karen mathews & michael donovan found GUILTY!!


Active Member
the jury has just returned a guilty verdict on all charges of,kidnapping,false imprisonment,and perverting the course of justice....
scum 'o earth.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

The recent stories in the uk involving child abuse and cruelty is absolutely shocking. How any parent can think about harming a child, let alone their own just beggars belief.

As she did it so publicly and wasting taxpayers money and police time, her feet wont touch the ground. 10 or so years i reckon.
this case demonstrates yet again the pressing need to sterilise vast sections of the underclass
as Chewie eloquently put it, they are indeed scum, and descended from huge families of soap dodging, benefit chomping, daytime tv addicted, idle, often obese misfits who are just a waste of space on an overpopulated island. Would far rather have hard working immigrant families living in our society than indigineous amoebae, who routinely make the headlines for all the wrong reasons
as Chewie eloquently put it, they are indeed scum, and descended from huge families of soap dodging, benefit chomping, daytime tv addicted, idle, often obese misfits who are just a waste of space on an overpopulated island. Would far rather have hard working immigrant families living in our society than indigineous amoebae, who routinely make the headlines for all the wrong reasons

no need for fancy words where people like that are involved.
He was obsessed by cars but needed more than 100 lessons to pass his driving test before finding work as a delivery driver.

His boss sent him out one day to put £20 of diesel in his pick-up, then watched later in bemusement as Donovan repeatedly drove back and forth past the firm's premises.

When he eventually returned, he explained that he had only been able to fit £18.48 into the tank, so he kept driving around until he could return to the petrol station and squeeze in the remaining £1.52.
He was obsessed by cars but needed more than 100 lessons to pass his driving test before finding work as a delivery driver.

His boss sent him out one day to put £20 of diesel in his pick-up, then watched later in bemusement as Donovan repeatedly drove back and forth past the firm's premises.

When he eventually returned, he explained that he had only been able to fit £18.48 into the tank, so he kept driving around until he could return to the petrol station and squeeze in the remaining £1.52.

sounds about as sharp as a spoon.
youre a driver aint ya Mr Fly? ;):lol:
it will be interesting to see what length of sentence they get!!..well, the whole story is unfolding,whereby a former neighbour of karen mathews has come out in an interview and said she reported the family to social services on 3 separate occassions because she feared for shannon's safety!...and...surprise surprise...she was ignored!.......deja-vu like a muthaf**ker!!
Another controversial opinion but I don't think they are that bad, watched them on the tellybox this evening and to be honest, just thought they were stupid. They never really did another too malicious, barring drugging their children which could again just be attributed the their general ignorance and stupidity and probably just realised what they did when they were too deep involved in it. Silly they are maybe, but calling for their heads to roll is not the answer, take their kids away from them and neuter them though.
i dont know about you polack,but anyone that clearly neglects their child in the manner they have & feeds them tranquilisers is more than stupid in my book...i think a spell in the nick will sort them out!
sorry not to keep up with the news...

dont know what that's all about but I cant get past the fact that it's a crime to be a Pervert in England.

At least you can be a Pervert in America and not get prosecuted for it.

To quote Beevis and buthead,

he, he..

he, he...

He said "pervert."

he, he....
Another controversial opinion but I don't think they are that bad, watched them on the tellybox this evening and to be honest, just thought they were stupid. They never really did another too malicious, barring drugging their children which could again just be attributed the their general ignorance and stupidity and probably just realised what they did when they were too deep involved in it. Silly they are maybe, but calling for their heads to roll is not the answer, take their kids away from them and neuter them though.

have you been sniffing Pritt Stick again????? :spank:
I don't think they are that bad, watched them on the tellybox this evening and to be honest, just thought they were stupid. They never really did another too malicious, barring drugging their children which could again just be attributed the their general ignorance and stupidity and probably just realised what they did when they were too deep involved in it. Silly they are maybe, but calling for their heads to roll is not the answer, take their kids away from them and neuter them though.

yes, they're not that bad really - salt of the earth working class, innit, y'know, raising kids in a dirty crack/smack den, drugging child, tying child up and locking in drawer (!), playing on public sympathy, wasting £3.5m of taxpayers money, thieving, storing dodgy pix of other kids on harddrive, just another day at the office really

either you are on a massive windup OR you are the biggest moron ever to write on an internet forum [and I've come across a few, ez Paul in Stoke if you're lurking]
while the welfare system is in place to be abused, people will abuse it.

I remember back at school, some of the girls got pregnant just to get a council house.

A guy i knocked about with was living with some burd, who had his kid and 3 others by 2 other diff blokes. Its plain wrong.

"but its our choice" the say. if it is their choice to get up the duff, why the **** do we have to pay for them to be housed. where the **** is their immediate family?
