Space Closing 2016

ha you were lucky. someone's cancelled their tickets and you've been quick enough.

just so everyone knows - that wasn't a ticket release. simply someone cancelling two tickets and therefore they have become available again in the shop. this can happen anytime really.
haha very lucky, been refreshing the page every 5 minutes for weeks... can finally relax now! ;)
They're not doing egg apparently. Baguettes are banned as its believed some may use as a weapon, it's health and safety gone mad imo.
Christ better make sure I get in early enough just so i can have a standard bacon sarnie. Hopefully i won't use up too much of my spends on this....
i plan on doing the entire thing pretty much completely sober except for a few drinks until about 4am rolls around and i make my way down from el salon....then its pedal to metal! :D
This is my exact plan! But things never seem to go to plan, going to have to resist a lot of temptation!
ha you were lucky. someone's cancelled their tickets and you've been quick enough.

just so everyone knows - that wasn't a ticket release. simply someone cancelling two tickets and therefore they have become available again in the shop. this can happen anytime really.
How close do you get for selling out other events? Must say i havent been to a club yet where it says "SOLD OUT" in the window, and the way clubs get rammed to the rafters it always makes me wonder if such thing exists
Im planning on just sipping a few refreshing beers till early a.m but i know with giddiness and 'getting the taste for it' the shit will more than likely hit the fan. I might end up stumbling about but it certainly wont be out the door... ;)
ha you were lucky. someone's cancelled their tickets and you've been quick enough.

just so everyone knows - that wasn't a ticket release. simply someone cancelling two tickets and therefore they have become available again in the shop. this can happen anytime really.

That's how I snagged mine a couple days ago too. Gotta rely on dumb luck when you're 9+ hours off from Spanish business hours; sales get announced and sell out while you sleep! Speaking of about a middle-of-the-night sale for one of these next tranches, for those in distant time zones? An insomniac's special ;)
You can hold hotels on and cancel a week before. I booked my flight from london managed to get it for £100. I've held about 6 hotels ranging from basic at around £100 pp to £320pp but that is all inc then I dont have to worry about booze and food in the day!

Why do you need to hold 6 hotel rooms?!? Why not just do what everyone else does and pick a hotel you like and book it?