*** Ibiza 2017 observations ***

I agree, but as you say it's a lot of money and it is often a gamble - intensified by being on holiday

I wish everyone had your open-minded attitude, but they don't and the clubs know it. I totally get why both clubs and punters are risk-averse. the downside is it's killing music for me (not just IBZ but across Europe) because so few top clubs will take that gamble anymore. I think I read stivi say that shamanic night at privi with the unpronounceable name died a death and had to be cancelled, so naturally everything just gets a little more samey. age old rant though!
Totally agree. I'm risk averse but avoid the risk by doing research. I've been round the block a few times and get out far far far less than I used to or would like to. But research is so much easier now and it enables access to places I wouldn't go to if I just arrived in Ibiza and followed the billboards.

I remember picking up on Sundays this year at privilege and finding that it's not doing well. But it's a real shame as the line ups are terrific. Same can be said about a lot of nights over the years.

It's a long time since manumission packed 10k in without issuing their line up in advance.
Sign of the times anyway with social media, line ups, promotion etc. When I first started going in 2002 we knew the big nights but rarely even bothered with the line up too much if that makes sense. It's why I loved We Love & Circo Loco. You just went and got what you got
To be fair you knew what you got with both those nights as they always advertised in advance. We love put a lot of advertising of line ups forward in advance and circo loco have always given 6 days notice of the live up apart from when the authorities were after them.
but when you were younger, you were (more) willing to give it a try without knowing exactly who was playing, right ?

and the reason they don't any more is because they aren't open minded enough about the music
When I was younger there was no internet and everything was based on reputation, word of mouth, flyers, posters and magazine reviews. And to be honest I've always been led by that until the Internet came along and became what it is. It enables me to be more discerning.

I'm more open minded now than I ever was. But I know where to go to hear new things and decide if I like it. If I do, I want to hear that live.
Yep. And looks what's going on at Pacha with Mosaic.

We berate these clubs for their VIP and their EDM, then when they have the cajones to get a bit experimental, a bit leftfield, it doesn't get supported. A crying shame
I think mosaic is in the right place at the wrong time. But to make it work maceo is going to have to make some choices over his availability and line ups that he may not want to make. But if he doesn't make the right choices he runs the risk of losing virtually everything. It's a short career for most djs. It's a bit like professional footballers for most.
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Yeah standing at the bar waving your free drink token being totally ignored..:lol:
Hahahaha. Ah. Those days. That will be 3200 pts entry fee please. Don't ask about how to get that taxi paid for.....'sorry, I didn't see 2386 people get out of your taxi so I'm not reimbursing you, have a nice night'
But if he doesn't make the right choices he runs the risk of losing virtually everything. It's a short career for most djs. It's a bit like professional footballers for most.

Like I said before on this forum: Ibiza is NOT the whole electronic music scene. "Failing" with a residency here is not the end of your career :) I know this is an Ibiza forum and we are all fans but come on.

It isn't for Maceo especially. In the new interview for Groove he says it is only because his wife told him to at least try it, that he accepted Pachas offer. He says literally 'the clubs in Ibiza always disappointed me, except for some nights at DC10 and Cocoon'. He also said that he'd preferred to have all this success as Mariel Ito and his sound under this alias, rather than his house sound of Maceo Plex.
He loves the acts he books at his night, if it works out great, but it's also ok if Pacha pulls the plug. What I'm saying is that Maceo certainly doesn't think he is 'losing everything' :)
Like I said before on this forum: Ibiza is NOT the whole electronic music scene. "Failing" with a residency here is not the end of your career :) I know this is an Ibiza forum and we are all fans but come on.

It isn't for Maceo especially. In the new interview for Groove he says it is only because his wife told him to at least try it, that he accepted Pachas offer. He says literally 'the clubs in Ibiza always disappointed me, except for some nights at DC10 and Cocoon'. He also said that he'd preferred to have all this success as Mariel Ito and his sound under this alias, rather than his house sound of Maceo Plex.
He loves the acts he books at his night, if it works out great, but it's also ok if Pacha pulls the plug. What I'm saying is that Maceo certainly doesn't think he is 'losing everything' :)
Of course failing with an Ibiza residency is not make or break for all. Some do t even try it and have hugely successful careers. But for those that do try, it tends to define many of them and that has wider consequences for the rest of their career.
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