
Now I can't imagine you being the kind of dude to sweat on a date. No waay Jose. I reckon you click your fingers and the chicks appear from all over the neighbourhood. They don't call you Jay Cool hell no! they call you Daddy Cool.

To know me is to love me:lol::lol::lol:
Indeed :)

A nice dinner somewhere that isn;t too expensive is good. Pizza Express tends to be a good choice. Or am I wrong with ever suggesting this?
The old txt or phone call trick just doesnt work these days im afraid ;):lol:

The old 'emergency' routine? Still fully valid the morning after the night before, but you need to think ahead and always go to theirs, in case they offer to wait at yours until you return!
Tell the truth and run away if you need to. Saying you have plans early on gives you an escape route, like someone said earlier you can always cancel your plans if you are having a cracking date or morning after.;):lol:
Tell the truth and run away if you need to. Saying you have plans early on gives you an escape route, like someone said earlier you can always cancel your plans if you are having a cracking date or morning after.;):lol:

We are clearly pros is this dating game ;)8):lol:
I'd rather go out with someone ugly than someone high maintenance. ;) The whole who pays what when thing is a bit of a minefield. I probably won't win any points when I say I'm generally in favour of going Dutch.
I'd rather go out with someone ugly than someone high maintenance. ;) The whole who pays what when thing is a bit of a minefield. I probably won't win any points when I say I'm generally in favour of going Dutch.

I think if it is a first date and I will pay without a problem, but I won't object if the lady wants to go dutch.
I think most guys still stick to the old fashion way, and they pay on the first date and wont accept a woman even suggesting to pay even half, sometimes...

I however will always offer to pay my share but who am i to argue it if the guys stick to tradition ;):lol:
Someone took me to a posh French restaurant on a first date - it was impressive but I had no clue what to order and looked a bit of a fool - luckily my "essexness" impressed him :lol: