The 'L' Word

Best sex I ever had .... go for it.

Put off when she dropped her knickers and you saw a jewellery store ? Man up already !! As long as rapture doesn't turn to rupture you've nothing to fear :lol:

When you see 20 to 30 rings down there come talk to me. I don't tell people what to do with their bodies but sometimes a good thing goes wrong.
I think I would have still put any reservations aside and dug in.

What happened to love? :lol:

Now that would be real Love !!

Think I might have managed to have a 'taste' before deciding whether I could handle digging in for the main course..

Kind of an "amuse bouche" approach
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Not brave, just enslaved to my desires. :lol:

If I see a decent ***** in front of me, I'm hardly going to turn it down. :D
Her name is Jemma, my nan used to call me Jemimah Puddleduck though dunno why ??? :)

:confused: .. sorry, completely thought you were using the word 'mate' in the context of a more personal relationship with yourself !! Male logic for you, eh !! :lol: