The 'L' Word

Ha ha thanks. Should keep her ticking over cause if she thinks I'm going to be ringing her every day when I'm in Ibiza she can think again lol :lol:
This thread is turning into a chick flick :eek:......its times like this that I miss Olly to bring a sobering dose of reality to affairs
Ill be your Olly... What's the difference between love and infatuation? Surely if you're just a couple of months in, it's too early to say. Will you still love him 3 years in, when he's sitting on the couch with a beer belly, asking you bring him another beer and picking his nose? :lol:

I've learned to switch off my love impulses, though. I think any love I've ever felt has always been unrequited and ended with crushing feelings of disappointment and self-loathing, so I need to for my mental health. lol
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Ill be your Olly... What's the difference between love and infatuation? Surely if you're just a couple of months in, it's too early to say. Will you still love him 3 years in, when he's sitting on the couch with a beer belly, asking you bring him another beer and picking his nose? :lol:

See monogamy thread. :lol:

Love is about a moment - not a commitment.

Commitment is great so long as it doesn't inhibit the natural flow. (which it so often does in today's 'happily ever after, LET'S BREED MORE CHILDREN' world)
Love - by most people's understanding of it - is a very strong bond. How do we know Vic's bloke isn't feeling infatuation or plain old lust? :twisted:

As Haddaway asked, What is love? :lol:

Maybe this is where Buddhism comes in? A 'concept' that can't really fit with reality. Your love might be different from my love.
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Ill be your Olly... What's the difference between love and infatuation? Surely if you're just a couple of months in, it's too early to say. Will you still love him 3 years in, when he's sitting on the couch with a beer belly, asking you bring him another beer and picking his nose? :lol:

I've learned to switch off my love impulses, though. I think any love I've ever felt has always been unrequited and ended with crushing feelings of disappointment and self-loathing, so I need to for my mental health. lol

Thanks for sharing.
Ill be your Olly... What's the difference between love and infatuation? Surely if you're just a couple of months in, it's too early to say. Will you still love him 3 years in, when he's sitting on the couch with a beer belly, asking you bring him another beer and picking his nose? :lol:

I've learned to switch off my love impulses, though. I think any love I've ever felt has always been unrequited and ended with crushing feelings of disappointment and self-loathing, so I need to for my mental health. lol

Love above the belt, infatuation is that feeling you get below the belt. Sometimes infatuation can last for months.
Ha ha thanks. Should keep her ticking over cause if she thinks I'm going to be ringing her every day when I'm in Ibiza she can think again lol :lol:

hahahahahahaha im sure most blokes now are thinking 'sweet move mate, i might try that' ;) :lol:
Ill be your Olly... What's the difference between love and infatuation? Surely if you're just a couple of months in, it's too early to say. Will you still love him 3 years in, when he's sitting on the couch with a beer belly, asking you bring him another beer and picking his nose? :lol:

I've learned to switch off my love impulses, though. I think any love I've ever felt has always been unrequited and ended with crushing feelings of disappointment and self-loathing, so I need to for my mental health. lol

It might sound odd but because both him and i are all about self preservation etc, as in we both like to keep fit and keep our bodies in good nick, and also dont like eating alot of naughty food yet appareciate good food in moderation, i am preety confident i will always fancy him physically and generaly still love him....(god i feel sick writing this :lol:)

As for switching off your love impulses...i used to always refer to my barriers but trust me, when you meet the right person and you know it, them barriers get deleted :confused: as mine clearly have :eek:
i think love can mean different things at different stages in your life. its quite possible in a few years u could be looking back thinking "what was i thinking that wasnt love at all" and be in a totally different situation. Or you may still be with him feeling the same , or stronger.

Ive only had 2 serious relationships and been in love both times but they were totally different. I think your first real 'love' knocks you off your feet and is quite intense. Also maybe the hardest to walk away from. But I see so many ppl who get that first love and think it will be forever cos thats what it feels like at the time and most of them have split up or if they have stayed together are now married!
That was alot of posts...
Love is love. I'm in Love with my gf. Have been for a long time. The thought of proper commitment still terrifies me, but that kind of stuff can be worked through. I can't (and haven't for two years) see myself with anyone else.
See monogamy thread. :lol:

Love is about a moment - not a commitment.

Commitment is great so long as it doesn't inhibit the natural flow. (which it so often does in today's 'happily ever after, LET'S BREED MORE CHILDREN' world)

Maybe we could amalgamate the monogamy, the dogging and love thread into one:lol::lol::lol: