Make Privilege big again

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I think , its too big. Better : Make Privilege small again.
A nice club , a little bigger than Pacha and everything is fine.
I would split it up into different rooms, giving a space to up and coming/uncommercial DJs/Bands/Musicians to give them a foothold and exposure in Ibiza. And someone mainstream in the biggest room to keep the beancounters happy.

We need to get back to the old days of having backrooms to give the kids a chance to cut their teeth.
Bands and Musicians : Yes

Early Ibiza ( 80s ) : A lot of Bands were there. It was not only a DJ thing. New Order in Ibiza ( long time ago ) , was a nice evening for example.
Think whats possible in Ibiza ...
Its owner confirms it won't open this year :!:

Its owner confirms it won't open this year :!:

The end as we knew it ?
Without multi million investment I think so, and are there enough nights that can fill it to make a return on that investment?

No. But maybe as a smaller venue ? Are there enough clubs in Ibz ? Or is there room for a additional one ( big one ) ? Only question
I think the concept of the being the biggest nightclub in the world is outdated and not much of a draw anymore.

They could put on big concerts there for sure, but would be hard to sustain over a season when there's so much on offer elsewhere and people are coming for clubbing, and it wouldn't work 7 nights a week.

If money or licensing issues weren't a problem, I'd dismantle it and ship it off to the highest bidder, somewhere like Miami or Dubai where people would genuinely flock to the famous Ibiza club that was the biggest in the world and restore it to its pre-privilege days, with added accommodation - if you can't beat them, join em!

Matutes se queda con la propiedad de la discoteca Privilege de Ibiza y no la abrirá este verano​

Anuncian obras de «acondicionamiento» tras estar el local cerrado dos años​

La discoteca Privilege, icono del ocio nocturno de Ibiza y que durante muchos años fue la de mayor tamaño del mundo, ya es propiedad del Grupo Empresas Matutes, que ha adquirido todas las acciones que todavía estaban en manos del hasta ahora su socio en este negocio, José María Etxaniz, tras un largo proceso judicial.

Desde la sede del holding ibicenco confirmaron ayer la noticia de manera escueta, si aportar más detalles: «Tras muchos años de litigio, Bahía de San Antonio SA ha adquirido las acciones titularidad de José María Etxaniz de la Sociedad Balantxa SA, propietaria de la discoteca Privilege, en el seno de un proceso judicial».

También confirmaron que, una vez ya es de su propiedad, no tienen previsto abrir la discoteca de Sant Rafel esta temporada. «El local necesita acondicionamiento tras dos años cerrado y sin mantenimiento», indicaron desde la sede de Grupo Empresas Matutes.

Alrededor de veinte millones

Aunque no ha trascendido la cantidad que ha tenido que desembolsar el grupo ibicenco por las más de 5.000 acciones de Etxaniz, al parecer ronda los veinte millones de euros.

Esta cantidad se aproxima a la que Etxaniz pidió a Empresas Matutes en 2018, después de que la Audiencia Provincial de Palma desestimara el recurso de apelación que interpuso contra la sentencia del Juzgado de lo Mercantil número 2 de Palma que dio por bueno el contrato de compraventa de las acciones de Baltanxa SA y escriturarlas a nombre de Bahía de San Antonio SA.

Grupo Empresas Matutes rechazó abonar esta cantidad y entonces se aplicó el artículo 6 de los estatutos de la sociedad que compartían las dos partes para que un auditor de cuentas independiente fijara el precio de las acciones.

La «competencia desleal»

Precisamente, a principios de este mes Diario de Ibiza publicó que el Juzgado de lo Mercantil número 3 de Palma había rechazado la demanda de la entidad Baltanxa SA contra Fiesta Hotels & Resorts, del Grupo de Empresas Matutes, por «competencia desleal» con la actividad del Hotel Club Ushuaïa Beach Hotel, en Platja d’en Bossa.

El demandante argumentaba en su demanda que Ushuaïa se aprovecha de «una ventaja competitiva mediante la infracción de leyes» y pedía a este juzgado que declarara que, con independencia de la licencia con la que opere, Ushuaïa es «de facto una discoteca».

La sentencia afirmaba que se pretendía condenar a Matutes por «una fuerte inversión en un exitoso modelo de negocio» y añadía que no es aplicable la ley turística de 2012 y que Ushuaïa no requiere de un título adicional.
be interesting what works they do with it - remeber with Space, they got onto reforms pretty quickly after it closed.

Very intriguing times!

It is big enough to be a concert arena for Pop, Rock and Electrical music but would enough acts come to make a Summer venue viable?

I can't see a massive club and a small club (Vista) approach working anymore, due to a lack of big Electronic names to fill the massive room and smaller clubs like Eden and Octan improving to rival the Vista room.
Very intriguing times!

It is big enough to be a concert arena for Pop, Rock and Electrical music but would enough acts come to make a Summer venue viable?

I can't see a massive club and a small club (Vista) approach working anymore, due to a lack of big Electronic names to fill the massive room and smaller clubs like Eden and Octan improving to rival the Vista room.
Agreed. Vista only is a bit boring really, quite small and I’m a fan of multi room venues in Ibiza and moving around a bit.

Privilege is huge , even if then can naturally reduce the size of the room a bit it’s still big.

I’ve always said live music idea is a good one - but the cost and logistic element of getting live music acts to Ibiza is not insignificant. Whole new ball game then someone flying in with some USB sticks and headphones.
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