Manchester bomb...

Awful. But this seems like a vicious cycle. Bomb goes off - show solidarity - wait a few months - repeat.

Alot more can be done to prevent it i'm sure of it.

Totally agree; it seems these attackers are always KNOWN to anti terror groups. I think it's time they started releasing what was known about them in the wake of attacks such as this.
Totally agree; it seems these attackers are always KNOWN to anti terror groups. I think it's time they started releasing what was known about them in the wake of attacks such as this.
Exactly so if they are on the watchlist then why ain't there something being done about it? Like deportation?

If they are British born and have commited their allegiance to terrorism then there right as a British citizen is finish as far as i'm concerned.

Also, this arms deal with Saudi Arabia is just mind blowing. Why oh, oh why.
Exactly so if they are on the watchlist then why ain't there something been done about it? Like deportation..

At a guess.. as alluded to earlier, these suicide bombers are imbecilic fodder. If you were the security services and they were on your radar, would you eliminate their threat? or would you wait and hope they lead you to a bigger fish?

I don't know. I'm just speculating. I imagine it's a margin call a lot of the time. Certainly not a call I'd like to make
An equivalent would be... the drug trade. You could lock up street dealers until the cows come home (and they'd just be replaced) Or you could monitor and infiltrate them, and hope they lead you to one of the big(ger) dogs
At a guess.. as alluded to earlier, these suicide bombers are imbecilic fodder. If you were the security services and they were on your radar, would you eliminate their threat? or would you wait and hope they lead you to a bigger fish?

I don't know. I'm just speculating. I imagine it's a margin call a lot of the time. Certainly not a call I'd like to make
Too much of a risk, a bullet to the head would be better.
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^^^^ just to add to my earlier post. The labour party under corbyn have consistently attacked the Torys in parliament over their arms deals with the Saudis, and have said a labour government will stop selling arms to them . But then again,I suppose that's being weak...:rolleyes:
I wonder about Ibiza too in the back of my mind, being a target. Guess it's just been incredibly fortunate in that nothing crazy has happened there or Spain in general.

This is really crazy and it makes me upset. I'm upset at these heretics killing innocents and misrepresenting religion. (I'm assuming it was some Islamic extremist)
^^^^ @Amp and Deck Vile? I didn't realise until recently that you were such a right wing reactionary.

I thought you were more clued up than that?

nope, your words not mine

i'm not left or right wing. I just believe in common sense.

and logic tells me that the people to blame for murdering schoolgirls are the people who murder schoolgirls

but your pal can't bring himself to do that because in his skewed 1960s eyes, western imperialism is at the root of all evil, when in fact the real 21st century issue here is warped, confused men twisting ideology to suit their own murderous objectives, but hey the evil west is on a moral par with the salafist caliphate eh?
in any case, I already thought Corbyn was unfit to be PM through his association with Stop The War, a trully terrible organisation that refused to support the yazidi women enslaved by IS or the Kurds
and logic tells me that the people to blame for murdering schoolgirls are the people who murder schoolgirls

The blame isn't anywhere else. And that's an old clip,probably circulated on the net by right wing reactionarys, ukippers and Edl types.

but your pal can't bring himself to do that because in his skewed 1960s eyes, western imperialism is at the root of all evil, when in fact the real 21st century issue here is warped, confused men twisting ideology to suit their own murderous objectives, but hey the evil west is on a moral par with the salafist caliphate eh?

He's not my pal. But if cameron and his western alies hadn't lynched gaddafi a few years back,with the help of isis,and other islamist fighters, maybe just maybe there wouldn't have been Islamist training camps in Libya...?
Salman Ramadan Abedi named by police as Manchester Arena attacker
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why don't you instead ask yourself why there are islamists in the first place? - people who are so twisted, they are happy (even ecstatic!) to murder children at a pop concert. trying to rationalise this by attacking the west's foreign policy is actually nuts, but you are so dogmatic you cannot see that, therefore far easier and more convenient to portray people like me as the real enemy
Whenever I dip into politics threads on here (I appreciate this particular one isn't a politics thread but it's veering that way), I am always struck by some of the right-wing viewpoints. All the DJs for example on my Twitter are pretty left-wing types, as you might expect, and I guess I expected that on this forum. The attitudes in the various politics threads often don't really line up to the free-thinking, spiritual, peace and love kind of vibe that you may associate with Ibiza (and is often preached on this thread when it comes to music and raving). Anti-muslim, pro-war, talk of deporting British citizens, all views I never expected to find in this forum in such numbers.

Again, not looking for an argument, just an observation.
@Bungle123 I agree with your observation. I'm often equally bemused when I see right-leaning sentiments, not just on these forums, but within the electronic music scene in general.

People are of course entitled to their views. But it does seem to go against the very essence of what our scene stands for.