ibiza gossip 2025

Can I ask a question here, and I am not trying to just start an argument.

But, why when Carl Cox played Privilege (for Resistance) 2017/18/19 for 8,000+ people - why was that not selling out and destroying the soul of Ibiza? Checking back on my emails, I paid €50 for Resistance in 2017.
I think it's because of his outspoken comments about TNL and Hi, and not so much about the location. If he never said a bad word about Matutes and TNL the people would not be as disappointed. Got more to do with the fact that his word is worth nothing.
Old raver here, been going every year since 2003. I'm excited about this year. Big changes, looking forward to see how it all plays out
Same! I agree with everything being said in this thread on all sides but at the end of the day it's not stopping me going to Ibiza (I have been going for almost 20 years)...The scene will constantly evolve and change and I'm excited to see Coxy back 🙌🏻

Beats seeing him at a UK festival with a shit sound system 🤣
Carl replying to some of the negativity...
Personally, I don't care if he has or hasn't gone back on his word and if he's getting a big payday out of it, good for him. I said I had no interest in UNVRS but I will check out Carl's night, just once.


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Carl replying to some of the negativity...
Personally, I don't care if he has or hasn't gone back on his word and if he's getting a big payday out of it, good for him. I said I had no interest in UNVRS but I will check out Carl's might, just once.
f*** me. 9 years this summer since Space closedo_O

And isn’t he telling some porkies within that reply?
He’s better off just not replying and letting it blow over surely 😂. Learn a valuable lesson from it. I’m sure his night will do very well
Carl replying to some of the negativity...
Personally, I don't care if he has or hasn't gone back on his word and if he's getting a big payday out of it, good for him. I said I had no interest in UNVRS but I will check out Carl's might, just once.

The fact he’s replied to a comment would suggest he’s triggered by many negative comments. A lot of people are saying it and there’s been a screenshot produced on this thread so not sure why he’s denying it. Either way what he also says there is cool too, it’s an opportunity for him.
Paris Hilton’s house just burnt down in the fires, so probably a bit tasteless to take the piss.. similarly everyone laying into Carl Cox, his parties have never exactly been to my taste, but he’s a decent guy who generously helped some crowdfunders for dj mates who needed medical help.
Sorry for backtracking but I’m just catching up after not signing on for a week. But the paradise to unvrs move is concerning for a number of reasons for me (a massive fan of Jamie and paradise). I’m from the states so don’t have the chance to visit Ibiza frequently but was disappointed with paradise’s move to amnesia. Jamie’s sound (especially his old sound) was perfect for dc10 and feel the lineups were also perfect for those rooms. Thought paradise lost some of its magic going to amnesia and think it will be even worse at unvrs.

Unfortunately this also solidifies that Jamie has basically sold his soul and is paper chasing (can’t blame him) but his recent pop song endeavors had me concerned but this move solidifies it for me.

Hope I’m wrong and paradise is a great fit at unvrs. Do we think it will still be on wednesdays at unvrs?

Firstly all the caveats that nothing is officially announced, there is obviously speculation that Paradise is moving to UNVRS.

If it’s true, I do agree that it’s the one that I just don’t get at all. I’m sure they will make it work, but I just have a weird feeling about this one.

When all the other UNVRS nights are announced, I don’t think anyone will disagree with them - they all make sense. But Paradise, just not so sure. But just a personal view.
Paris Hilton’s house just burnt down in the fires, so probably a bit tasteless to take the piss.. similarly everyone laying into Carl Cox, his parties have never exactly been to my taste, but he’s a decent guy who generously helped some crowdfunders for dj mates who needed medical help.

Agree. I’ve said it countless times to bore people, but Coxy (and Digweed too actually) just the absolute most decent guys you could ever meet. See them in the village shop, at an airport, sit next to them on a plane, they say hello, smile and zero sense of entitlement.
I’m fairly certain no one in here is attacking Paris with her house on their mind… that would be tasteless
Paris Hilton’s house just burnt down in the fires, so probably a bit tasteless to take the piss.. similarly everyone laying into Carl Cox, his parties have never exactly been to my taste, but he’s a decent guy who generously helped some crowdfunders for dj mates who needed medical help.
This. Sadly, he’s apparently in the minority there.
I don’t have any idea on his finances and how much he ‘needs’ per appearance but I’m pretty sure he isn’t the problem many other names are.
Can I ask a question here, and I am not trying to just start an argument.

But, why when Carl Cox played Privilege (for Resistance) 2017/18/19 for 8,000+ people - why was that not selling out and destroying the soul of Ibiza? Checking back on my emails, I paid €50 for Resistance in 2017
People are not complaining that he's playing in a huge venue but feel more disappointed for backtracking his words.
The fact he’s replied to a comment would suggest he’s triggered by many negative comments. A lot of people are saying it and there’s been a screenshot produced on this thread so not sure why he’s denying it. Either way what he also says there is cool too, it’s an opportunity for him.
Also not true he hasn't been playing in Ibiza for the last 9 years, what about that short-lived mini residence at DC10 a few years back?