*** ibiza gossip 2019 ***

It just doesn’t work like that I’m afraid. You haven’t even factored the promoter into the equation, let alone location, porosity of events, maintenance of the venue, mortgage on the venue or rent, rates, business charges.

My post mentions
Rent, licence, supplies, advertising, insurance, legal fees, taxes.... Debatable how much that all comes to... but actually when you look at it you find that there is a healthy amount of money left over after your big single night costs

Also my costs are an average on the typical tech house dj's and from what I have heard.... Some are costing 1k an hour some are costing 10k or slightly more an hour... I could be wrong but that is what I have heard and I feel it is realistic also

It is a rough gauge and I doubt I am very far off the mark from a Grooves/Abode/Sankeys/Tool room/Defected/Glitterbox night
Sorry but this is pompous nonsense. You are in danger of saying to the forum my music is better than your music unless you like what i like. Obscure and educational music nights are great if you like what you hear. In over 25 years of clubbing I’ve benefitted from many a night like that. However for the majority of ears it’s simply not listenable. It’s that old debate again about when does underground start becoming an excuse for playing naval gazing crap.

Utter bollocks. There's plenty listenable and amazing stuff that's not in the current top 20 of Spotify. Have you been ? Do you know what ACTUALLY happens in a place like Panorama Bar ? If you think it's full of navel-gazing you're barking way up the wrong tree.

As far as not being listenable for the "majority of ears", the hit parade nights are specifically designed for people looking for that and many of them are young and their tastes shaped by the radio and Mixmag. With the effect pretty much what @Life of Rye has been moaning about further up the thread. So take a chillpill, get off your high horse and read what I wrote not what you want to grandstand making a song and dance about.

The majority of ears which promoters are looking to in order to fill their nights are not after 4 hour DJ sets. Ergo if you want that you have to broaden your horizon away from those nights... and in so doing you may actually wind up with a much broader musical taste in the process.
My post mentions
Rent, licence, supplies, advertising, insurance, legal fees, taxes.... Debatable how much that all comes to... but actually when you look at it you find that there is a healthy amount of money left over after your big single night costs

Also my costs are an average on the typical tech house dj's and from what I have heard.... Some are costing 1k an hour some are costing 10k or slightly more an hour... I could be wrong but that is what I have heard and I feel it is realistic also

It is a rough gauge and I doubt I am very far off the mark from a Grooves/Abode/Sankeys/Tool room/Defected/Glitterbox night
I think you're being a bit naive on the 'other costs' + also the fact that DJs agents would let a venue make that much money when quoting their talents rates
Utter bollocks. There's plenty listenable and amazing stuff that's not in the current top 20 of Spotify. Have you been ? Do you know what ACTUALLY happens in a place like Panorama Bar ? If you think it's full of navel-gazing you're barking way up the wrong tree.

As far as not being listenable for the "majority of ears", the hit parade nights are specifically designed for people looking for that and many of them are young and their tastes shaped by the radio and Mixmag. With the effect pretty much what @Life of Rye has been moaning about further up the thread. So take a chillpill, get off your high horse and read what I wrote not what you want to grandstand making a song and dance about.

The majority of ears which promoters are looking to in order to fill their nights are not after 4 hour DJ sets. Ergo if you want that you have to broaden your horizon away from those nights... and in so doing you may actually wind up with a much broader musical taste in the process.

Ultimately what most of these nights in Ibiza try to do is wack on as many names on their board for a set budget... It creates more of a hype for example... Circoloco they love collecting the djs together for a big bash. In reality it just ends up being a shit night.

I will wait patiently for someone to look me in the eye with more positives than negatives about their night at Circoloco...

Sounds great on paper, looks amazing on social media - in reality you are just left with disappointment
Ultimately what most of these nights in Ibiza try to do is wack on as many names on their board for a set budget... It creates more of a hype for example... Circoloco they love collecting the djs together for a big bash. In reality it just ends up being a shit night.

I will wait patiently for someone to look me in the eye with more positives than negatives about their night at Circoloco...

Sounds great on paper, looks amazing on social media - in reality you are just left with disappointment

Largely, I agree with you on the my experiences of Circoloco down the years. However, take into consideration that DC-10 is a golden goose venue: DJs and their agents would scramble over anyone to get to play there. Get a slot at DC-10 = raise your profile = increase your fees elsewhere. That's how it works - and that's why Circo have been able to pay their talent less than the other clubs on the island for years.

To be honest, it many ways that's true of any venue to some degree. If the act wants to play there, negotiating the fee is going to be easier. But DC-10 is like the holy grail for the underground. It gives artists and agents considerable clout. In business terms, you can justify it: take a massive cut to play DC-10, but make it back tenfold off the resulting bookings elsewhere.
I think you're being a bit naive on the 'other costs' + also the fact that DJs agents would let a venue make that much money when quoting their talents rates

Are you telling me 140k isn't enough to cover the 'other costs'.....
Look at 338's event listing there is hype event monthly. Other costs are easily covered.

The venue is superbly ran and we know the money goes back into the venue too

It is just a rough idea of what it is being generated as revenue...whilst not being blind to what ends up being actual profit

Cut the numbers down slightly... keep the nights in high demand

Back on what you mentioned about saturation earlier.... I have seen a little of this going forward. I mean how are tickets still for sale for Solomun at Printworks right on top of Xmas??
Sankeys at 338 closing still on sale for sept...
Drumcode and cuttin headz as you mentioned
There are a handful of events that in the past would have been sold out instantly that actually haven't...
Ultimately what most of these nights in Ibiza try to do is wack on as many names on their board for a set budget... It creates more of a hype for example... Circoloco they love collecting the djs together for a big bash. In reality it just ends up being a shit night.

I will wait patiently for someone to look me in the eye with more positives than negatives about their night at Circoloco...

Sounds great on paper, looks amazing on social media - in reality you are just left with disappointment

I agree. [Edit - just read @white_isle_calling above very much that behind it historically] But it's not always been like that. DJs would play for free at Circoloco - it had an underground after-party feel to it and was exceptionally wacky and messy. When they resurged after being shut down things were never really the same. They cultivated the brand into a global one and went on tour, much as Elrow have done, and the popularity which resulted (along with pressure and scrutiny from the authorities) brought back a totally different beast and not in a good way. It also closes at 6am now so is a full night in its own right rather than a glorified pre-party.

You can have good hours in there still especially in shoulder Season I am sure most likely early or very late, but I would go as far as to say a completely great night would be a struggle for all but those totally off their tits to the point of numbness or else totally inured to crowding. The demographic has also completely changed to a more mainstream crowd and I've seen it a humourless drugfest rather than a happy one. No need to go to Ibiza for that when you can have it in London any weekend of the year !

Have had one or two good times at Circoloco in last 7 or so years and also some of my very worst experiences in a club in Ibiza. Ever.
I know this is completely off topic for this thread - but what kind of fee's do DJ's like Carola, Sven, Solomun etc earn per hour?
Back on what you mentioned about saturation earlier.... I have seen a little of this going forward. I mean how are tickets still for sale for Solomun at Printworks right on top of Xmas??
Sankeys at 338 closing still on sale for sept...
Drumcode and cuttin headz as you mentioned
There are a handful of events that in the past would have been sold out instantly that actually haven't...

I would suggest that London simply has too many 5,000+ capacity venues operating now - in addition to all the summer festivals that are still on-going.

I struggle to see how Tobacco Dock, Printworks, The Drumshed and Exhibition are all going to co-exist.

If we return to packed out smaller clubs, personally I would love that.
whatever country I'm in, these are automatic no-nos for me

  • hi viz stewards everywhere
  • security fences everywhere
  • shitty stages
  • crap sound
  • under 25s
  • massive branding
  • massive advertising
  • multi lineups thrown together without a care for whether the DJs gel or not

I had my eyes and ears opened to so much in Panorama Bar too hearing amazing stuff from diverse genres I would never even have considered listening to. A real education for broadening your mind. Those for me are the clubbing experiences I always go back to when I think about musically amazing parties.


As for festivals, it depends what you are going to see but seeing Ben klock in club or a festival is still Ben klock.

the problem is that what's offered on paper often differs from the reality. DJs at festivals (and indeed DC10..) are more time-pressured and have to keep the crowd onside so they are forced to unleash the big guns one after the other. But if that DJ made their name taking the crowd on a journey, doesn't that simply defeat the whole point? any clown can drop massive bombs - takes real skill to take it in a more subtle direction. I get that some people just want to let off steam and that's fine but then why is the promoter booking THAT DJ and not Mr Professional Crowd Pleaser DJ - maybe [/cynical] because it's someone more 'famous' who a casual crowd will think ooh yeah that sounds good. And that's why DJing is getting messed up as an artform imo
I know this is completely off topic for this thread - but what kind of fee's do DJ's like Carola, Sven, Solomun etc earn per hour?

So many variables its impossible to say accurately, and afaik it is not really based per hour, as logistics is probably the single biggest contributing factor for any major DJ. Expect to pay from £15-150k per set for an established but not superstar Dj , i.e Ame, up to the premium for the likes of Carola and Solomun. Though those figures at the top of the spectrum are more likely for one off events, such as a private birthday party. There are obviously concessions to be made for the exposure a DJ gets by playing a major festival, are they in the country already, size of venue, etc, etc..
Never had a bad time 2004-2007!

Monday 4th September 2017 was pretty good too ?

To be fair I do remember that moment when Apollonia took me on a journey in the garden...
But Circoloco isn't just the garden

There is a lot wrong with Circo and to me it says everything when I know of a lot of people who refuse to go to Circoloco when they are in Ibiza....That also includes workers I know of. That continued vibe going forward isn't great for the night I am sure eventually it will change once they see the demand and numbers start to diminish
As for festivals, it depends what you are going to see but seeing Ben klock in club or a festival is still Ben klock.

DJs mould their style to the occasion and venue. I can pretty much guarantee if you hear Ben Klock play a festival set, or even a London one, it'll bear little if any resemblance to a 4-hour set in Berlin.
I would suggest that London simply has too many 5,000+ capacity venues operating now - in addition to all the summer festivals that are still on-going.

I struggle to see how Tobacco Dock, Printworks, The Drumshed and Exhibition are all going to co-exist.

If we return to packed out smaller clubs, personally I would love that.

the small clubs are dying though because of rising rents, nosy neighbours, sound limiters, drug cops, jobsworth councils and the extreme expense of affording the kind of DJs likely to pack them out. even unknown DJs in London need to be earning a certain fee to survive which makes it virtually impossible for any club under a certain capacity. I've noticed more and more mates doing one-off day daytime things or events in pubs because there aren't the clubs there used to be. this is why the daytime organised things have taken off - there's not that many other options and it suits the authorities to have everything controlled on fewer sites.
whatever country I'm in, these are automatic no-nos for me

  • hi viz stewards everywhere
  • security fences everywhere
  • shitty stages
  • crap sound
  • under 25s
  • massive branding
  • massive advertising
  • multi lineups thrown together without a care for whether the DJs gel or not

the problem is that what's offered on paper often differs from the reality. DJs at festivals (and indeed DC10..) are more time-pressured and have to keep the crowd onside so they are forced to unleash the big guns one after the other. But if that DJ made their name taking the crowd on a journey, doesn't that simply defeat the whole point? any clown can drop massive bombs - takes real skill to take it in a more subtle direction. I get that some people just want to let off steam and that's fine but then why is the promoter booking THAT DJ and not Mr Professional Crowd Pleaser DJ - maybe [/cynical] because it's someone more 'famous' who a casual crowd will think ooh yeah that sounds good. And that's why DJing is getting messed up as an artform imo
DJs mould their style to the occasion and venue. I can pretty much guarantee if you hear Ben Klock play a festival set, or even a London one, it'll bear little if any resemblance to a 4-hour set in Berlin.
half of it will. I can guarantee that. I don’t like any dj enough these days to listen to them for 4-6 hours. And I certainly don’t want 4 hours of fillers. I get that some do and like the journey concept. It’s not changed.
DJs mould their style to the occasion and venue. I can pretty much guarantee if you hear Ben Klock play a festival set, or even a London one, it'll bear little if any resemblance to a 4-hour set in Berlin.

Which is why I no longer get "FOMO" when I see parties I no longer attend, regardless of how great the line-ups look on paper. Even if it's Dixon, Ame or Klock playing, you are only going to get a "lite" version of them. And that coupled with other factors mean it has no appeal.
Which is why I no longer get "FOMO" when I see parties I no longer attend, regardless of how great the line-ups look on paper. Even if it's Dixon, Ame or Klock playing, you are only going to get a "lite" version of them. And that coupled with other factors mean it has no appeal.

Exactly ?