karen mathews & michael donovan found GUILTY!!

The whole thing is just depressing.

For starters I'm amazed that there was even one man that would debase himself enough to have sex with what appears to be a malnourished, anaemic orang-utan let alone a whole string of them.

Plus it galls me tremendously that a good percentage of my earnings go straight into the pockets of people like Karen Matthews who do little else than lay on the sofa, shovelling crisps into their pie-hole and blowing off. Obviously they may occasionally take time out to fire out another completely unnecessary sproglette into the world that will grow up unloved and will spend all of its time after the age of ten, roaming the rubbish-strewn streets of it's sh*tty estate in packs looking for things to break, fight or f*ck.

At least if the World goes up in flames, we can all die knowing their shell-suits are highly combustable and it'll probably hurt them more than us.
Was listening to Nick Ferrari, who can be contraversial, on LBC this morning, a station i'm beginning to really like, he advocating sterilizing freaks like that!
Another controversial opinion but I don't think they are that bad, watched them on the tellybox this evening and to be honest, just thought they were stupid. They never really did another too malicious, barring drugging their children which could again just be attributed the their general ignorance and stupidity and probably just realised what they did when they were too deep involved in it. Silly they are maybe, but calling for their heads to roll is not the answer, take their kids away from them and neuter them though.

Strange thing to say! 8O

:lol: You like your controversial moments don't you?

I guess you're saying stupidity isn't a crime...and you're right.

...but the intention was most definitely there - and it wasn't a nice one. So punishment well deserved I say. ;)

I want to watch that documentary again now! 8O

They should release it in a box set to recoup some of the tax payers money over xmas. :lol:
Make a film of it...

who will star in the lead roles?

answers on a fag packet please.

Karen Matthews - Clyde from the 'Every Which Way...' movies

Michael Donovan - That little scrote who played Billy in Eastenders

Shannon - Teddy Ruxpin

Craig Meehan - 'Spencer' from Phoenix Nights

John Stapleton - Himself

Unreasonable Screaming Member Of The Public - Colm Meaney
Michael Donovan changed his name because he was obssessed with the lead character out of the "V" tv series...8O

I think him and Karen Matthews are wrong uns without a doubt. Don't think it's fair to lump together all people in the same "class" (not my term) together with these two. Sterilisation is obviously a stupid answer by sensationalists when a reform of the benefits and social care system is what is needed.

Good people at all levels of society. As usual the angry mob like to slag off sections of society as it makes them feel better about themselves.
Michael Donovan changed his name because he was obssessed with the lead character out of the "V" tv series...8O

I think him and Karen Matthews are wrong uns without a doubt. Don't think it's fair to lump together all people in the same "class" (not my term) together with these two. Sterilisation is obviously a stupid answer by sensationalists when a reform of the benefits and social care system is what is needed.

Good people at all levels of society. As usual the angry mob like to slag off sections of society as it makes them feel better about themselves.

Exactly. I don't know what's more depressing - the horrible things that sometimes happen to innocent people, kids in particular, in our world, the media portrayal of those sensational incidents as a trend, utilised to define a whole social group of people as pariahs, or the willingness of apparently otherwise intelligent people to accept that and selfrighteously claim the moral highground and some sense of belonging in the bargain.
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the plain fact is that vast sections of the underclass are total disaster zones - people with no strong family roots, who have never worked, who have no sense of responsibility, no ambition, no role models and whose children are inevitable future crime statistics. Sometimes you see women get on the tube with up to 6/7 kids, who don't care that the kids cause havoc and that the junk they're eating only aggravates their behaviour. Basically, you're dealing with an underclass which is living in a totally different moral sphere, and who we are subsidising. This is a disgrace because until you take on that dependency culture, then they will never embrace normal life. Karen Matthews took home £1600 a month in benefits having never worked in her life and continued to breed without a care for the kids. She isn't a one-off - there are millions of families like that, no education, no humanity, nothing, just desperate, nihilistic, statistics with zero positive to contribute and there will be more cases like this and Haringey and all the others, because there is a whole class which is completely detached from civilisation. That is the biggest national scandal of the post-war years and tory, labour, the lot should be fcken ashamed for doing nothing about it.
the plain fact is that vast sections of the underclass are total disaster zones - people with no strong family roots, who have never worked, who have no sense of responsibility, no ambition, no role models and whose children are inevitable future crime statistics. Sometimes you see women get on the tube with up to 6/7 kids, who don't care that the kids cause havoc and that the junk they're eating only aggravates their behaviour. Basically, you're dealing with an underclass which is living in a totally different moral sphere, and who we are subsidising. This is a disgrace because until you take on that dependency culture, then they will never embrace normal life. Karen Matthews took home £1600 a month in benefits having never worked in her life and continued to breed without a care for the kids. She isn't a one-off - there are millions of families like that, no education, no humanity, nothing, just desperate, nihilistic, statistics with zero positive to contribute and there will be more cases like this and Haringey and all the others, because there is a whole class which is completely detached from civilisation. That is the biggest national scandal of the post-war years and tory, labour, the lot should be fcken ashamed for doing nothing about it.

for once i agree with ya.

Tories will do something about it if they get in (Thats were their Social Justice policy group headed by IDS comes in).

As for Labour, every govt minister when pressed if there's a Broken Society has their head firmly wedged into the ground.
the plain fact is that vast sections of the underclass are total disaster zones - people with no strong family roots, who have never worked, who have no sense of responsibility, no ambition, no role models and whose children are inevitable future crime statistics. Sometimes you see women get on the tube with up to 6/7 kids, who don't care that the kids cause havoc and that the junk they're eating only aggravates their behaviour. Basically, you're dealing with an underclass which is living in a totally different moral sphere, and who we are subsidising. This is a disgrace because until you take on that dependency culture, then they will never embrace normal life. Karen Matthews took home £1600 a month in benefits having never worked in her life and continued to breed without a care for the kids. She isn't a one-off - there are millions of families like that, no education, no humanity, nothing, just desperate, nihilistic, statistics with zero positive to contribute and there will be more cases like this and Haringey and all the others, because there is a whole class which is completely detached from civilisation. That is the biggest national scandal of the post-war years and tory, labour, the lot should be fcken ashamed for doing nothing about it.

If you write off and demonise "Millions of families" then the problem will never go away. There are many problem families and many third and second generation unemployed in this country which has led to this "underclass". But they are not all Child kidknappers and Abusers and society has not given them the luxury of the same "moral sphere" as you or I.
If you write off and demonise "Millions of families" then the problem will never go away. There are many problem families and many third and second generation unemployed in this country which has led to this "underclass". But they are not all Child kidknappers and Abusers and society has not given them the luxury of the same "moral sphere" as you or I.

well time for the govt to admit there is a problem there and deal with it effectively NOW, rather than let it fester to a point where the problems will no doubt grow and grow.
the plain fact is that vast sections of the underclass are total disaster zones - people with no strong family roots, who have never worked, who have no sense of responsibility, no ambition, no role models and whose children are inevitable future crime statistics. Sometimes you see women get on the tube with up to 6/7 kids, who don't care that the kids cause havoc and that the junk they're eating only aggravates their behaviour. Basically, you're dealing with an underclass which is living in a totally different moral sphere, and who we are subsidising. This is a disgrace because until you take on that dependency culture, then they will never embrace normal life. Karen Matthews took home £1600 a month in benefits having never worked in her life and continued to breed without a care for the kids. She isn't a one-off - there are millions of families like that, no education, no humanity, nothing, just desperate, nihilistic, statistics with zero positive to contribute and there will be more cases like this and Haringey and all the others, because there is a whole class which is completely detached from civilisation. That is the biggest national scandal of the post-war years and tory, labour, the lot should be fcken ashamed for doing nothing about it.
Are you a Daily Mail reader?
Tories will do something about it if they get in


Yeah, shut the mines and close the shipyards, sell council houses to their friends, **** the education system, run down the national health.

Oh no that's what they did last time they were in.
Good people at all levels of society. As usual the angry mob like to slag off sections of society as it makes them feel better about themselves.

True. But the vast majority of low intelligence, benefit claiming, inbred eejits are from the lower class. Fact!
I agree with Olly on that point. Certain people should be banned from ever having kids! They're nothing but a burden on the hard-working, tax paying citizens in the UK. And I'm sure the hard-working, tax paying section of the lower class would agree too!
well time for the govt to admit there is a problem there and deal with it effectively NOW, rather than let it fester to a point where the problems will no doubt grow and grow.

It's already festered beyond that point and i don't think it's a point up for debate.
True. But the vast majority of low intelligence, benefit claiming, inbred eejits are from the lower class. Fact!
I agree with Olly on that point. Certain people should be banned from ever having kids! They're nothing but a burden on the hard-working, tax paying citizens in the UK. And I'm sure the hard-working, tax paying section of the lower class would agree too!

I'm from a lower class family.
Incidentally, with relation to the welfare state etc. if anyone saw Louis Theroux in Philadelphia, that is what happens without a welfare state. And that amazed me, just masses and masses of stupid, ignorant and unaccountable people without help, fighting the authorities and are literally living in a completely different world to what we know. In Britain we just need a complete revamp of it which is absolutely impossible to do without skipping a generation.