
They let you use them on planes or do you sneak a few hits in the bathroom?
Airlines have apparently started banning them (I heard Aeroflot already has)
But you can use them in the bathroom and no one would be the wiser. They won't set off the smoke detector since there's no smoke!
PS : congrats, Jay - keep it up and good on you for making the switch 8). Even hardened smokers who really like tobacco (like myself) eventually realize there comes a time you have to move on from your fiery pleasures. Can't believe your neighbours in Canada have banned them along with loads of other countries. Deluded, stupid policies from ignorant or commercially influenced politicians which undoubtedly are costing many lives. Nothing else worked for me. I won't be visiting any countries who have banned e-Cigs (e.g. not been back to Panama which I used to love going to). Unless I ever quit vaping it's a sure fire way of driving me back to the fags. Idiots !
I think big tobacco is against the use of vapor. This is not scientific but I feel loads better after smoking for 20 plus years switching to vapor. Thanks for the encouragement and congratulations on kicking the habit. I could not or wouldn't quit either until vapor came along..
Airlines have apparently started banning them (I heard Aeroflot already has)
But you can use them in the bathroom and no one would be the wiser. They won't set off the smoke detector since there's no smoke!
They are treated like cigarettes here that is why I asked. There are plots a foot to ban them, but most retail outlets want to go to court to prove they are safe and better than smokes. I think big tobacco will get on the bandwagon soon.
Only just saw this. Yes, e-cigs got me off tobacco after 20 years of chain smoking. Used them together for a bit then went tobacco-free. Been off them for months now - still riding a bike rather than driving ( :eek: ) so it helps me stay fit enough to keep up the exercise.

I still use high strength cartridges (well, from a former 25-40-a-day smoker what can you expect :lol:) but I do recommend 10motives.

Some people don't like them but I get enough of a hit off them not to care and find the taste fine for me. Gamucci taste like you'd imagine grandma's old socks might taste. I used 1 packet of nicolites but didn't like the taste as much - not such a 'hit' and a bit wishy washy for me. It's all personal really. If you get into "vaping" there's a whole world of filling up cartridges yourself with liquid etc that ex-rollie smokers get into big time. I can't be bothered with all that so just use the rechargeables which charge off a USB charger. I run 3 rechargeable batteries at a time so as not to get caught out.

Here's a link to some menthol refills and a rechargeable battery. Better value by far than the single-use ones. You can get rechargeable batteries in Sainsburys and nicolite batteries / 10motives batteries are interchangeable with each others' refills and chargers. Many others (like Gamucci) aren't.

Batteries : (they;re £9.99 from Sainsburys if they have 'em)

Refills in 5-packs :

Menthol in that brand doesn't come in high strength ones - but unless you're a seriously addicted smoker of many years the regulars will likely be enough.

Hope that helps.

Thanks! I had read online that for a menthol smoker the 10 motives ones were very good. So i might try the disposable ones for the next week or so till I decide.

I'm actually day three of not smoking now! Which I feel quite proud of, I am however, dying of flu at home, so don't think I'm even capable of going buying cigarettes. For me the biggest challenge will be work, as everyone goes out for a cigarette atleast every 45 minutes, its a social thing, but with my lovely e-cig, I can still go out! I could just go out and not smoke at all, but I know I would take the first cig offered to me!

Also note to anyone else - don't try quitting when you've got tonsilitis! I now have the worst chest infection too, probably from not smoking for a few days! It's made me feel a million times worse!
Too much tax $ at stake, Jay - but in the end, one day, e-Cigs will become the norm. When the tobacco industry has positioned itself in the market to take all the profits and enough years have passed for clinical trials. They're jokingly called Personal Electronic Nicotine Inhaler Systems by a couple of girls I know :lol:.

Thanks! I had read online that for a menthol smoker the 10 motives ones were very good. So i might try the disposable ones for the next week or so till I decide.

I'm actually day three of not smoking now! Which I feel quite proud of, I am however, dying of flu at home, so don't think I'm even capable of going buying cigarettes. For me the biggest challenge will be work, as everyone goes out for a cigarette atleast every 45 minutes, its a social thing, but with my lovely e-cig, I can still go out! I could just go out and not smoke at all, but I know I would take the first cig offered to me!

Also note to anyone else - don't try quitting when you've got tonsilitis! I now have the worst chest infection too, probably from not smoking for a few days! It's made me feel a million times worse!

Go for it. I do find the disposables extremely expensive compared to battery + refill - but if it's a 1st trial kind of makes sense.

That's another thing - I used to get a chest infection if I couldn't smoke for over a day or colds always progressed to coughs which lasted for days on end as I couldn't stay off the fags even with flu. None of that with e-Cigs. Not a single day of illness after quitting tobacco and when I got a little chest infection it was gone in 2-3 days.

I even sneaked one into ER in my shorts pocket when carted off a couple of weeks ago with my head immobilised in a brace on a stretcher after a little accident :)roll:). When coast was clear I was able to have a quick vape - for the shock of course :)lol:) - knowing I wasn't polluting anything. It was great - what a difference.
I packed in regular smoking about 6 years ago, but my "social smoking" wasn't going anywhere (despite running an average of 30 miles a week).

Feeling frustrated at my inability to not have a ciggie after a few beers - on Friday I bought a 10 motives disposable electronic cigarette from Sainsburys on a whim and I didn't have , or miss, having a cigarette all weekend.

Really impressed. Even the missus (a non smoker) had a go, she reckons it's like a hookah pipe.

They are a god send as far as I'm concerned.
I packed in regular smoking about 6 years ago, but my "social smoking" wasn't going anywhere (despite running an average of 30 miles a week).

Feeling frustrated at my inability to not have a ciggie after a few beers - on Friday I bought a 10 motives disposable electronic cigarette from Sainsburys on a whim and I didn't have , or miss, having a cigarette all weekend.

Really impressed. Even the missus (a non smoker) had a go, she reckons it's like a hookah pipe.

They are a god send as far as I'm concerned.
I agree, they are like a hookah. I don't mind doing the refill liquid it is much cheaper than the disposables and you get a better vapor and flavor profile.
Been off the real smokes for a week now. Woke up on Sunday and decided that was it and to give vaping a go. Haven't felt the need to have a fag all week, even though I've had a packet close by, so quite happy with myself so far. Big test will be on holiday now, nothing better than sitting outside with a beer and a smoke. Not sure I'll manage but I'll be trying. What's the situation with vaping inside clubs and bars in Ibiza? Are liquids easy to get, or should I be bringing enough for the 10 days?
I would struggle to not smoke on holiday. I have will power to go months at home without one, holiday a different story. I do need to invest in some sort of wape cigarette.
I'm on about 4 packets a week so just bought a mini one for £35 (and £10 worth of liquids) to see what I thought of it. Since I've not bought any cigarettes for a week now it's almost paid for itself already. Determined to stick to it but won't worry if I go back to the real thing on holiday. With that still being 4 weeks away everyone's telling me I won't, and next time I smoke a proper cigarette I'll hate it. Probably need to get a new vaper machine since the battery on the mini one I have might last a night out at home, but doubt it'll last a whole night out in Ibiza.
I'm on about 4 packets a week so just bought a mini one for £35 (and £10 worth of liquids) to see what I thought of it. Since I've not bought any cigarettes for a week now it's almost paid for itself already. Determined to stick to it but won't worry if I go back to the real thing on holiday. With that still being 4 weeks away everyone's telling me I won't, and next time I smoke a proper cigarette I'll hate it. Probably need to get a new vaper machine since the battery on the mini one I have might last a night out at home, but doubt it'll last a whole night out in Ibiza.

I'm still on 10motives with refills years on. Carry about 6 batteries on holiday and have a portable charging case that carries 2. I just wouldn't smoke tobacco now !