Is this the real one or an imposter??

You people are crazy.

OK, we all like to hear a good set but to be perfectly honest, the only set i can say i really didn't enjoy was Cassius on the terrace about 4 years ago.

As long as i'm in good company and the music's anywhere between decent and mindblowing i'm as good as. Isn't that what it's all about?

Maybe i'm too easily pleased.

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Drew said:
You people are crazy.

OK, we all like to hear a good set but to be perfectly honest, the only set i can say i really didn't enjoy was Cassius on the terrace about 4 years ago.

As long as i'm in good company and the music's anywhere between decent and mindblowing i'm as good as.

Maybe i'm too easily pleased.


Cue the Cassius' fans backlash :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I've never seen Fanciulli play but I think production-wise he's one of the best of British, among only a handful from these shores to be giving the Germans and Scandos a run for their money at the moment. The Skylark mix of Shout was probably my favourite tune of 2004. And although A-Studio's been played to death, no question, it's still a clever, well-produced record.

A new terrace resident I did find disappointing, I'm sorry to say, was Smokin' Jo, who I've seen play entertaining sets in the past. At We Love the Sunday before last, she played some decent tunes but couldn't be bothered to do more than the most perfunctory mixing, preferring to Mwah-Mwah assorted acolytes who came to hob-nob around the DJ booth, then invariably mucking up the beat-matching of the next tune.

Couldn't stay for either Fanciulli or Woolford as we'd blagged a flukey guest-list that unfortunately didn't include pass-outs.
I think the key here is it's fine to criticise and debate a certain dj and style of music, but thing's shouldn't get personal, especially if you know it could offend some people reading it.

I always try and think before I post, admittedly sometimes it doesn't happen and I post things and think "hmmm maybe I shouldn't have said that" :lol:
Super Polack said:
Yeah, I hate students too. I'm am absolutely no gain to society at all, however it sure is fun. Barrnig the fact that at the moment I couldn't draw a tenner out of my account. Oh well, in a few weeks I'll be getting £1400 from all of your wages :p

Oh I don't hate them, I just don't love them either.... I certainly couldn't eat a full one....:lol:

I remember when you could get £5 notes from cashpoints... I also remember being so skint one day (years ago - I'm minted nowadays....not :lol: ) when I had £4.50 in the bank and couldn't go hastily deposited 50p into my account, so that I could draw out the £5 note from the cashpoint......

This is in the time, when £5 could take 2 people out for dinner, a movie, get p*ssed, taxi home and have change...... Oh yeah, and a quarter of sherbert pips were 5p, not 95p.....

It's funny - I remember years ago, but couldn't tell you what I did for the last four weekends activities..... Who can? :eek: :lol:
Beckiboo said:
I always try and think before I post, admittedly sometimes it doesn't happen and I post things and think "hmmm maybe I shouldn't have said that" :lol:

Not wanting to be rude, it's meant as a compliment, I find your posts refreshing and funny, even the serious ones :lol: Especially about that schlaaag Rebecca as you call her...priceless8)

Hope you don't mind the admiration, it's just that I'm shallow and need friends and mutual compliments.... I think they call that fishing :lol:

Sometimes I don't know how I keep a straight face with the sh*te I try and pass off as conversation....:lol:
DJNC said:
Not wanting to be rude, it's meant as a compliment, I find your posts refreshing and funny, even the serious ones :lol: Especially about that schlaaag Rebecca as you call her...priceless8)

Hope you don't mind the admiration, it's just that I'm shallow and need friends and mutual compliments.... I think they call that fishing :lol:

Sometimes I don't know how I keep a straight face with the sh*te I try and pass off as conversation....:lol:

Welll....*ahem* thankyou kind Sir!

I would return the compliment had I read some of your other posts but I haven't actually noticed you before... are you a new poster? :confused: If you have I'm sure they were all hilarious! ;) :lol:
silvia said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Remember language works two ways, and not only me and my difficult to follow english would interprete your words in different way that you pretend. Jos cos I have my own interpretation of your words doesn't mean I can't follow.

This is not a forum exclusive for english spoken people (and actually surprise! IBiza it's not english spoken) so maybe it would be a good idea to be a bit more respectfull and patient with international members :rolleyes:

I know, sorry, I assumed you were English to begin with when i made those comments, perhaps it is because your English is actually really good that i thought so. Your English is better than some English people I know. I think we all got the wrong end of the stick.


La paz y adora.
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whats happened to the :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: smiley? it's coming up as 80, or is it just my computer?

(BTW I've never even heard of said DJ) :lol: :oops:
Beckiboo said:
Welll....*ahem* thankyou kind Sir!

I would return the compliment had I read some of your other posts but I haven't actually noticed you before... are you a new poster? :confused: If you have I'm sure they were all hilarious! ;) :lol:

I don't understand how you can have missed me:lol: - I atach random sh*t to every post I can just to ensure that when I actually have something important to say, everyone will ignore it :lol: - it's called boy cried wolf and chatted to much sh*t on spotlight syndrome..... Oh...sorry....'ker' - 'ching'...penny drops, yeah I get it, you're being funny back ;):rolleyes::lol::lol:

after Barbie "binned" me on Friday in the mysterious "Bin" thread, I made a solemn vow to ensure her post / thread quota got used up on just as much pointless dribble as usual;) :lol: :lol:

Proper Funny is when you send someone a birthday card and write inside the card "I was going to send you £10 for your birthday, however I'd sealed the card before I remembered to put the money in"
sandi said:
whats happened to the :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: smiley? it's coming up as 80, or is it just my computer?

(BTW I've never even heard of said DJ) :lol: :oops:

just seems to do that when you post a :eek: as the first and only thing in your post when you can't be bothered to post anything else :lol:
zarbtron said:
just seems to do that when you post a :eek: as the first and only thing in your post when you can't be bothered to post anything else :lol:

Zarbtron - is Sarah upset that the inane drivel level has not dipped with her banishment?