*** ibiza gossip 2020 ***

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There's a group of people...that acts like if you follow all the rules blindly and obey your government for an infinite amount of time...your smarter than the people who question those rules. That's not the right attitude if you ask me. Who says those deaths could have been avoided at all? Lockdowns have yet to prove their effects on the death tolls.

I'd give up if I were you..
I think I also read that he/she is going to be responsible and not board the plane if there are any potentially vulnerable people, or people that know vulnerable people onboard.
Haha vulnerable people should protect themselves too and not board a plane. I can't protect the vulernable people others know, my responsiblity stops in my own circle and your responsibility starts in your own inner circle.

But I'm done being off topic here...please feel smart, stay home until no one dies anymore ok? I'll go and have some fun for all of you ;-)

Just not to derail this thread completely lol
I think the reality will/should be in the form of day time events (due to the island laws) using outside space.

Venues like Zoo, Cova Santa, Destino etc. Even Car Parks could be a decent option.
Back on topic, no hard feelings.

Since Amnesia owns Cova Santa...I could see Elrow moving to Cova Santa on Saturdays indeed.
Zoo Project already hinted at a July opening on their socials but Benimussa could be used for way more parties on other days too.
Stivi saying DC10 was doing some work, could they be making their terrace bigger for this season?
Pacha events moving to Destino?
I really dont like going to Ushuaia but hey...if that's one of the few options..
I think the reality will/should be in the form of day time events (due to the island laws) using outside space.

Venues like Zoo, Cova Santa, Destino etc. Even Car Parks could be a decent option.
Exactly mate, I can see Zoo happening later in the season. Plenty of space to distance a bit...
What people want and what people can have are two different things. I feel like I was having this same conversation back at the beginning of lockdown. Nearly 40k UK deaths later and people still don't quite grasp that life for the foreseeable future has to be a little different.
I’m def in the camp for being careful, but at the same time we need to start putting this into perspective. Do we ban smoking for the foreseeable future as it causes lung disease and heart disease which leads to early death. Do we ban processed foods cos they are possibly a major cause of certain cancers which leads to early death. Do we ban alcohol cos it causes serious liver disease and wastes and destroys thousands of lives due To alcoholism and early death. The list goes on and on and on. Or do we learn as humans to be more careful and aware of our surroundings and make sure we are cleaner and more hygienic and use masks or ppe if we choose to, so we can get on with our daily lives. While we are all sitting at home twiddling our thumbs and waiting for life to go back to normal I can assure you this will destroy more lives than the deaths it’s caused so far. I’ve had to tell 3/4 of my fathers company’s workforce that the won’t be working for the foreseeable future and half of the guys I’ve spoken to have honestly said they feel depressed and are coming to the realisation that they are gonna be screwed if they don’t go back to work. This unfortunately WILL have a massive fallout for many many people and it’s not gonna be good.
The reaction from the majority of the public has been really good I would say.Most people I come across have been extremely careful. The NHS have been great and coped really well all but for the ppe debacle. So we have to try and get back to normality Now but keep up the mantra of being careful when ever possible.
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I’m def in the camp for being careful, but at the same time we need to start putting this into perspective. Do we ban smoking for the foreseeable future as it causes lung disease and heart disease which leads to early death. Do we ban processed foods cos they are possibly a major cause of certain cancers which leads to early death. Do we ban alcohol cos it causes serious liver disease and wastes and destroys thousands of lives due To alcoholism and early death. The list goes on and on and on. Or do we learn as humans to be more careful and aware of our surroundings and make sure we are cleaner and more hygienic and use masks or ppe if we choose to, so we can get on with our daily lives. While we are all sitting at home twiddling our thumbs and waiting for life to go back to normal I can assure you this will destroy more lives than the deaths it’s caused so far. I’ve had to tell 3/4 of my fathers company’s workforce that the won’t be working for the foreseeable future and half of the guys I’ve spoken to have honestly said they feel depressed and are coming to the realisation that they are gonna be screwed if they don’t go back to work. This unfortunately WILL have a massive fallout for many many people and it’s not gonna be good.
The reaction to this has been good. The NHS have been great and coped really well all but for the ppe debacle. So we have to try and get back to normality Now but keep up the mantra of being careful when ever possible.

I agree - and as things settle we can begin to introduce things slowly in a way that is responsible. At home, where life is pretty standard this is quite simple.

Introduce air travel and a little holiday recklessness and you have a whole new dynamic to play with. For a small island as hugely popular as Ibiza with people flying from all over the world, the risk of a second phase is very high unless it is approached with absolute kid gloves.

I'm grateful that this is not my problem to solve because the balance is critical.
I’m def in the camp for being careful, but at the same time we need to start putting this into perspective. Do we ban smoking for the foreseeable future as it causes lung disease and heart disease which leads to early death. Do we ban processed foods cos they are possibly a major cause of certain cancers which leads to early death. Do we ban alcohol cos it causes serious liver disease and wastes and destroys thousands of lives due To alcoholism and early death. The list goes on and on and on. Or do we learn as humans to be more careful and aware of our surroundings and make sure we are cleaner and more hygienic and use masks or ppe if we choose to, so we can get on with our daily lives. While we are all sitting at home twiddling our thumbs and waiting for life to go back to normal I can assure you this will destroy more lives than the deaths it’s caused so far. I’ve had to tell 3/4 of my fathers company’s workforce that the won’t be working for the foreseeable future and half of the guys I’ve spoken to have honestly said they feel depressed and are coming to the realisation that they are gonna be screwed if they don’t go back to work. This unfortunately WILL have a massive fallout for many many people and it’s not gonna be good.
The reaction from the majority of the public has been really good I would say.Most people I come across have been extremely careful. The NHS have been great and coped really well all but for the ppe debacle. So we have to try and get back to normality Now but keep up the mantra of being careful when ever possible.
Yes we all now have to learn to live with this virus some how until if and when they find a vaccine
Why do people assume you will have a designated area to dance?
Once all measures are lifted...I dont think social distancing in clubs will still be a thing. Clubs will probably have to make sure social distancing is possible, therefor reducing capacity. If you are actually social disDancing is up to you I guess.

the nightlife association for the balears proposes this in their ideas for reopening (source noudiari article).

the nightlife association for the balears proposes this in their ideas for reopening (source noudiari article).

Ok. Well it looks only doable for a really small amount of people and for the time being. And what if I'm with my wife? Can I dance with her in one circle? Who's patrolling the dance floor to see if we're not to close?

I think that once countries go into new phases of recovery this will dissapear and only some basic hygiene rules and perhaps new ventilation requirements will stay.
yeah, same with those "drive in raves" now where you can watch a DJ play, sitting in your own car. you can't even move to the music and as the driver you can't drink. so WHY the hell?! I guess I'm too old for this shit :)
There's concerts on here same thing sit in your car and pay for some wanker singer song writer to just about push you over the edge...
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