Spotlight Book Group

Is Fashion Babylon as good as her Hotel and Air Babylon Lou?? I can't wait to read it but I want to wait for it to come into paperback cos I do most of my reading on the tube.

Yeah, I really enjoyed it....I think Hotel Babylon was the best read though....
Have you read any of the other Danny Wallace books?? I loved Join Me and Are you Dave Gorman, wasn't overly impressed with Googlewhack Adventures tho.

a bit late in the day but I read 'are you dave gorman' for first time last week - the first few chapters are extremely funny but I think it loses steam later on, as you can see what's coming a mile off, when the destinations predictably get more and more outlandish. It did however help to disrupt the monotony of the easyjet experience
I read shed loads of books on the commute to work but I am absolutely crap at remembering them afterwards :lol:

At home I'm STILL wresting with Jack Kerouac's On The Road after about 6 months of picking it up and putting it down. I feel like it's one of those seminal books that I ought to read but secretly I'm thinking really it's just a bit boring.