Is this the real one or an imposter??

DJNC said:
I don't understand how you can have missed me:lol: - I atach random sh*t to every post I can just to ensure that when I actually have something important to say, everyone will ignore it :lol: - it's called boy cried wolf and chatted to much sh*t on spotlight syndrome..... Oh...sorry....'ker' - 'ching'...penny drops, yeah I get it, you're being funny back ;):rolleyes::lol::lol:

after Barbie "binned" me on Friday in the mysterious "Bin" thread, I made a solemn vow to ensure her post / thread quota got used up on just as much pointless dribble as usual;) :lol: :lol:

Proper Funny is when you send someone a birthday card and write inside the card "I was going to send you £10 for your birthday, however I'd sealed the card before I remembered to put the money in"

This post has confused me immensley :confused:
macdonsj said:
Zarbtron - is Sarah upset that the inane drivel level has not dipped with her banishment?

Tsk, another inane drivel hater? :rolleyes:

*inane drivel alert* I happen to think that my posts are witty, well thought out and full of useful information *end inane drivel alert*
zarbtron said:
Tsk, another inane drivel hater? :rolleyes:

*inane drivel alert* I happen to think that my posts are witty, well thought out and full of useful information *end inane drivel alert*

not a hater - its all about the love today

just thought Sarah might have expected the "inane drivel" on the board to dip during her sabbatical
macdonsj said:
not a hater - its all about the love today

just thought Sarah might have expected the "inane drivel" on the board to dip during her sabbatical

I've tried my very hardest today to talk complete and utter drivel, and it's quite difficult when trying to hold down a full time job... though made much easier by having no competition on here today - Thanks :lol:
Hi everyone

in answer to your question

This is the real Nic !!! :lol:

I don't really spend a lot of time on message boards but i thought i would throw my comments in

Just wanted to say that i've noticed various comments from both sides of the fence.

For those people who aren't really into what i do, i totally respect your thoughts and views 8)

there are other dj's that im not 100% into what they do but still 99% of the time i respect them as a person. :lol: the world would be so boring if we all liked the same things !!!

As for the People who are giving me props, thanks and i hope you enjoy the mix. ;)

just thought id check in.

many thanks nic fanciulli : ) :D :D :D

p.s if people still don't think its me :rolleyes: send me a message on my space account and i'll reply back.
macdonsj said:
not a hater - its all about the love today

just thought Sarah might have expected the "inane drivel" on the board to dip during her sabbatical

she fully expects others to make up for it ;) :lol:
Nic Fanciulli said:
Hi everyone

in answer to your question

This is the real Nic !!! :lol:

I don't really spend a lot of time on message boards but i thought i would throw my comments in

Just wanted to say that i've noticed various comments from both sides of the fence.

For those people who aren't really into what i do, i totally respect your thoughts and views 8)

there are other dj's that im not 100% into what they do but still 99% of the time i respect them as a person. :lol: the world would be so boring if we all liked the same things !!!

As for the People who are giving me props, thanks and i hope you enjoy the mix. ;)

just thought id check in.

many thanks nic fanciulli : ) :D :D :D

p.s if people still don't think its me :rolleyes: send me a message on my space account and i'll reply back.

Nic.... you've saved the day...I've done nothing but defend you :lol:

Ok I've done nothing :lol:
Nic Fanciulli said:
Hi everyone

in answer to your question

This is the real Nic !!! :lol:

I don't really spend a lot of time on message boards but i thought i would throw my comments in

Just wanted to say that i've noticed various comments from both sides of the fence.

For those people who aren't really into what i do, i totally respect your thoughts and views 8)

there are other dj's that im not 100% into what they do but still 99% of the time i respect them as a person. :lol: the world would be so boring if we all liked the same things !!!

As for the People who are giving me props, thanks and i hope you enjoy the mix. ;)

just thought id check in.

many thanks nic fanciulli : ) :D :D :D

p.s if people still don't think its me :rolleyes: send me a message on my space account and i'll reply back.


I've not heard you nic so I'm afraid I had no input into this thread. Will download mix and then stalk you on myspace if I like it :lol:

(eek! celebrity in the dance music world posts on spotlight shocker! :eek: )
zarbtron said:
ahem? I've even had a thread deleted today :rolleyes: (it did consist of just a :eek: because I felt so rough today though :lol: )

Sorry :oops: I've never had a thread deleted - you're the best drivel merchant really :lol:

Sorry Nic, the thread is not all about you you know...LOL Only Joking!!!
Deacon said:
I know, sorry, I assumed you were English to begin with when i made those comments, perhaps it is because your English is actually really good that i thought so. Your English is better than some English people I know. I think we all got the wrong end of the stick.


La paz y adora.


Thank's for that, apologies for my side too (if that makes any sense) :D
That isn't him by the way. Someone is making new accounts on this thing. There is a dark underground side to Spotlight. I think it's a job for Poirot.