Is it the end for Playa Den Bossa?

It seems the Brits love San An, and everyone else loves PDB. I could be wrong, but that's what I've noticed from being there, and what I see on this board.
Actually my tongue in cheek comments are aimed at Dirk Biglers ridiculous comments about German and Finnish people, he assumes that others would rather socialise with a Scot than another nationality....and for many of us this is just not true!
For us Ibiza is perfect because of the wide range of nationalities that we meet on our visits, we actually like the fact that PDB has a good mix of people and Dirks reference to PDB being full of German families is not factual as we have met many Italians, Canadians, Dutch, Americans, and Brits as well as Germans.
It's all too easy to pigeonhole Germans as sunbed snatching, noisy people but we believe that stereotyping is ignorance.
I was just trying to give Dirk a dose of his own medicine with my comments on Scots....and guess what?.....He never liked it one bit!

Stop taking things so seriously and chill out. Read my previous note again and you may actually spot the tongue and the cheek.

With people like you about, British Humour will die a death and they may even cancel the new Carry On film that is in production.
Both have pros and cons, San An does make a good base and is cheaper, There is some amazing food to be eaten, nice bars to get drunk in and a sunset to start a night off with. There are good beaches round the coast (like Calla Tarida). There are also worst.meal.ever restaurants, dodgy crap bars, 18-30 pub crawls to avoid.

I'm staying in PdB this year after not going to Ibiza for 5 years but I wouldn't have a problem staying in San An - in the right place it's fine but I couldn't imagine spending a whole holiday there. Same goes for PdB I suppose, there's so much else to do on other parts of the island.8)

I don't think much to Eden or Es Paradis but I do also love Amnesia.
It seems the Brits love San An, and everyone else loves PDB. I could be wrong, but that's what I've noticed from being there, and what I see on this board.

This is my impression as well. I have been at Ibiza 5 times, staid once in San An but ended up in a taxi to the other side just about every night.
Sunset is good, everything else the Brits can keep.
This is my impression as well. I have been at Ibiza 5 times, staid once in San An but ended up in a taxi to the other side just about every night.
Sunset is good, everything else the Brits can keep.

It's interesting, because this topic is becoming a rest of the World V the Brits thing. Not what was intended at all, but makes me understand better peoples misconception of San An.
Dirk Bigler

Stop taking things so seriously and chill out. Read my previous note again and you may actually spot the tongue and the cheek.

With people like you about, British Humour will die a death and they may even cancel the new Carry On film that is in production.

Folks let me add my tuppins worth for all of you. I feel that Dirk is misrepresenting most of us up here in Jockland. He comes from a breed of Jock who loves to wind people up with some his misguided views. Please ignore him. He is doing San Antonio no favours with his rants. Ladies I'm sure you would all avoid San An like the plague if all the blokes were like him. He probably lives in Granton and worships Trainspotting. Come over to Glasgow for a good night out if you want one. Head down to the Sub Club and we'll show you what good music, vibe, crowd, attitude is.

Having been a clubber for over 20 years and having been to the white island 6 or 7 times over the years now I reckon I've seen it all and feel I can comment. San An versus PDB or west versus east.

PDB (or East Side) wins hands down no problem.


a) It offers a mix of like minded individual people from different nationalities who are seeking a hasslefree chilled holiday.

b) I would say San An attracts more commercial Djs because of the type of clubber. More underground, smaller, cooler events in the east. DC10 Circoloco one of the best underground events on the island but its now getting too big. No San Antonio crowd there.

c) The area is not plagued with cheap bars wanting to get a bottle of vokda down your neck for a £1. PDB offers more than in sitting in a bar full of Brits with union jacks for bikins or shorts. PDB clubbers are usually older, wiser, probably not from blue collar background. This accounts for a more intelligent clubber with more money on the east side of the island, they dont need the cheap bars which is a magnet for lower down the ladder type. Give me German tourists anytime to the union jack brigade. No Neds/chavs/pikey people in the east.

d) San An is culturally bereft. Culturally enriched Ibiza town is only a few minutes away.

e) Loads of cool hotels including Es Vive.

Dirk away back to Granton.
can somebody explain to me how one can be both like-minded and individual? sounds like pseuds' corner to me.
Each to their own!

I am going back to San An Bay where I can easily hop on a bus to or ferry or taxi and go whereever I want. I am far enough away from the rowdyness but close enough to transport.

San An holds a special place in my heart even though I have saw the West End at it's 5am worst! The West End is any resort where there are tons of Brits out on the lash or it could be Blackpool. Sad to say it but it's usually we Brits that give places a bad name.

I personally go there to take advantage of the cheap drinks but leave at midnight at the latest! During the day it's good for cheap food....and shopping.

I have had some great nights in Kilties, Play2, Nightlife etc and I am a dedicated "proper" clubber not a lager lout. I see it for what it is - harmless fun for the most. However I dislike being in the West End when there is anything to do with football on it does get a bit scary. I also agree that the vulnerable amoungst us should watch out as I have saw more than a few inebriated young females being hassled. However again this could be anywhere in Europe where the Brits are in on hols - this could even be any town or city in Britain!

I love Mambos so being able to get down to see the sunset is a bonus for me. San An Bay for me as it's quiet....

I agree with your comments spot on!

Everywhere in Ibiza can be enjoyed if you have the right mentality!
Folks let me add my tuppins worth for all of you. I feel that Dirk is misrepresenting most of us up here in Jockland. He comes from a breed of Jock who loves to wind people up with some his misguided views. Please ignore him. He is doing San Antonio no favours with his rants. Ladies I'm sure you would all avoid San An like the plague if all the blokes were like him. He probably lives in Granton and worships Trainspotting. Come over to Glasgow for a good night out if you want one. Head down to the Sub Club and we'll show you what good music, vibe, crowd, attitude is.

For someone from Scotland to claim they are from 'Jockland' and a 'Jock' AKA Sweaty Sock, shows a complete lack of education and inteligence, or are you trying to be a bit NWA? (Do love Trainspotting by the way - great film!)

I run my own very succesful business and I am lucky enough to stay in a very nice area of Edinburgh, so your views are somewhat misguided.

Glasgow is a great place and would agree that they have a good crowd and vibe. I was at the Groove Armada gig last week in Glasgow at this reinforced those beliefs.

San Antonio has some of the most gorgeous girls in the world (without hairy armpits) Check out Kanya and Coastline pool during the day, Bar M and Plastic at night.

Having been a clubber for over 20 years and having been to the white island 6 or 7 times over the years now I reckon I've seen it all and feel I can comment. San An versus PDB or west versus east..
You beat me by one year on the clubbing front, I beat you hands down on the visits to Ibiza front. You dont get a look in. Can you comment on 6 (or 7?) visits? How many times have you stayed in or visited San An?

Your other comments:-

a) It offers a mix of like minded individual people from different nationalities who are seeking a hasslefree chilled holiday.

Is a lot of Ibiza not like this, or is that just PDB?

b) I would say San An attracts more commercial Djs because of the type of clubber. More underground, smaller, cooler events in the east. DC10 Circoloco one of the best underground events on the island but its now getting too big. No San Antonio crowd there.

You would say? Are you one of these guys that only thinks something is cool because it is underground? You move on becasue it is too popular? A fashion whore? Not sure what your point is, but I have heard all manners of DJs in San at Mambo, Cafe Del Mar and Kanya. Cant remember the last time I actually went to a club in San An though. Would agree some of the nights are commercial, but I choose to stay in San An as a base for restaurants, speaking to like minded people and the fantastic bars.

c) The area is not plagued with cheap bars wanting to get a bottle of vokda down your neck for a £1. PDB offers more than in sitting in a bar full of Brits with union jacks for bikins or shorts. PDB clubbers are usually older, wiser, probably not from blue collar background. This accounts for a more intelligent clubber with more money on the east side of the island, they dont need the cheap bars which is a magnet for lower down the ladder type. Give me German tourists anytime to the union jack brigade. No Neds/chavs/pikey people in the east.

This is hilarious! Please show me the cheap bars in Ibiza outside the West end? 'PDB clubbers are usually older, wiser, probably not from blue collar background' What on earth does that have to do with anything? You say you have been clubbing for twenty years, do you have a clue about the general ethos of clubbing? What on earth is a more intelligent clubber? Do they carry out an IQ test before you can stay there? You have really shown yourself up with these comments.

d) San An is culturally bereft. Culturally enriched Ibiza town is only a few minutes away.

Mmmm, what about PDB then? I agree all of Ibiza has a fantastic history. Did you know that Hannibal was born on the rocks you can see when the sunsets on front of Cafe Del Mar and Christopher Columbus was also born on Ibiza. The egg in San Antoni represents this.

e) Loads of cool hotels including Es Vive.

Whats the other Hotels? San Antinio has Pikes, one of the coolest and mostfamous hotels in the world. Add to that the Coastline apartments (Robbie Williams owns one - maybe not a plus point though!), Blu Park, Gran Sol, Arenal, Bahia, Nautilus etc etc etc etc etc

I rest my case you strange characther.
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I have to say, some of this argument that is taking place is simply ridiculous.
San An or PDB is purely personal choice, and is more likely to be about what you in to, not how well educated you are or how much money you have!!

I have been to ibiza for the last 5 summers running (2 weeks each time) and i am heading back for my sixth visit in August.
I have stayed in both San An and PDB and both have their appeals for completely different reasons.

I prefer San An, why??
I simply think it has more choice to offer than PDB. Im not one of these idiots who goes to the West End every night to get wasted etc etc. Last year i only made it to the West End twice, both times to go to Plastik for a few hours before heading to a club.
When i stayed in PDB i simply found there was a lack of nice bars to sit and have a drink in around sunset time (i like sitting in coastline, or the old kanya, or by the mambo beach).
In San An i think there is more choice, you can go to Coastline, Mambo, Itaca etc and in every one you get an awesome view of the sunset. I found PDB didnt have as much choice.

I obviously support the argument that Bora Bora is better than San An, but i dont want to go to the same place every night!!

And my choice to stay in San An doesnt reflect my job or how much money i have or my intelligence!!
I have a decent job, earn a good living and graduated from University. I just prefer San An.
When i go to Ibiza i go to Space, DC10, Pacha and Amnesia which are all a fair distance from San An, but i dont mind paying the taxi fares at all.
I went to Eden once last year to see Jon Carter @ Dusted. So even though i stay in San An i rarely go out there at night, i just prefer the pre club side of it all.

So i dont think there is much point in having opinions about the people who stay in a certain area of the island and branding them all together as im sure there are all types of people (from the most seasoned clubbers to the beer boys) in both areas of the island!!

I stayed in the Jet Apartments once, and the next room was full of 6 girls from London who booked last minute cos it was cheap! They asked us where they could find some R'n'B! When i tried to explain what ibiza was all about they had no idea.
So there is just an example of how many different types of people can end up in the places people are saying are for the upper class clubber etc!!