*** ibiza gossip 2020 ***

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Not a chance will social distancing be implemented in Ibiza. The clubs flout the rules all the time under normal circumstances they don't give a f***.
Very true. Chilled low key open air stuff is the way I reckon it should go this year. I still think for Brits the travel insurance thing will be an issue, as only absolute morons will go on holiday when FCO guidance voids the polices. Last thing we want to see is fb posts from desperate friends and family trying to raise money for hospital stays. Doesn’t bear thinking about.
Clubs should be preparing to buy and implement high end airco systems and windows / adjustable roofs that can be opened for fresh air flow.

A few issues here:
  • Aerosol spread is only one way the virus spreads. How many hands touch the bar/toilet door handles in a night? A club is not going to build an Es Paradis style roof when an infected person would still spread it anyway.

  • The laws don't allow open air clubs

  • Time to impliment? This would take lots of planning, man power and time.
An upgrade to the air con might be feasible but its not going to solve the problem.

My guess is...this will be the same in clubs, once dance floors are open...everybody will forget about the distance within a few hours and it's not up to the club owners or bouncers to enhance those guidelines. Is that a good thing? For the people and the experience, hell yeah. Back to normal.
Will the virus spread again? Probably a bit more than now yeah...but clubs tend to draw a young audience (18-45 years old) so the pressure on healthcare capacity is small hopefully so clubs dont have to close again when the numbers rise a bit.

This kind of attitude is the scary part I was referring to earlier.

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this, but just because the individual "will be alright" that doesn't mean that everyone else who he/she comes in to contact with will be. What happens to the elderly restaurant owner, the hotel cleaner, the airport worker etc etc.

All for what? The experience? What sort of experience are you hoping to get from an empty club?
I am hopeful for things like Bora Bora and Blue Marlin to be open later in the year....things that start off as 'bars' and quite chilled during the day and then people start having a dance later on. Small (less than 1000) places with outdoor space. Big ticketed events with thousands of people indoors are not happening this year (IMO)
A few issues here:
  • Aerosol spread is only one way the virus spreads. How many hands touch the bar/toilet door handles in a night? A club is not going to build an Es Paradis style roof when an infected person would still spread it anyway.

  • The laws don't allow open air clubs

  • Time to impliment? This would take lots of planning, man power and time.
An upgrade to the air con might be feasible but its not going to solve the problem.
Well, according to some dutch recent research...aerosols might actually be the main spreader. If the virus could spread through touching objects, the pandemic would still be in it's peak because we touch stuff at shops and supermarkets all the time.

This kind of attitude is the scary part I was referring to earlier.

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this, but just because the individual "will be alright" that doesn't mean that everyone else who he/she comes in to contact with will be. What happens to the elderly restaurant owner, the hotel cleaner, the airport worker etc etc.

All for what? The experience? What sort of experience are you hoping to get from an empty club?

If you look at my post history you can see I'm kinda in the anti-lockdown camp. Since the beginning of this pandemic I was hoping governments would be smarter than just locking everyone up and destroying the economy (including nightlife). And now everything is slowly coming out of lockdown, I hope nightlife will get a smart exit plan, where legislation (such as allowing open air clubs) and measures (age restriction instead of social distancing) are part of the tailor made plan to let nightlife and all its workers survive.

As for what sort of experience I'm hoping to get. Well I hope the club is not empty and at least 50% full of people living their best life, without fear, cause life was never meant to be lived inside, locked up, without fun, in fear of contracting something that won't just kill us if we're not vulnerable in the first place. The usage of drugs or alcohol in nightlife put aside....I believe partying and having fun actually adds to my feeling of health and happiness and thus adding to my immune system.
Jockey club with Rodpin + Dc10 is a better mix (Jon is still nice but i'll pick one day when Rodspin not on deck eg Wednesday )
If back ill buy some mix cd to Rodspin (they are so addictive such can listen hundred of time on loop) for sure but not anymore Jon's usb key

If ibz back to a quiet season, Sa Trinxa's Lunch (Jockey club too expensive and from the only lunch i had there it was not good) may be the peak of the day? but it will be a nightmare to have a table with new restrictions, so little offer and too many request.

Each to their own but really not a fan of The Jockey Club. Much more of a relaxed, friendly vibe at Sa Trinxa and with far less posers.
I Do agree , i still love Sa trinxa vibes, peaceful ones with jon on monday wednesday, dancefloor vibes with Frank Moiraghi on friday sunday

Jockey club host djs im really keen on
"I do ibz" Djs eg Felix da Funk and they never dissapoint
the only reason i recommand this place

I just reminds i ve bought 2 pro ACS earplugs on discount 50%, 195€ both, 25db (to face privilege main room 1rst row speaker that shake all your body if close by ) and 21db , order them b4 closing 19 and received them nov 19, i wish to use them along ibz 2020 but postponed to another year ?(i dont go anymore to clubs in Paris ,i'm done since 2 years, so didnt have chance to test those 2 new ACS earplugs (shape changed from old batch , filters more secured/tightened, i already lost some filters in clubs ,30€ each one).
The old ACS 17 db filter i have will be enough for outdoors parties such
Bora bora ibz
Blue marlin ibz
Zoo project
Dc10 ibz
if outdoors dancing aeras allowed to open this year , but can't see them allowing 1000 people but far less such 200-400 ?
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I'll address the main thing that you don't seem to understand (unless you are being blatantly selfish).

Young people can spread the virus. Not just to other young people but everyone they come in contact with.
Like I said, I'm not the right person to have this discussion with.
You can call me selfish if you want, but governments should have protected the elderly and vulnerable in the first place.
Not shut down the entire society for weeks without a solid plan. Now that lockdowns are being lifted we finally move into the phase where that's happening and younger people need to go out and save the economy. Nightlife is part of that economy, especially in places that rely on tourism.

I said this earlier, but once nightlife/restaurants/tourism etc returns, I'll be there to spend money on it because I love it and because I want to save what's left of it for the coming years. I'll make sure I'll protect the elderly around me by not visiting them. If everyone keeps protecting the elderly around them and stays at home when they feel sick this can stay under control while we save the economy somewhat. Waiting in fear for a vaccin is not for me.
Like I said, I'm not the right person to have this discussion with.
You can call me selfish if you want, but governments should have protected the elderly and vulnerable in the first place.
Not shut down the entire society for weeks without a solid plan. Now that lockdowns are being lifted we finally move into the phase where that's happening and younger people need to go out and save the economy. Nightlife is part of that economy, especially in places that rely on tourism.

I said this earlier, but once nightlife/restaurants/tourism etc returns, I'll be there to spend money on it because I love it and because I want to save what's left of it for the coming years. I'll make sure I'll protect the elderly around me by not visiting them. If everyone keeps protecting the elderly around them and stays at home when they feel sick this can stay under control while we save the economy somewhat. Waiting in fear for a vaccin is not for me.

I get the point your trying to make, unfortunately it sounds like young naivety to me. I could spend all day picking holes in your arguments but that's beyond my job description.
Like I said, I'm not the right person to have this discussion with.
You can call me selfish if you want, but governments should have protected the elderly and vulnerable in the first place.
Not shut down the entire society for weeks without a solid plan. Now that lockdowns are being lifted we finally move into the phase where that's happening and younger people need to go out and save the economy. Nightlife is part of that economy, especially in places that rely on tourism.

I said this earlier, but once nightlife/restaurants/tourism etc returns, I'll be there to spend money on it because I love it and because I want to save what's left of it for the coming years. I'll make sure I'll protect the elderly around me by not visiting them. If everyone keeps protecting the elderly around them and stays at home when they feel sick this can stay under control while we save the economy somewhat. Waiting in fear for a vaccin is not for me.

If clubs don’t open, underground raves are going to be popular this summer
He's a divorced dad of two.. lol who just wants to P-A-R-T-Y.
Young, old, married, divorced...put me in a stereotype all you want, there comes a time in life you don't want to waste time waiting for whatever. So once partying is even remotely possible in whatever form...yeah I will just want to be there.

I get the point your trying to make, unfortunately it sounds like young naivety to me. I could spend all day picking holes in your arguments but that's beyond my job description.
Middle-aged fearless realism.

Now we've polluted the gossip forum with old Coronavirus discussions. Back on topic. When and where can I P-A-R-T-Y ?
What people want and what people can have are two different things. I feel like I was having this same conversation back at the beginning of lockdown. Nearly 40k UK deaths later and people still don't quite grasp that life for the foreseeable future has to be a little different.
That’s why I said underground raves will be popular. If clubs are not open, raves will start.

There’s no point saying they won’t as they have already started in some areas.people can moan and complain all they want, but they won’t stop it.
What people want and what people can have are two different things. I feel like I was having this same conversation back at the beginning of lockdown. Nearly 40k UK deaths later and people still don't quite grasp that life for the foreseeable future has to be a little different.
There's a group of people...that acts like if you follow all the rules blindly and obey your government for an infinite amount of time...your smarter than the people who question those rules. That's not the right attitude if you ask me. Who says those deaths could have been avoided at all? Lockdowns have yet to prove their effects on the death tolls.
Once you feel sick it's too late, it's when you're asymptomatic that you spread the virus the most.
Still it's one of the basic rules in most countries right? Here it has changed from Stay at home to Stay at home when you feel sick.
Once you feel sick it's too late, it's when you're asymptomatic that you spread the virus the most.
You are the most infectious a day or 2 before you show symptoms even if you are not an asymptomatic person.

As for clubs, think people are overlooking the issues for queuing for a drink, or the toilets and everything else.

The people going into the club will just have to accept they might catch it, get very ill or spread it to others (they guy in south South Korea who spread it to 40 people in a few hours)

I get really annoyed when some Lord harhar on tv says it's his choice to put themselves at risk and go to the theater etc. Yes, but the staff are then having that choice removed from them. Come to work and risk yourself and family, or no job (or low pay furlough etc)
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