Make Privilege big again

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is this some legal thing where you have to keep a % of the original structure?
Exactly this, otherwise you wouldn't get the permit to reform it (zero chances to knock it down and rebuild it from scratch).

The article james-king linked above isn't relevant because they're keeping the existing structure (something common sense tell us would happen) but because the neighbours of the surrounding urbanization are worried about the exit paths, as I revealed here 16 months ago after talking with one of them.
With that much redevelopment, may as well tear the whole thing down. What @McRackin notwithstanding.

It may be hard to orientate yourself without the remaining structure, but it may look about as close to the original as Ushuaia does to their original restaurant (I appreciate the use of the original chairs).
Six six six, the number of the beast
Six six six, the one for you and me

I'm coming back, I will return

No, you won't get it. You're not supposed to yet. But you will, eventually. I need a cornetto... ciao the now!
Six six six, the number of the beast
Six six six, the one for you and me

I'm coming back, I will return

No, you won't get it. You're not supposed to yet. But you will, eventually. I need a cornetto... ciao the now!
Iron Maiden DJ set?

It's a bold direction
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