Chris L
Active Member
I just find the whole "me and my gang" thing a bit childish and immature - always did. No offence meant by that - just think ppl making disparaging remarks about solo clubbers as if they need to somehow be rescued and herded into a group like some sort of lost sheep are away with the proverbial fairies. If you don't "get it" that's fine - test of a really great party is one you can go to sober and solo and have a blast. If you need to be off your rocker or pissed to get through it then maybe you're at the wrong party - or wasting your time and money. As far as I'm concerned anyway favours are there to enhance an evening rather than being necessary to enjoy it.
I'm not sure that could have been put any better. I've done a ton of solo clubbing especially in Ibiza and throughout Europe because a lot of friends simply couldn't afford it and i didn't want to be held back by it. I do it a little less these days at 31 and am also now married so it loses a little bit fun being able to get into less mischief if you will, but I'll still hit an event around the home area if i really want to attend. I never understood not being willing to make a solo move if you're really there for the music, you can chat up some randoms or simply mind your business and enjoy the tunes. I do love going out with a crew if it fits the bill, but some of my all time favorite nights have been out solo and/or meeting up with like minded people who just enjoy the same thing. My first BPM in it Hey Day back in 2014 i believe i met a crew from diff parts of the globe and i still connect with them now and again today. Definitely made for some experiences i would have never had a chance at if i simply passed them up because nobody else would go. So needless to say, I'm a big advocate of going for it on your own.