The 'L' Word

Ive only had 2 serious relationships and been in love both times but they were totally different. I think your first real 'love' knocks you off your feet and is quite intense. Also maybe the hardest to walk away from. But I see so many ppl who get that first love and think it will be forever cos thats what it feels like at the time and most of them have split up or if they have stayed together are now married!

After the stupid number of guys i have dated / seen and got with i am preety dam sure about this one...

I think in the past 2 years i have probably had maybe 50-60 dates and after each one my standards list for the 'perfect guy for me' got longer and longer :rolleyes: to the point my GF was saying 'maybe you need to lower your standards' then WACK from no where i meet Ian and he is everything and more than i could of ever wanted in a bf and whats funny is...

He is exactly me but male (and in a not girly way obviously :lol:) but i didnt realise it would be someone like me that would be perfect for me :D
That was alot of posts...
Love is love. I'm in Love with my gf. Have been for a long time. The thought of proper commitment still terrifies me, but that kind of stuff can be worked through. I can't (and haven't for two years) see myself with anyone else.

I defo cant see myself with anyone else and whats scary is i can see me marrying him and him fathering my children :eek: now that is scary sh*t :lol:
not the kind of topic i was expecting.....

i think love can mean different things at different stages in your life. its quite possible in a few years u could be looking back thinking "what was i thinking that wasnt love at all" and be in a totally different situation. Or you may still be with him feeling the same , or stronger.

Ive only had 2 serious relationships and been in love both times but they were totally different. I think your first real 'love' knocks you off your feet and is quite intense. Also maybe the hardest to walk away from. But I see so many ppl who get that first love and think it will be forever cos thats what it feels like at the time and most of them have split up or if they have stayed together are now married!

Totally agree with this
Oh nooooooo massive booooo, although think of how much fun yo will have when he gets back ;) :)

Now get told he's going earlier than we first thought :spank:

buuut that means its more likely that he will defo be back for Christmas and im more bothered about that :D
then WACK from no where i meet Ian and he is everything and more than i could of ever wanted in a bf and whats funny is...

Have only just dared to start reading this thread as someone who can't really handle lovey doveyness very well at the best of times .. passionate sex maybe but smoochy schmultz - err taxiiiii ! ...

The one thing which really puzzles me is .. how the man I thought was called "Ray" now seems to have become this "Ian" ...

what are you not telling us, xxVic-zeexx ? :twisted:
It might sound odd but because both him and i are all about self preservation etc, as in we both like to keep fit and keep our bodies in good nick, and also dont like eating alot of naughty food yet appareciate good food in moderation, i am preety confident i will always fancy him physically and generaly still love him....(god i feel sick writing this :lol:)

But what if he can't keep his body in 'good nick' because he is ill or has an accident? You can no longer do the things you enjoy together through ill health, not just for a week, or a month but year after year? If you still are there for him then, if you still feel the same, if his needs are before your own then yes, you love him.

The rest of of it to me is the selfishness of excitement, real love is the selfless feelings one has for another.
Have only just dared to start reading this thread as someone who can't really handle lovey doveyness very well at the best of times .. passionate sex maybe but smoochy schmultz - err taxiiiii ! ...

The one thing which really puzzles me is .. how the man I thought was called "Ray" now seems to have become this "Ian" ...

what are you not telling us, xxVic-zeexx ? :twisted:

Have to agree, it's pretty boring reading about love. We need more dogging and promiscuity threads :lol::lol:
Yeah, enough already with the sharing of feelings and tales of romance and heatbreak. i vommed in my mouth after reading some of the posts on here.

I thought this was a thread about lesbians.