local place in ibz town close to bus station Ses canyes, quiet nice for the price , don't expect gastronomic cuisine
steak & calamar
Comida bar san juan around ibz harbor, opening 1pm, cheap local place
sepia croquetas aioli, coke & greixonara was enough , they dont do the 5€ fish soup ...
in a sport bar close to Santos hotel, meal was offered by czech girl, some german plate ,chicken nugget look a like
i finally ate my viviv's ice cream, not bad but im more into mar y sol with the view, if u have any other best ice cream than punto gelatino, los valencianos, im listening...
Sugar is my drug in ibz and keep me alive
huevos rancheros at chicken vitaminas, better this option as fast food than kfc Burger king(i plaid guilty, i was so toasted after elrow i needed this shit
) (some mate offered me a burger to thank me for a ride to his new flat)
its hard to eat outside with mates having all board or people waking up after 4pm the time restaurant close along midday, at night we can't eat too late & too much for digestion, add daytime parties , not obvious to find slots for dinners