Samuel L. Jackson: Honorary Irishman

get it all the time with Scots as well

do well - they are British
do poor - they are Scottish

could not have cared less about the pesky scots going out to the argies in the rugby, but good to see a good british team sticking it up those frenchies in the euro qualifiers.;):)
The same way you would jump if a post hinted at anti-Americanism!

There is more or less anti-american veiled post on here often I laugh them off. People on this board don't represent the government or all the people. There are much bigger problems in the world.
There is more or less anti-american veiled post on here often I laugh them off. People on this board don't represent the government or all the people. There are much bigger problems in the world.

That sir is a very good point.

surely you wouldn't want to lay claim to colin farrell wherever you come from

Indeed, I remember an article about a 'huge' weeklong bender he went on, that listed his mammoth drug intake. Everyone I knew was wondering what he did when that ran out on day one:lol:.

Disclaimer - drugz iz bad
oh and jonny just for you mate;)
If you like ill start a controversial subject about Ireland, how about the Catholic Church and sex abuse and the subsequent cover up over the years which has shamed Ireland,would you be happy then.:eek:


Time to wheel out this classic from yesteryear...


Paddy O'Reilly (an Irish chap) is on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire...

He's does REALLY well, goes straight through the £1000 mark seemingly without blinking, let alone using any lifelines.

Swipes away up to £16,000 like an Aussie facing JAmes Anderson, STILL not using any lifelines.

£32,000... £64,000... £125,000... he goes on and on, each answer correct, and the only thing seemingly bothering him is Chris's annoying voice telling him he "doesn't want to give you that".

Luckiest day of his life. The crowd is speechless in awe.

Anyway, he's answered the got to the £500,000 mark and answers it with the same aplomb as the previous 13.

No one knows if it's luck, a fix, or dare devil genius.

EVERY question had been answered right on guesses.

Not used ANY of his lifelines.

Tarrant introduces the final question "Well Paddy, it's been quite a show", as the audience chuckles at his somewhat obvious understatement, "Paddy, are you ready for the big one"

"Aye so Oi am Chris, ready when you are matey" a gleeful Paddy replies.

The drums of the studio roll for the 15th and final time with Paddy in the chair, along with the telling de-de-de-de-dum, as the floor manager frantically tries to calm the audience down as the whispering excited gasps echo round the set.







Paddy say's immediately, almost interrupting Tarrant..."Staap roight dere Chris, O'il take de money."

Chris, slightly bemused, previously sure that NOTHING else could surprise him from one of the most dramatic episodes of the immensely successful TV gameshow, and reminds him of his remaining lifelines

"Paddy...Mr O'Rielly...Are you sure? Shall we take a second to think about this? May I remind you that amazingly you STILL have 3 lifelines left..."

Paddy stands firm..."No Chris, O'il take de money tanks you very much!"

"YOU DON'T WANT TO CALL A FRIEND?" say's Chris, his voice getting higher pitched and more nauseating with the surprise.

"No O'il take de money"

"Ask th...."

"NO CHRIS..." Paddy retorts, now slightly agitated "...Oi've had a grand day out so I have, and Oi'm naat answering your question"

Amazed, Tarrant again "Surely you don't want to think about this, Paddy? There's no rush or..."

"Nope Chris. Oi'm taking de money", Paddy rebuffs.

"GIVE HIM A ROUND OF APPLAUSE, PADDY GOES AWAY WITH FIVE... HUNDRED... THOUSAND... POUNDS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" Tarrant bellows in his famous irritating gameshow voice, finally accepting Paddy's decision

"Before you go, I assume you'll want to know the answer, eh Paddy?"

Paddy shakes him head, hops off the high chair with the cheque in hand, begins to turn his back on him to walk off the set.

"Hold on Paddy..." says a surprised Tarrant surely running out of space on his forehead to raise his eyebrows any further "aren't you just a little bit curious?"

said "No... Oi knows it anyway Chris, so I do"

"YOU KNOW IT???" Chris disbelieving confirms and raises his voice to 11.

Paddy nods sheepishly.

"But Paddy... you've got this far... used NONE of your lifelines.. you KNOW the answer... you've just turned down FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS????
...What's wrong with you" as Chris jokingly, yet semi seriously asks the question on the whole audiences lips "ARE YOU MAD?"

Wait for it....

"Oi might be mad..." Paddy replies "...but Oi'm not a fooking grass!"
Kate Thornton, for our US friends...

Quite nice to look at...


Though not exactly the sharpest tool in the box... (Bring back Brass Eye, please...)

"In 2001, Thornton was asked to contribute to a public awareness campaign on the dangers of internet paedophiles. Unaware it was a spoof - the Brass Eye Paedophile Special ("Paedogeddon") - Thornton solemnly explained to a national TV audience how paedophiles were using a new device called a "HOECS game" i.e., a "Hidden Online Entrapment Control System" to molest children at any distance via remote control." :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
well, as an outsider i'm not throwing myself too deeply into this one, but i do have to say in jonny's defense he's always been friendly/welcoming to me (not just in a gay sense lol:oops:;)) - just kidding- he's always been very decent/welcoming to me, a complete outsider, which i think is more telling than some online rants... but still jonny, isn't this clubbing open chat - leave the politics/football for somewhere else
well, as an outsider i'm not throwing myself too deeply into this one, but i do have to say in jonny's defense he's always been friendly/welcoming to me (not just in a gay sense lol:oops:;)) -

Me think he doth protest too much!:lol:

I think the friendly/welcoming chap you describe is prolly Jonny *out there* and the rest of it is a web persona created for a reaction. Taking yourself exceptionally seriously is the most effective way to assure no-one else does, and think Jonny created a web identity with that as the character's principal trait.

The rant about respect, the Pavarotti thread where he took offence about a tenner/tenor gag and the piece d'resistance - Thierry Henry could feasibly choose Celtic above the cream of Europe's clubs - all these must be part of the game.

Game's up Jonny - admit it now. Well played though sir, you had us going for a bit.