Manumisson Movie/motel...

oh god - i dont know how to explain it because you are terrible with directions!! :lol:

it was situated on ctra. san juan km. 2 (near the village of jesús)!! :idea:

but remember: just because its on that road it doesnt mean that its in san juan. the same
happens with bambuddha grove - although its on the road to san juan its in santa eulalia!! :spank:

(sorry girlie but i couldnt resist ;) )

K said:
Its kind of set out as a day in the life of Manumission. It starts off at the beach, with lots of naked people rolling about the sand, then shows you some parades, then goes to Privilege, where it shows you ‘the best of’ the sex shows and interviews a lot of the entertainers. Then it goes to Space and shows you lots of wasted people. It then goes to the beach again and shows you Mike and Claire having sex in the sea. Honestly it is the biggest waste of money ever. :rolleyes:
sounds pretty good. :p
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Manumission used to be the bollocks. The craziest club I have every been in and probably ever will have been in.

The first year I went was 1995, and I went twice in my two weeks there. I can only explain the second visit like catching that perfect wave if you are a surfer. Out of this world and packed with full on clubbers!

I went twice every year until 1999, when it really had reached it's commericial peak. The sex show did spoil it. Thousands of tourists standing about not dancing, wanting to see a bit of action. Club 18-30 used to sell tickets as part of their package! When the sex show first started (1996? I think) it was new and shocking. But it killed it for me. I should have stopped going earlier but kept on wishing to catcch that perfect wave again.

I have had many amazing times at Manumission. I once saw a dwarf shagging this big 6ft blonde at the back of the dancefloor (nothing to do with the show!) I saw two girls walking around naked hand in hand, I saw girls with childrens toys sitting on the floor, folk shagging in a hammock, Fernando dancing with nothing on(he has a dick down to his knees!)There is also somethign about dancing when the sun came through those big widows at the back or when they opened the roof.

The Coco Loco bar was legendary and that drink DID do the trick. I know workers who bottled it for other nights! The back room was also f this world (the asylum ?)

Manumission the movie is a great film to watch. Fair enough it has a lot of the sex show, but it also has space, Fernando and Huggy Bear from Starskey and Hutch. It is a mad film with good music.

I will go back one day, as long as the tourists have gone!!!! :D
great post Dirk, great post... reminds me of the "San Fransisco in the 60ies" speech in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas".
I have got a VHS copy. If I can work out how to transfer it to digital and put it on my pc, I will let you know. Have you tried overnet?
there is a big section on manumission in mixmag this month. talkes about the motel and how it nearly made them bankrupt. the police shut it down in the end.

It says carl cox was one of the first people to stay there but he left before the morning because when he was trying to sleep naked women kept running round his room!!!!

This place apparently truley did party 24/7 peole helped themselfs to beer there mike and clair lived there!!! HARDCORE
Manumission Motel

I worked in the Motel in the summer '99, cleaning and various bar stocking duties. I know exactly how dirty it was. Everybody said it wasn't half so crazy as '98 and it was still the most full on thing I've ever seen.

I can't see myself in Leelu's photos (cheers for the link, McRackin) but I certainly recognise a few people.

There were good parties on the terrace and good parties in the downstairs bar, esp. in the run up to the Millennium.

I never saw the 'Mish movie but the soundtrack was quite good IMO.
Re: Manumission Motel

Dr Mick said:
I worked in the Motel in the summer '99, cleaning and various bar stocking duties. I know exactly how dirty it was. Everybody said it wasn't half so crazy as '98 and it was still the most full on thing I've ever seen.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I see a picture in the Leelu link showing Bez, Shaun Ryder and Howard Marks drinking together - now that would be a scary hardcore experience... :eek: