
ah allen says you just think you enjoy it!

are you glad you started?

I wish I'd never started, I swear it must be easier to give up crack than cigarettes :twisted:

2 and a half cigarettes last night, I'm such a failure I fall at the first hurdle :cry: :spank:
I wish I'd never started, I swear it must be easier to give up crack than cigarettes :twisted:

2 and a half cigarettes last night, I'm such a failure I fall at the first hurdle :cry: :spank:

Had about 20 yesterday :rolleyes: and I'm back to smoking real fags as I think I'm giving up in a few days as I'm reading allen carr but obviously I haven't found any time to read it so it's costing me a fortune this giving up lark. Normally I smoke rollys to save £££
Had about 20 yesterday :rolleyes: and I'm back to smoking real fags as I think I'm giving up in a few days as I'm reading allen carr but obviously I haven't found any time to read it so it's costing me a fortune this giving up lark. Normally I smoke rollys to save £££

:lol: But when you get to the last page you'll see the 'light' and be clean of the evil weed :lol: ;)

It's going out and drinking that is the killer, all week I've been fine, out with a few smokers last night and I'm almost ripping the cigarettes from their mouths :rolleyes:

I think I'm going to have to bin all my smoking friends :lol:
I think I'm going to have to bin all my smoking friends :lol:

see the main reason I'm giving up is cos most of my friends have stopped now. One of them nearly died and that's why she stopped (asthma, pneumonia and smoking didn't mix well), and the other one had her last fag at secret sundaze when someone said 'why don't you just stop' and so she did.

They both miss it though, but they say they're breaking into the 'I'm a smug non-smoker' phase :lol:

So basically smoking has started to become a lonely passtime and my room smells as I can't smoke anywhere in the house and I can't be bothered to go outside :rolleyes:
I threw away my last packet of cigarettes in the airport of Ibiza around four weeks ago . . Before I went I was going down the dr's every 2 weeks and getting patches and saving them up for now - have got about 80 ! - Like barbie says - get them on the NHS, £3 for 14 and they really do work...

Must admit had a couple last weekend while I was out but woke up Sunday and said ''Well that was a bit silly'', put my patch on, and carried on as a non smoker.. I smoked 10 a day in the week and 15/20 at weekends - around £1170 a year !!

also .... for all of us in England & Wales who like a ''social'' smoke - it's gonna have to be outside in the cold as of next April ! For all of us wanting to give up or in the middle of giving up the ban is the best thing possible.
ah allen says you just think you enjoy it!

are you glad you started?
Well, I "think" I enjoy a ribeye steak... what does Allen say about that!?

Am I glad I started? Don't know... I'm definitely not Sad I did.

Is it a drug-induced dependency? Yep... probably my only one (aside from beer :D). But I don't have any problems with that. Plus, I enjoy the process of smoking.
I gave up with Allen. All the way through i was thinking 'this so isn't going to work, i'm far too clever to be brainwashed by your sycophantic American drivel'

But in the end it sunk in i guess. (not so clever, now, eh?!) Pretty good though since i had actually lost faith in my own abilities to give up with willpower, and was convinced that i'd never be able to kick it. 8 months now without the fags. yay!


1 I had seriously tried to stop and suceeded for a month or so about 5 times previously
2 It was making me ill
3 my boyfriend stopped at the same time, so it turned into a bit of a competition :) :)
4 hardly any of my friends smoke any more
5 the smoking ban came in in Scotland, which did make it loads easier to go out without smoking
5 I didn't want to look older any more. And actually I'm really vain and I read loads of stuff about smoking aging you prematurely and giving you horrible lips...

I did really enjoy it when i did it though, and I was a serious smoker - none of this weekend malarky - i NEVER thought i'd be able to quit. Even managed 2 trips to Ibiza without the fags too...
I gave up with Allen. All the way through i was thinking 'this so isn't going to work, i'm far too clever to be brainwashed by your sycophantic American drivel'

But in the end it sunk in i guess. (not so clever, now, eh?!) Pretty good though since i had actually lost faith in my own abilities to give up with willpower, and was convinced that i'd never be able to kick it. 8 months now without the fags. yay!


1 I had seriously tried to stop and suceeded for a month or so about 5 times previously
2 It was making me ill
3 my boyfriend stopped at the same time, so it turned into a bit of a competition :) :)
4 hardly any of my friends smoke any more
5 the smoking ban came in in Scotland, which did make it loads easier to go out without smoking
5 I didn't want to look older any more. And actually I'm really vain and I read loads of stuff about smoking aging you prematurely and giving you horrible lips...

I did really enjoy it when i did it though, and I was a serious smoker - none of this weekend malarky - i NEVER thought i'd be able to quit. Even managed 2 trips to Ibiza without the fags too...

hurrah! There is hope!!!

must read the rest of allen carr this weekend... :lol: I've been terrible and literally not got home before 11pm for the last week. Bus to london tomorrow I'm going to properly read it (unless after tonight i just sleep on the bus... :confused: :lol: )
hurrah! There is hope!!!

must read the rest of allen carr this weekend... :lol: I've been terrible and literally not got home before 11pm for the last week. Bus to london tomorrow I'm going to properly read it (unless after tonight i just sleep on the bus... :confused: :lol: )

seriously, if u want to give up, it will help. Just wish he's written one on chocolate and bad boyfriends!
I gave up with Allen. All the way through i was thinking 'this so isn't going to work, i'm far too clever to be brainwashed by your sycophantic American drivel'
Uh... why does everyone assume he's American? :confused:

Carr is British. Raised in Putney. It's British sycophantic drivel! :lol:
I did really enjoy it when i did it though, and I was a serious smoker - none of this weekend malarky - i NEVER thought i'd be able to quit. Even managed 2 trips to Ibiza without the fags too...

That has given me hope - I do sometimes think I'll never be able to stop properly cos I've always been a full-time smoker, none of this social smoker business but I guess there is hope even for the likes of me :lol:
That has given me hope - I do sometimes think I'll never be able to stop properly cos I've always been a full-time smoker, none of this social smoker business but I guess there is hope even for the likes of me :lol:

I was exactly the same. I used to love smoking, especially on a night out. I often think now how weird it is that it's just not part of my life any more. I don't miss it at all which is really amazing - I always thought i'd secretly be craving a fag for the rest of my life! :)
I was exactly the same. I used to love smoking, especially on a night out. I often think now how weird it is that it's just not part of my life any more. I don't miss it at all which is really amazing - I always thought i'd secretly be craving a fag for the rest of my life! :)

That's how I want to get, so I'm at the stage where I don't miss it at all - even tho I was a 20 a day smoker I'm finding the days pretty easy and I'm not missing it, it's as soon as I get a glass of wine in my hand that it gets hard.........but I an determined to do it this time :twisted: