Philly Cent
New Member
I still stand by what I say, scumbags like Karen Matthews et al... castrate/neuter/chop off bits... whatever!![]()
Back to Nick Ferarri's point on the radio this morning, advocating sterilisation!
I still stand by what I say, scumbags like Karen Matthews et al... castrate/neuter/chop off bits... whatever!![]()
You can't take my responses to a previous line of argument and apply them to a different one.
If you're talking about forced sterilisation of a person convicted of child abuse and neglect then that's a different situation altogther than a mother of 5 on benefits.
This has got waaayyyy too intense and I really can't be bothered to get into a heated debate about it. There's loads of people who have tough childhoods and make something of themselves. I'd hope that Shannon would see her mum's failings and make sure she doesn't end up like that.
I still stand by what I say, scumbags like Karen Matthews et al... castrate/neuter/chop off bits... whatever!![]()
And I would agree with you regarding Karen Matthews. But she's guilty of a crime.
whoah marky boy, you asked me who should be sterilised and I told you who!!
chill man....get some sleep
p.s i was up for 2hrs from 2am-4am this morning!! frikkin milk teeth!!
It's far too complex an issue to say, "well they get a free education like everyone else, it's obviously their choice".
God whenever I try to present a serious point on here people think I must be sitting here at my key board red faced and furious. I'm cool!
And I would agree with you regarding Karen Matthews. But she's guilty of a crime.
hang on I was just lambasted for saying the same thing!!![]()
i thought you were supposed to be finding jonny a job?
hang on I was just lambasted for saying the same thing!!![]()
I think his hormones are raging. We should castrate him immediately!
I think his hormones are raging. We should castrate him immediately!
Apologies if my responses have come over full on.
I just get started and don't know what happens.
other nominees for sterilisation
the twats on the 118 ads
I probably could arrange for them to "disappear". My company makes those ads![]()
Social security system was built on ideal's well outdated. But if you were to take it away, or make it not such a cosey option together with the econmy situation what would happen?
In the States,
"On November 30, in a little noticed news article appearing in the Washington Post, the Pentagon announced the planned deployment of 20,000 rapid reaction troops inside the United States"
Rioting most probably.
^^^^^^^Whilst the subject matter is anything but funny, that did make me smile!![]()