*** ibiza gossip 2020 ***

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More O Beach news:

· they're taking over Surf Lounge next to O Beach from october 2019 (so it will stay the same next summer), making it more instagrammable and upmarket.

so what used to be surf lounge (next to o beach) is turning into bam-bu-ku, run by o beach. the difference is it's a family friendly beach club - thought this is a good bit of info since it's a question that pops up here every now and then.
Wayne Lineker says...

Sneak peak pics of @bambukuibiza our new chilled out family friendly tropical beach club. In just a few weeks time our new venture will focusing on incredible food, music and Ibiza vibes ..designed by my partner @tonytrumanibiza @wikiwoo_ibiza inspired #surfmachine #ibiza2020


Wasn't it rumoured/confirmed that the west end was opening until 5 this year? With it looking like bars are opening now and indoor bars will then be open at a later date like August time, as they have lower capacities, would these open and also be open until later than recent years to get more business?

Whilst i'm here if anyone wants a laugh search 'DC10 bouncer' on twitter and look through the memes etc ?
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Wasn't it rumoured/confirmed that the west end was opening until 5 this year?
No. One hour extra for the terraces, maybe. Extended hours for the bars, no. It was a winter only thing but certain blogger got it wrong and that's how the rumour/lie started. A different matter is if now, due to the consequences of the coronavirus, they change their mind and extend it to the summer too.
I’m def in the camp for being careful, but at the same time we need to start putting this into perspective. Do we ban smoking for the foreseeable future as it causes lung disease and heart disease which leads to early death. Do we ban processed foods cos they are possibly a major cause of certain cancers which leads to early death. Do we ban alcohol cos it causes serious liver disease and wastes and destroys thousands of lives due To alcoholism and early death. The list goes on and on and on. Or do we learn as humans to be more careful and aware of our surroundings and make sure we are cleaner and more hygienic and use masks or ppe if we choose to, so we can get on with our daily lives. While we are all sitting at home twiddling our thumbs and waiting for life to go back to normal I can assure you this will destroy more lives than the deaths it’s caused so far. I’ve had to tell 3/4 of my fathers company’s workforce that the won’t be working for the foreseeable future and half of the guys I’ve spoken to have honestly said they feel depressed and are coming to the realisation that they are gonna be screwed if they don’t go back to work. This unfortunately WILL have a massive fallout for many many people and it’s not gonna be good.
The reaction from the majority of the public has been really good I would say.Most people I come across have been extremely careful. The NHS have been great and coped really well all but for the ppe debacle. So we have to try and get back to normality Now but keep up the mantra of being careful when ever possible.
A virus puts others at risk , if you smoke you kill yourself !
A virus puts others at risk , if you smoke you kill yourself !
Disease from smoking puts a massive strain on our nhs though. I have genuinely known people who have died of lung cancer through passive smoking too, and the fact that it is so addictive can be very difficult for people to stop. I’m not saying it will happen but if governments was serious about saving life they would consider banning many other things that we consume. This is a shit situation but the balance of easing lockdown has to be considered otherwise it will create lots more issues down the line.
Disease from smoking puts a massive strain on our nhs though. I have genuinely known people who have died of lung cancer through passive smoking too, and the fact that it is so addictive can be very difficult for people to stop. I’m not saying it will happen but if governments was serious about saving life they would consider banning many other things that we consume. This is a shit situation but the balance of easing lockdown has to be considered otherwise it will create lots more issues down the line.

Good point.

The Govt take a nice tax on tobacco.

I’m sure, if they could, they’d put a tax on covid 19 somehow.
So I don't know if I can trust the source...but someone whispered in my ear that Amnesia is suggesting they open on July 7th.
yeah I'm also not sure I'd trust that source...
Promoter in whatsappgroup. Don't see why someone would be putting it out there cause it doesn't really benefit that person knowing what he/she does normally. But I took it with a big chunk of Sal D'Ibiza... ?‍♂️
well it's possible that person is right, basically it's the 'innocent until proven guilty' concept.

we'll see. I think right now the clubs in spain don't even have any updated rules or guidelines yet under which and when they are allowed to reopen. up until two days ago clubs thought they would be allowed to reopen in phase III, now they aren't. so even if it's a possibility amnesia (or any other venue) has plans to reopen on a certain date, I doubt they actually know whether they can and how at this stage. I'm sure it's soon gonna transpire though
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