I queued for about 30mins just after 7pm. The ticket queue was much longer than the 2 paying queues but i did get in before people who joined those at the same time.
I bought 10x long drink vouchers (€160) and decided id try and do a drink per hour with the 2 'free' ones also.
Saw Javi Bora, Darius & the start of Steve Lawler. Went front left about 20 yards back from stage. Plenty of room.
Went for a wander into the terrace and caught Eli & Fur. Very good (to look at

) bit deep for that time i thought then saw Bob Sinclar who i thought was fantastic. Big party tunes, just what was needed. Caught the end of Zabiela playing Stranger to Stability then went to see Alex P & Block, just looked like 2 drunken party animals to me

. did my first pizza stop at this point.
Wasnt hungry or lacking energy but was planning ahead.
Caught the start of Cox outside before making my way into the terrace again. I was standing in line with the dj booth but at the back by a pillar. Busy but enough room to dance. Stayed for Morillo (only time i heard Oxia -Domino) and Sanchez.
Then went to the sunset terrace and met Stivi, looking very suave in his black suit & hat, elmooreo & one other forum member whos name i forget (apologies). Good chat and dance before moving on.
Caught first 30mins of Sasha before going to the terrace again for Kolsch, Eats & Yousef.
About 6am i was starting to feel it, legs and back were in some discomfort. Went and got more pizza then went for a 30min sit down in El Salon.
Felt like a new man after this. Headed to the main room where i remained for the rest of the morning. (Popped up to Premier Etage for a bit of sunshine dancing too.) Stood on the right hand side, upper level, plenty of dancing room.
Carl & Nic B2B is such a good pairing, so much energy and good music. Good to see Solomun pop in and seemed to be having a good laugh . People desperate for one more track but once the curtain came across that was it.
I never felt uncomfortable but it was very busy. Was difficult to get a drink at times, some bar staff were all over the place. Spent €340 including ticket. Worth every cent.