Is this the real one or an imposter??

zarbtron said:
jealous of my stunning ability to strike a pose? :lol:

but you weren't posing, it was natural, so you weren't striking a pose, altho if you are a natural poser, then you would've been posing but perhaps not necessarily striking a pose. having said that, sometimes you strike a pose by making it like natural like you're not strking a pose, which means that in this case, with you being a poser and all, you're right you were in fact striking a pose, but one that was intended to look like you weren't striking a pose.:confused: :eek:
grego said:
but you weren't posing, it was natural, so you weren't striking a pose, altho if you are a natural poser, then you would've been posing but perhaps not necessarily striking a pose. having said that, sometimes you strike a pose by making it like natural like you're not strking a pose, which means that in this case, with you being a poser and all, you're right you were in fact striking a pose, but one that was intended to look like you weren't striking a pose.:confused: :eek:


I'll just agree with that. :lol: :lol: (funniest post ever?)
grego said:
but you weren't posing, it was natural, so you weren't striking a pose, altho if you are a natural poser, then you would've been posing but perhaps not necessarily striking a pose. having said that, sometimes you strike a pose by making it like natural like you're not strking a pose, which means that in this case, with you being a poser and all, you're right you were in fact striking a pose, but one that was intended to look like you weren't striking a pose.:confused: :eek:

grego said:
but you weren't posing, it was natural, so you weren't striking a pose, altho if you are a natural poser, then you would've been posing but perhaps not necessarily striking a pose. having said that, sometimes you strike a pose by making it like natural like you're not strking a pose, which means that in this case, with you being a poser and all, you're right you were in fact striking a pose, but one that was intended to look like you weren't striking a pose.:confused: :eek:

Ha kind of sense..:lol:

with all due respect your talking complete crap about Nic / Woolford

if Nic and Paul are soooooooooo ****, why are they

A - playing nearly every week after guesting last year?

B - why are they also monthly residents at il Muretto in Venice Italy this summer? one of the best clubs in Italy.

C - why are they playing at Space Miami regularly?

D - why are they on the front cover of DJ mag being given plaudits for the way they have moved the terrace forward?

E - why are they so prolific with their music?

i have to say Barbie, your probably one of the most mis informed people i have ever come across on a message board.

where you there for the 9th July when Nic and JZ tore the terrace to pieces for 3 hours? No????

where you there last week when Nic again smashed it from 2 - 4am? No????

you say that Dazza Hughes should bin him and wooly....

i think we should bin YOU LOL..... i'm sure that 'Dazza' knows exactly what he's doing with his line ups....

WAKE UP - the cheese on the covered terrace is OVER !!!! if you want that and by looking at your pictures you seem to like a bit of fromage in your life - get to space early (oh sorry you already do), and leave before the real music starts (use your pass out to stay OUT)

and as for going to DC10 and leaving at 7pm??? WTF??? you leave DC10 at the time when the whole point of DC10 is about to be revealed???? you leave before the likes of Luciano have played???? .... Barbie Barbie Barbie, your showing your age, *oh i dont like it when it gets busy*, *the kids tread on my feet*... the real fun STARTS AT 7PM when you old fcukers have gone home and us younger acid housers have been at it all day sunday and monday !!! you'll never guess what we sometimes do on Monday nights after DC10???

YES YES YES we go to Cocoon to hear those ****E DJ's Sven Vath and Richie Hawtin - im guessing Monday night you'd be at that MECCA OF CHEESE PACHA !!!! listening to Roger.

Roger OFF !!!!

i would recommend checking the listings for when Guetta and Sinclair are playing space, making sure you have L'Oreal'd your hair, have a cheeky quarter and love every fromaged minute of how it used to be when you were younger.

Move over grandma a new era of acid house is coming !!!!

as for the Sneak V Sven arguments you have.

Sven is a genuis !!!! Sneak is average

these forums were better bak'n tha day

they were open air too and you could take your camera in and it wasn't as expensive either.
Aye they were...

"Move over grandma a new era of acid house is coming !!!! " For a first post you got to give it to the kid for making an entrance :lol:

I used to lurk and occasionally post then it all got a bit odd with secret member threads which you had to be invited to and stuff so I stopped dropping in so often :(
Aye they were...

"Move over grandma a new era of acid house is coming !!!! " For a first post you got to give it to the kid for making an entrance :lol:

I used to lurk and occasionally post then it all got a bit odd with secret member threads which you had to be invited to and stuff so I stopped dropping in so often :(

Vot iz thees Members you speek ov?