
As much as us girls dont like to be having sex on a first date,sometimes you both jst slip and fall :lol:

Yeah, right. ;) We're all adults. There's nowt wrong with the occasional bout of FDS. I think people can get too hung up on when it's okay to have sex, etc. I'd be worried if someone was shagging a different person every week, but most adults must have had FDS or a ONS at some point.

Did that do it for you?!?

Not really, no. There's probably a reason why no-one's pushed bacon-scented perfume, although bacon smells amazing in any other context. :lol:
Why is this world becoming a world of acronyms. :lol:

All this talk of Bacon makes me want a bacon sandwich. Roll on lunch time!
Yeah, right. ;) We're all adults. There's nowt wrong with the occasional bout of FDS. I think people can get too hung up on when it's okay to have sex, etc. I'd be worried if someone was shagging a different person every week, but most adults must have had FDS or a ONS at some point.

Ok so FDS - First Date Sh*g.....

What the hell is ONS...

Are these what you have made up or am i not down with the shortened versions of these sayings lol :lol:
Do tell of all this prep, I'm curious

Extra long shower - Shave everywhere, like 5 times just to be sure :lol:

Hair - always something a bit different to the norm thus taking longer coz it never goes right the first time round :rolleyes:

Make up - More than normal :lol:

Clothes - allow extra time for numerous outfit changes because the first choice is never the right choice :rolleyes:

Paddy - This is always thrown and takes a while to get over coz your stressing that nothings going right :lol:

Allow for pacing up and down the hallway to get more nervous coz theyre always f**kin late, then shout at your mum to get away from the window trying to get a glimpse of the date in question...

Apply more lipgloss and perfume and hairspray then BOOM your ready to rock and roll 8)
I think older people dont wait so long if you know what I mean - whereas when you are younger its drummed into you to make the boy wait as long as possible but then you get older and think s*d that :lol:
Extra long shower - Shave everywhere, like 5 times just to be sure :lol:

Hair - always something a bit different to the norm thus taking longer coz it never goes right the first time round :rolleyes:

Make up - More than normal :lol:

Clothes - allow extra time for numerous outfit changes because the first choice is never the right choice :rolleyes:

Paddy - This is always thrown and takes a while to get over coz your stressing that nothings going right :lol:

Allow for pacing up and down the hallway to get more nervous coz theyre always f**kin late, then shout at your mum to get away from the window trying to get a glimpse of the date in question...

Apply more lipgloss and perfume and hairspray then BOOM your ready to rock and roll 8)

Sounds like a ton of effort. So glad I'm a guy. :lol:
You guys have it so easy its a joke :rolleyes:

I know some guys who literally take 10 minutes to be out the door on their way to work from the time their alarm goes off :eek:

Takes me an hour :rolleyes:
You guys have it so easy its a joke :rolleyes:

I know some guys who literally take 10 minutes to be out the door on their way to work from the time their alarm goes off :eek:

Takes me an hour :rolleyes:

Takes me an hour in the morning. But half an hour of that is pressing snooze. ;)

I take a bit longer to get ready to go out, about an hour If I include shaving and such.
Takes me ages to get ready in the morning, but I do like to eat breakfast and assemble a lunch. If it's only taking a bloke 10 minutes, I'd think he might be skipping/shortening some part of the cleaning process - a common one with peeps is not brushing their teeth for long enough. :rolleyes:

You never try the natural look Vic? ;) Natural, or near to it, can be hotter than heavily made-up. Although it depends how much polishing the pebble needs, I suppose. :lol:
Takes me an hour if not more in the morning because I like to faff about, have breakfast, shower....take my time 8)
I have noticed it depends on what job it is they have, one guy i was with used to do errrr :rolleyes: something to do with historic buildings lol, basically a 'builder' :lol: so hed get up, throw on skanky clothes from yesterday, brush teeth whilst kettle is boiling then drink the cuppa in the van.....

Amother guy i saw for a little while was an office guy so would take a bit longer seeing hed have to look nice and clean and tidy...

As for the natural look - dear god no lol. I dont wear masses of make up anyway but eye make up is essential, my eyes look like piss holes in the snow otherwise :lol: and i also look about 12, and when im nearly 24, this is not a good look :lol:
I have noticed it depends on what job it is they have, one guy i was with used to do errrr :rolleyes: something to do with historic buildings lol, basically a 'builder' :lol: so hed get up, throw on skanky clothes from yesterday, brush teeth whilst kettle is boiling then drink the cuppa in the van.....

Amother guy i saw for a little while was an office guy so would take a bit longer seeing hed have to look nice and clean and tidy...

As for the natural look - dear god no lol. I dont wear masses of make up anyway but eye make up is essential, my eyes look like piss holes in the snow otherwise :lol: and i also look about 12, and when im nearly 24, this is not a good look :lol:

Tea after brushing??? Blurr makes my teeth feel funny!
Well, I manage to shower (including shampoo and conditioning hair), make lunch, have breakfast, get dressed and clean teeth in 35 minutes in the morning. :)
Well, I manage to shower (including shampoo and conditioning hair), make lunch, have breakfast, get dressed and clean teeth in 35 minutes in the morning. :)
My morning routine takes 30-40 mins (shave, brush teeth, shower, weigh-in, ironing shirt, getting dressed). So usually it's about an hour from the time I start to the time I get to the office.

My problem is that, before all that gets started, I grab a Red Bull and a cigarette and get on the 'net to check the news (work-related and general). That can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour depending on how distracted I get and how relaxed I am about getting to the office on time :lol:
I prepare for dates by flexing my muscles and peforming slow motion karate moves in the mirror in my headband and underpants and shouting samurai 27 times in quick succession
I prepare for dates by flexing my muscles and peforming slow motion karate moves in the mirror in my headband and underpants and shouting samurai 27 times in quick succession

And does that work for you? ;)
I can be suited and booted, bathed, hair washed/dried and straightened and make up done all in 30 mins if i have to ..... not bad for a girl :)