
The misus had been smoking for 16 of her 30 years and had many, probably dozens of aborted attempts to stop. I used to also have a few when drunk / muntered.

I bought the Allan Carr book and asked her to read it with a completely open mind.

She stopped immediately after reading the book (after Ibiza this year 7th Sept) and hasn't had one since (even when I was away on a stag do and forgot to phone for two days!). Shelley used to not even talk about smoking or having stopped during her previous attempts and was like a woman possed with the devil. This time I didn't really notice any dramatic chance in her mood and she says it is her greatest achievement (I'm sure she meant after landing me & also giving birth to our son!).

I read the book to see what it was all about and can see Barbies point but if you really want to stop, what's wrong with a bit of kidology?

A big test will be this weekend at a wedding when a lot of her friends will be smoking

Nicotine is the most addictive drug known to man. I read some fascinating stuff about it on the net.

I see there hasn't been any posts on here since the weekend:rolleyes:

GL to anyone attempting to break free.
I see there hasn't been any posts on here since the weekend:rolleyes:

GL to anyone attempting to break free.

Apart from a little slip-up last Thursday when I had 2 and a half cigarettes I'm still going strong as a non-smoker :D The real test was last wkend when I consumed about 6 bottles of wine :rolleyes: and godknows what else and was out with a lot of smokers and yet I managed to abstain - and I've never been able to do that before - previously when I've been on patches I've ended up ripping them off half way thru a night and chainsmoking 20 in about half an hour :rolleyes:
Apart from a little slip-up last Thursday when I had 2 and a half cigarettes I'm still going strong as a non-smoker :D The real test was last wkend when I consumed about 6 bottles of wine :rolleyes: and godknows what else and was out with a lot of smokers and yet I managed to abstain - and I've never been able to do that before - previously when I've been on patches I've ended up ripping them off half way thru a night and chainsmoking 20 in about half an hour :rolleyes:

That's really good to hear:) :)

The next time you stumble out of a club at 11:00 on a Sunday morning and join in with a run around London, you should be able to do the whole circuit at this rate :lol:
I've still not read any more allen carr :oops: - I just watched telly last night instead which was bad of me!

Must read it tonight, I'm spending a fortune on fags which I can't afford :x
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Ok, forgive me if I sound like a smug smartarse here, I don't mean to be;[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]I stopped smoking in 1992 after smoking 20-a-day for over 20 years. I went cold turkey with no outside assistance.
I've Deejayed every weekend for years and other people smoking doesn't bother me as long as it's not in my face.

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]I took up running to help me stop and am now addicted to running.
I run for my local athletic club and was averaging between 1200 and 1500 miles per year since 1992
until a couple of years ago when I injured my back. I've gradually bounced back to doing around 600-700 miles per year but rarely race these days.

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]I've ran 9 Great North Run half marathons here in the North East of England. 2 of them were under 1 1/2 hours the rest were a few minutes over 1 1/2 hours. Took part with the athletic club in a relay coast to coast charity run of 140 miles in 17 hours 45 minutes. Did a fell run with the club over the 'Three Peaks' in Derbyshire, a distance of 28 miles covered in 7 1/2 hours (and non of the club runners could keep up with me
). I could go on, but.........

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] see, there IS life after smoking, just need some inspiration.
Has anyone tried the E-cigs? There are no definitive answers on the health concerns here in the USA or in UK. They all agree it is healthier than smoking cigs. I have switched from smoking to just vapor and have not smoked for a month.
I've finally cracked it. I 'gave up' in December 2011 after 9 years of 10-15 a day (more at weekends), but was still smoking when out at weekends, when on holiday etc. Sounds stupid but I was fine at work and at home during the week, but couldn't control the urges when I was around smokers and alcohol at the weekends.

I now haven't had a cigarette since November I think, maybe early December, and there's no going back now. Been on plenty of nights out and not even been tempted. I think all the running I've been doing has helped me to focus, and it's all been on willpower. That, and I look at the price of cigarettes these days and get annoyed with myself for not quitting years ago.
I've finally cracked it. I 'gave up' in December 2011 after 9 years of 10-15 a day (more at weekends), but was still smoking when out at weekends, when on holiday etc. Sounds stupid but I was fine at work and at home during the week, but couldn't control the urges when I was around smokers and alcohol at the weekends.

That's how I am now, when around others or drink, I can't stop myself smoking.
I have, they are ok. Useful that you can smoke them in the clubs here.
Hmm... Hadn't thought of taking them into clubs. I might try that. Save you a lot of trips through the crowd!

I use them on long-haul flights.
Anyone want to give me an idiots guide to E-cigs?

I've just spent two hours looking online and I'm more confused then when I started... I thought Id just be able to buy a starter kit, but even that has been impossible, with a zillion options and decisions still to make...I'm a menthol smoker too so any tips on brands would be greatly appreciated...
Anyone want to give me an idiots guide to E-cigs?

I've just spent two hours looking online and I'm more confused then when I started... I thought Id just be able to buy a starter kit, but even that has been impossible, with a zillion options and decisions still to make...I'm a menthol smoker too so any tips on brands would be greatly appreciated...
I was a menthol smoker also. I started with 34 mg than dropped to 18 mg soon after. I started with 5ml of menthol, than I switched to fruit flavors. I use a company called apollo, with the starter kit I purchased. I would recommend buying wickless cartomizers with your first order. The wickless does not burn or retain the old flavor. I will attach a link for that also. The e-cig I use is the EGO CE4, the battery last about a day and it has a wall charger and USB adapter.I have been using them for about 4 months now and I'm totally off cigs.
This is the starter kit

this is the wickless tank
I have been using a nicolite from tesco, very similar to the motives kimagy used I think you can buy them in sainsburys.
I have only bought fags twice in nearly two weeks and that was when drunk. The proper vaper kits are probably better but I like mine the cherry flavour carts are lovely :lol:
Only just saw this. Yes, e-cigs got me off tobacco after 20 years of chain smoking. Used them together for a bit then went tobacco-free. Been off them for months now - still riding a bike rather than driving ( :eek: ) so it helps me stay fit enough to keep up the exercise.

I still use high strength cartridges (well, from a former 25-40-a-day smoker what can you expect :lol:) but I do recommend 10motives.

Some people don't like them but I get enough of a hit off them not to care and find the taste fine for me. Gamucci taste like you'd imagine grandma's old socks might taste. I used 1 packet of nicolites but didn't like the taste as much - not such a 'hit' and a bit wishy washy for me. It's all personal really. If you get into "vaping" there's a whole world of filling up cartridges yourself with liquid etc that ex-rollie smokers get into big time. I can't be bothered with all that so just use the rechargeables which charge off a USB charger. I run 3 rechargeable batteries at a time so as not to get caught out.

Here's a link to some menthol refills and a rechargeable battery. Better value by far than the single-use ones. You can get rechargeable batteries in Sainsburys and nicolite batteries / 10motives batteries are interchangeable with each others' refills and chargers. Many others (like Gamucci) aren't.

Batteries : (they;re £9.99 from Sainsburys if they have 'em)

Refills in 5-packs :

Menthol in that brand doesn't come in high strength ones - but unless you're a seriously addicted smoker of many years the regulars will likely be enough.

Hope that helps.

PS : congrats, Jay - keep it up and good on you for making the switch 8). Even hardened smokers who really like tobacco (like myself) eventually realize there comes a time you have to move on from your fiery pleasures. Can't believe your neighbours in Canada have banned them along with loads of other countries. Deluded, stupid policies from ignorant or commercially influenced politicians which undoubtedly are costing many lives. Nothing else worked for me. I won't be visiting any countries who have banned e-Cigs (e.g. not been back to Panama which I used to love going to). Unless I ever quit vaping it's a sure fire way of driving me back to the fags. Idiots !
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