
I prepare for dates by flexing my muscles and peforming slow motion karate moves in the mirror in my headband and underpants and shouting samurai 27 times in quick succession

So you don't do the There's Something About Mary thing?
It's easy, run bath while brushing teeth, jump in scrub a du dub, wash hair, jump out (obv have clothes thready to put on out) blast hair with dryer then straighten then put make up on of which i dont wear that much to work anyway.

Getting ready for a night out though is a different story :):)
9/10 dates are generally crap though. you hype them up to absurd degrees in your head and you think you're gonna be humphrey bogart and sweep them off on horseback when the reality is you end up feeling obliged to pay the bill in some manky overcrowded restaurant where you can barely hear each other with no guarantee the date will go beyond a bored peck on the cheek and some dismal tube journey home at the end of it. Have always enjoyed far more success where I just jelled with someone at a party and ending up talking to them all through the sunday, where's there no pressure whatsoever. When you're sat there in your smart casuals and desperately thinking of something funny to say, and hoping she doesn't notice that loose nasal hair you forgot to trim, you end up feeling like a prize llama.
Getting ready for a night out though is a different story :):)

Tell me about it, i give myself atleast 3 hours....more if its my birthday or a big night...

Fake tan :lol:
Fake eyelashes :lol:
Fake hair :lol:

and i wonder why people call me barbie :lol: thank god for being a gemini or id be buggered in life ;):lol:

Then all the rest whilst necking vino and having a little groove whilst banging out the tunes to get me in the partying mood :lol:
and hoping she doesn't notice that loose nasal hair you forgot to trim, you end up feeling like a prize llama.

hahaah i am near on crying with laughter at that...

I have had some dates that sound just as similar to what you have desribed, but for all them ones i have also had some blinding ones, mainly the ones where you end up getting right bl**dy on it, thus meaning have a lot more fun and the barriers come round down :lol: maybe a little too much sometimes :lol:
I work from home every now and then, I love it.

Get up and start work at 830. Shower about 11am. Awesome stuff, theres just no rush.
I also get far less done :(
I'm burning 850 calories a gym session, four times a week, for Ibiza in three months.

It's killing me... :(

Honestly, makes me wonder why I bother at times!

I've only been on a couple of dates, never really bothered with them when I was younger.
Never know what to say, I can be quite shy at times!
Keep it up though thats brilliant, just think how great you will feel when your hols come round thats whats keeping me going. The thought of being chubby on Bora Bora fills me with dread.:)
Its all about the prep for a bikini bod, as much as it isnt fun :rolleyes:

I just maintain what i have then i dont have to push to hard when it gets nearer to summer, gym goer for over 3 years and go 3 to 4 times a week without fail. One week i went 3 times, rock climbing twice and a 4 mile run on another day, i had one day off of excercise :rolleyes: also meant i could eat alot of naughty food tho so was worth it :lol:
I take about 30 minutes to get ready in the morning. I do all the prep work the night before all I have to do is shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed.

Aside: Q: You know how you can tell the tooth brush was invented in West Virginia?
A: If it was invented anywhere else it would have been called a teeth brush
From Uncle-daddy

Dates: I would only go on first date for lunch. The reason being IMO there was less pressure and it gave more options. If you hit it off you could take a walk have coffee after lunch. Sometimes it would lead to dinner and FDS. If it was horrible or there was no connection you could catch up with your mates and drown your tears:lol:
Dates: I would only go on first date for lunch. The reason being IMO there was less pressure and it gave more options. If you hit it off you could take a walk have coffee after lunch. Sometimes it would lead to dinner and FDS. If it was horrible or there was no connection you could catch up with your mates and drown your tears:lol:

If you arent tooooo sure on someone, i have come to learn that setting up a rendevous like a 'quick drink' is always the best option, and also saying that you cant stay long as you have got to be somewhere later....this can work well because:

A) If you meet them and theyre a nutter or just plain ugly to the point it could kill your street cred, you have an excuse to abadon the date and get your arse outtta there pronto....

b) If the dates going well and your both gettin on, you and your date would totally of forgot what you had said earlier about having to leave, so you can just crack on :lol:

The old txt or phone call trick just doesnt work these days im afraid ;):lol:
I take about 30 minutes to get ready in the morning. I do all the prep work the night before all I have to do is shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed.

Aside: Q: You know how you can tell the tooth brush was invented in West Virginia?
A: If it was invented anywhere else it would have been called a teeth brush
From Uncle-daddy

Dates: I would only go on first date for lunch. The reason being IMO there was less pressure and it gave more options. If you hit it off you could take a walk have coffee after lunch. Sometimes it would lead to dinner and FDS. If it was horrible or there was no connection you could catch up with your mates and drown your tears:lol:

Now I can't imagine you being the kind of dude to sweat on a date. No waay Jose. I reckon you click your fingers and the chicks appear from all over the neighbourhood. They don't call you Jay Cool hell no! they call you Daddy Cool.
Now I can't imagine you being the kind of dude to sweat on a date. No waay Jose. I reckon you click your fingers and the chicks appear from all over the neighbourhood. They don't call you Jay Cool hell no! they call you Daddy Cool.
