Im finally going to Berlin!

Just back from our third visit to Berlin in 12 months (which probably gives an indication of the fact that we like the place a bit :lol:).

We flew out Friday morning which was Tom's birthday and had landed in Berlin to brilliant sunshine by lunchtime. We were staying in The Circus hotel again - a lovely boutique hotel by Rosenthaler Platz U-Bahn and by mid afternoon were sat in the sunshine by the river drinking a few pints of Berliner lager 8)

On Friday night we went to Cookies and Cream (Berlin's premier (only?!) vegetarian restaurant) - it's very 'Berlin' (ie an industrial old warehouse type place hidden in the back entrance of a hotel past the rubbish bins etc) and the food was excellent and a refreshing change to get good vegetarian food in Berlin a city which isn't really reknowned for catering for vegetarians (on a previous visit we ate in a restaurant which included chicken dishes in the vegetarian section :rolleyes:). There is a club underneath the restaurant which is meant to be pretty decent but we'd been up since 5.30am and had a busy day ahead of us on Saturday so gave it a miss.

Saturday we were up bright and early and headed to the Reichstag for a champagne breakfast - this is such a nice thing to do in Berlin and I can't recommend it enough. It's not cheap (27 euros) but when you factor in that you're eating at the top of this architecturally stunning building, you have amazing views over the city and you get so much food that I defy anyone to need to eat again for 12 hours then it is definitely worth it. We then caught the S-Bahn out to the suburbs to see FC Union Berlin play. It was a lunchtime kick-off so the walk from the station to the stadium (literally in the middle of a forest which was certainly the first time I've ever visited a football ground in a forest :lol:) was full of German football fans getting beer-ed up at 11.30am in the morning - I love the Germans as they have exactly the same mentality as the English :lol: There is a fantastic story about the club in that a few years ago, their stadium was in need of modernisation but they had no money, so the fans actually helped rebuild the stadium :D As a Forest fan who is used to supporting a team with no money, I absolutely LOVE stories like that! It was old-school football at its best - beers on the terraces and a cracking atmosphere and the mighty Union came away 2-0 winners. I'd definitely recommend it as a way to spend a few hours on a Saturday afternoon if you're in Berlin, we'll definitely go and see them when we're over there again.

After a couple of beers in the sunshine in Alexanderplatz we headed back to the hotel to try and get a bit of sleep before the main event - Berghain/Panorama.

Anyone who knows me will know how much I LOVE the place so without wanting to sound like a stuck record here are just a few of the reasons why I love the place so much:

1. It opens at midnight Saturday until sometime Monday morning so that's over 30 hours of clubbing. And it costs 12 euros to get in. I'm past my clubbing prime these days and the longest we've ever been in there is 17 hours but that is still fantastic value for money. Even if you did a 'lightweight';) 8 hours then it's still an excellent cost per hour ratio :lol:

2. Drinks are SO cheap. A beer is 3 euros, a double vodka is 5 euros and a huge bottle of water (that you can refill in the toilets) is 2 euros. So you could buy 15 beers and drink water ALL night and still have change from 50 euros :lol:

3. The staff and virtually non-existant security are so friendly. Unless you try and take a photo , in which case they will probably shoot you :lol:

4. The music is relentlessly good from the moment you enter, until you have to drag your weary body out many many many many hours later :twisted:

5. They have the best toilets in a club EVER - unisex, anything goes, anyone can pile in and do anything type toilets :lol:

6. The shutters :twisted:

We got a taxi about 1.30am (I love going at this time as there is never more than a 10/15 minute queue and you do always have the fallback option of going elsewhere until later Sunday morning if you don't get in). I'd say in the time we were queuing about 25-30% of people were turned away but fortunately we got the nod and were in and on the dancefloor before 2am). The first part of the night was being hosted by Secretsundaze who I have very fond memories of from the days many years ago when every weekend was a Ministry - Royal Oak :eek: - Secretsundaze marathon and they didn't disappoint. James Priestly played from midnight until 4am and really warmed the place up and then Giles Smith took it to the next level until gone 10am - absolutely superb and perfect for Panorama bar. Next up was Margaret Dygas whose first half hour was a bit flat but then she started boshing it out and it was relentless until eventually we dragged ourselves out battered bruised but with huge smiles on our face at 2.30pm Sunday afternoon after a good 12+ hours of solid clubbing. I've said it before but in all my years of clubbing, there is nowhere in the world like Berghain/Panorama Bar - absolutely the undisputed best clubbing experience in the world. EVER.

Sunday evening was spent having a couple of recovery beers and then a final breakfast in the sunshine on Monday morning before we flew back home.

Absolutely perfect weekend - the only problem is working out when we can fit the next visit in :spank:
I want to go so badly... I keep looking into going, but cant figure out when.

Possibly in late January...

Great review.
Great review, are you on a small kick-back from the people who run the place? ;)

It can be no coincidence that everyone who has ever been / posted on here says it is the best clubbing experience ever. Sounds like you had such a nice / exotic mix of a weekend from champagne breakfast to getting liquored in the woods with the local yocals:lol::lol:

Do you remain deadly silent in the queue, what is you usual outfit? Your 100% success rate at gaining entry is impressive:D
Great review, are you on a small kick-back from the people who run the place? ;)

It can be no coincidence that everyone who has ever been / posted on here says it is the best clubbing experience ever. Sounds like you had such a nice / exotic mix of a weekend from champagne breakfast to getting liquored in the woods with the local yocals:lol::lol:

Do you remain deadly silent in the queue, what is you usual outfit? Your 100% success rate at gaining entry is impressive:D

:lol: I am under no illusion that it's me - I think Tom raises our 'cool' stakes :lol:
Berghain/PB is the best club these days and the vibe in there is way better then the Ibiza clubs.....

Totally agree. Not been to Ibiza in 3 years as didn't like what the clubs were turning into and am in no rush to go back, not when you can go to Berghain/Panorama for a cheeky clubbing weekend instead :twisted:
How do the bouncers select who gets into Berghain? State of sobriety (or not?), whether the face fits, roll of a dice..?
How do the bouncers select who gets into Berghain? State of sobriety (or not?), whether the face fits, roll of a dice..?

It feels like it's at random, but they don't want the tourist clubbers in. You are better just going expecting to get denied entry thrn if you do get in it's a bonus. I'd say the best time to go is about 6am Sunday but expect to wait 1 1/2 hours plus.
It feels like it's at random, but they don't want the tourist clubbers in. You are better just going expecting to get denied entry thrn if you do get in it's a bonus. I'd say the best time to go is about 6am Sunday but expect to wait 1 1/2 hours plus.

I'd say about 80% of the people they turn away look like they shouldn't be in a club full-stop - there are a few people who they turn away and you wonder why, on the same vein there are a few complete randoms in the club and you wonder how they've sneaked in :lol:

I'd say unless you're being really drunk and lairy and/or look a right muppet who's never stepped foot in a club before, then you've got a pretty good chance of getting in.
My gosh... I want to go so bad. Its on my hit list for sure...

I went to Berlin Love Parade in 2002, I think it was in 2002 or 2001. But didnt stay in Berlin, headed back to Dortmund after...

I think I would be a nervous wreck thinking I wont be let in... :rolleyes:
I shall be going this winter for defo. This time gona go on the early side more like 1 or 2 so can make other arrangements if dont get in . I think its actually better to go when there is a little queue especially if your english as you can blend in abit more. Its very nerve racking when there is absolutely no one and the bouncers watch you walk up the whole way
It helps to know a bit about who`s playing the night your could be asked about tracks they released,record lables and stuff.My friends brother works there and they never stop talking about the place.Check them out on soundcloud DEM. deep end music berlin germany8)
berlin is immense:)

the review i wrote when we got back last year:

got back last night from berlin, amazing few days of clubbing it, made all the top clubs, incredible, hard to really decribe how amazing places like tresor, berghain/panorama bar, bar 25, watergate truly need to go and experience them for yourselves...they put everything else (and i've done a load of clubs throughout europe) to shame really, its now wonder they are in the top 10 ranked clubs in mixmag, dj mag, resident advisor...

tresor...long narrow corridor,to get into it, just a strobe as you walk along...its like a scene from aliens, all you can see is smoke/strobes going off...incredible hard techno

berghain/panorama bar...believe the hype, hard to think any club could touch it, its essentially studio 54, but for techno and not disco (same type of vibe, crowd, attitude, freedom/individuality rules), we went on saturday morning at 6am, got a knock back, tried again on the sunday morning, waited 40mins to get in at 6.45 in the morning...i finally left at 5pm...all sorts going on in that club..berghain is the downstairs part, heavier techno gets played, crowd is really mixed/diverse, lot of arty types, gay muscle boys, the clubbers, all ages were talking, go upstairs to panorama bar, techno/house getting played...every now and again the shutters will be opened, letting the sunlight in, crowd goes nuts, shuttters go up again and bass kicks in heavier!!! (some sights to be seen when you see the faces in the daylight!!.....just a lot going on

as an idea of what its like/what to expect.., this was the set times from the saturday when we went: saw most of sebo k, superb, pity i missed paul ritch though (2 french guys in the hostel we stayed at waited 2.5hrs to get into berghain, got a knockback, had flown from paris just to get in as well)i stayed til the last scheduled guy came on at 4pm...although from speaking to a few folk it was due to run until early monday...heavy session..thinking will go back, just get saturday flight and then see about flight back sunday night...

Saturday May 15th
> Running Order Berghain
> 23:59 h - 04:00 h Benno Blome
> 04:00 h - 05:00 h Paul Ritch LIVE
> 05:00 h - 08:00 h Marc Antona
> 08:00 h - 09:00 h Format:B LIVE
> 09:00 h - End Tom Clark
> Running Order Panorama Bar
> 23:59 h - 03:00 h Homm & Popoviciu
> 03:00 h - 06:00 h Jens Bond
> 06:00 h - 07:00 h Tigerskin LIVE
> 07:00 h - 10:00 h Sebo K
> 10:00 h - 11:00 h Prompt LIVE
> 11:00 h - 14:00 h Todd Bodine
> 14:00 h - 16:00 h Phage & Daniel Dreier
> 16:00 h - End Guido Schneider

some interesting articles on berlin.

sven, tattoed bouncer on the door @ berghain

very nice video feature on berlin
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