Interesting, garage in the club room.
Although I saw EZ recently at a festival and he was playing more old school house than garage as I remembered it.
Interesting, garage in the club room.
Waiting for pikes news aswell! Not sure how easy will be to get guestlist for the 25th April but hopefully should manage! Still no eden news either ? Also saw 4 donotsleep dates at amsnsia terrace from 16th May then the last two dates 5th and 12 June are Wednesdays.Would love some Pikes season news and Circoloco...
I’m there this date too!!! Well happy with this line up!!
Oooft! I'll very likely see you there.
Would love some Pikes season news and Circoloco...
«Pacha is a brand that deserves to be cared for, not simply exploited economically»
Kabir Mulchandani, the new owner of Grupo Pacha since last October, reviews his business plans in an interview with 'Periódico de Ibiza y Formentera'. Kabir Mulchandani came to Ibiza for the first time 20 years ago to enjoy his holidays. Little could he have imagined then that, two
Mhm, some Flower Power dates at Destino?A few times that he’s mentioned this: “In general terms I can tell you that we are going to give a special space to the Flower Power brand”…
not sure, since they've been doing parties at Cova Santa the last few years and while a one-off on the right date could fill Destino, would they guarantee the VIP crowd that Solomun and Carola bring?Mhm, some Flower Power dates at Destino?
Me and my wife will be there the end of April. Hoping to get to Dalt Vila and Ushuaia for the day parties and hopefully Pikes on the Thursday night. Anyone have any other idea what parties will be happening? Anyone know if Pikes will be lively on the Friday or Saturday night till late? Would love an intimate party with like minded couples or singles.
The problem is popular nights in ibiza or festivals sometimes it can get sold out, so you have to make a decision of booking it before may sell out or waiting until the line ups are outI never book anything where I don't know the lineup. No Ibiza party, no festival.
The problem is popular nights in ibiza or festivals sometimes it can get sold out, so you have to make a decision of booking it before may sell out or waiting until the line ups are out