The 'L' Word

But what if he can't keep his body in 'good nick' because he is ill or has an accident? You can no longer do the things you enjoy together through ill health, not just for a week, or a month but year after year? If you still are there for him then, if you still feel the same, if his needs are before your own then yes, you love him.

The rest of of it to me is the selfishness of excitement, real love is the selfless feelings one has for another.

Totally hear what youre saying and it would definately be a test of what our relationship or any relationship can handle, some are strong and some are weak but until that time happens you just never know.....

Totally agree with the last part, nail on head with that one 8)
Yeah, enough already with the sharing of feelings and tales of romance and heatbreak. i vommed in my mouth after reading some of the posts on here.

I thought this was a thread about lesbians.

Lol i think youre just jealous ;)

I can start a lesbian thread if you would like ?!....doubt many females in here would contribute or would know what to contribute towards it tho :lol:

so we shall carry on posting in here like love sick teenagers :p
Have only just dared to start reading this thread as someone who can't really handle lovey doveyness very well at the best of times .. passionate sex maybe but smoochy schmultz - err taxiiiii ! ...

The one thing which really puzzles me is .. how the man I thought was called "Ray" now seems to have become this "Ian" ...

what are you not telling us, xxVic-zeexx ? :twisted:

Ray is no longer with us

The way i see it is, its easy to remove piercings so get get whatever you like pierced...

As for tattoos, i always think its wise to get them in an area which is easily covered up 8)
The way i see it is, its easy to remove piercings so get get whatever you like pierced...

As for tattoos, i always think its wise to get them in an area which is easily covered up 8)

Agreed, mine is on my back so nobody as a clue I have one which I like, although I must say I like the wrist ones but not sure my work would!