Spotlight Book Group

Those who like Danny Wallace, might also like to check out any of John Ronson's three books:


Similar, but different.
Over Christmas I read:

Gary Barlow's autobiography (thanks Babs :lol: ). Loved it, cried at the end. :oops: Not bad for possibly the most boring bloke on the planet. :lol:

:lol: Don't tell people we read Gary Barlow autobiographies, it ruins our cultured literary image :lol:

"On Beauty" by Zadie Frost. Really good read, but she's clearly too clever for me - I didn't realise it was meant to be a modern reworking of "Howard's End".

I am reading White Teeth at the moment cos I realised I have never read it, I am enjoying it so far altho this morning on the tube the new issue of Grazia took precendence :lol:
I am reading White Teeth at the moment cos I realised I have never read it, I am enjoying it so far altho this morning on the tube the new issue of Grazia took precendence :lol:

Zaddie Smith is a star, and White Teeth is one of my fav books.
Holly, do you recommend On Beauty?
:lol: Don't tell people we read Gary Barlow autobiographies, it ruins our cultured literary image :lol:

Well I wrote Zadie Frost instead of Zadie Smith, so it's obvious that I read more Heat magazine than literary novels. :lol:

If I'd just kept quiet, everyone would still believe we were a pair of sensible tweed-wearing librarians. Dammit.
Well I wrote Zadie Frost instead of Zadie Smith, so it's obvious that I read more Heat magazine than literary novels. :lol:

If I'd just kept quiet, everyone would still believe we were a pair of sensible tweed-wearing librarians. Dammit.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I hadn't even noticed you'd put Frost instead of Smith :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh let's stick to what we're good at, we're not fooling anyone here :oops: :lol:
Zaddie Smith is a star, and White Teeth is one of my fav books.
Holly, do you recommend On Beauty?

I don't think it's quite as good as White Teeth. Also if you haven't been to Oxford or Harvard, some of the references may go over your head (well they went over mine :lol: ) but she writes brilliantly about families and relationships and there's some very funny comic scenes.

Have you read "Autograph Man" Sil?

(Barbie, do I sound intellectual? :lol: )
Over Christmas I read:

Gary Barlow's autobiography (thanks Babs :lol: ). Loved it, cried at the end. :oops:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm reading that million little pieces at the mo - love it too! :eek: Haven't been this moved by a book in ages. :eek:

A short history about tractors in the Ukraine was good too.
Cormac McCarthy: The Road.

Loved it - read it straight though.

Strongly reccommend this book.
I don't think it's quite as good as White Teeth. Also if you haven't been to Oxford or Harvard, some of the references may go over your head (well they went over mine :lol: ) but she writes brilliantly about families and relationships and there's some very funny comic scenes.

Have you read "Autograph Man" Sil?

(Barbie, do I sound intellectual? :lol: )

I have Autograph Man at home, but it's a cheap edition and the typo is so small that I'm scared to end blind :eek: Is it any good? I may buy a new edition of it instead of On beauty.
Gracias :D
Over Christmas I read:

Gary Barlow's autobiography (thanks Babs :lol: ). Loved it, cried at the end. :oops: Not bad for possibly the most boring bloke on the planet. :lol:

"On Beauty" by Zadie Smith. Really good read, but she's clearly too clever for me - I didn't realise it was meant to be a modern reworking of "Howard's End".

"The Disappearing Act of Esme Lennox" by Maggie O'Farrell. Also really enjoyed this, but I didn't like the ending.:confused:

I've just finished his Gary Barlows book too. :oops: :lol:
I really liked it.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm reading that million little pieces at the mo - love it too! :eek: Haven't been this moved by a book in ages. :eek:

A short history about tractors in the Ukraine was good too.

For gods sake don't mention that book 'A million pieces' :lol:
Actually Morbyd's on hols isn't he. :lol:
Oooo, a book club....I didnt know....

Just read over the past few weeks.....

Girl With a One Track Mind - Abby Lee
Fashion Babylon
Nigel Slater - Toast

and am currently reading Blood, Sweat and Tea - Tom Reynolds.

ALL....brilliant reads.:D
Over Christmas I read:

Gary Barlow's autobiography (thanks Babs :lol: ). Loved it, cried at the end. :oops: Not bad for possibly the most boring bloke on the planet. :lol:

Not read that yet.....I love trashy biographies.....Danielle Westbrook...Jordan.....Jodie Marsh....Billie.....Alex name it, I´ve read it:oops:

I dont know why I read them....I put it down to being a nosey bint....:oops: :lol:
:lol: Did you do that :lol: I had to double check that I hadn't actually written that myself cos that is the kind of thing I'd say :oops: :lol:

:lol: :lol:
I'm sure you buy your books in paperback to make them look nice in your lounge :lol: :lol:
Tom said: have you seen how many books Sar owns?
and I said: I'm more impressed to see how many of them are pink :eek: :lol: