agreed, mine is on my back so nobody as a clue I have one which I like, although I must say I like the wrist ones but not sure my work would!

I have 3 tats all above the elbow, people are surprised when the see that I have them. If I wear a tank top you can see them.
I have one on my lower back too, because of work I can't have any piercings or any other tatoos where you can see them so I'm in two minds at th emo about wether I should get one on my rib cage or my foot !!
Agreed, mine is on my back so nobody as a clue I have one which I like, although I must say I like the wrist ones but not sure my work would!

I ve got one on the inside of my right wrist and always knew i wanted one there, but also because i can cover it up, if and when i please with a watch 8)
so I'm in two minds at th emo about wether I should get one on my rib cage or my foot !!

I would LOVE one all down the side of my rib cage and i kinda know i wont regret it because whats the point in regretting things in life, but im guessing after babies and generally getting old with age, it wont look soo good in maybe 40 years :lol:
As for piercings I mean in a very private place :lol:

Best sex I ever had .... go for it.

Put off when she dropped her knickers and you saw a jewellery store ? Man up already !! As long as rapture doesn't turn to rupture you've nothing to fear :lol:
Best sex I ever had .... go for it.

Put off when she dropped her knickers and you saw a jewellery store ? Man up already !! As long as rapture doesn't turn to rupture you've nothing to fear :lol:

Personally i couldnt think of anything worse on either sex :eek:

My Bro has got his you know what done and is proud as anything with it, maybe not as proud now, seeing hes got a 1 year old bubby :lol:
Not into piercings myself, especially down there on the ladies and don't even ask me to have one on my bits, err no effing way:rolleyes:

Think its my old fashioned streak lol

Tattoos can look very sexy in the right place on ladies though:p
I was seeing a girl a couple of years ago who'd had it done, she loved it!......

and so did i!