*** Ibiza 2017 observations ***

yeah I hate the whole culture around it. I sometimes find myself hyping certain names, purely on reputation, producer value or because of one mix I heard. it's lazy and I get sucked into it.

I think though that on holiday people tend to think like consumers with limited time so nobody wants to risk a night on someone they don't know. I think this is why the clubs are so reluctant to take risks on unknowns. it sucks but that's business...

I would love a night which didn't tell you who was playing but which just assured you an effing good time.

They'd make a good start by not charging 50-70 euros per ticket.
They'd make a good start by not charging 50-70 euros per ticket.
Agreed, but part of the argument above was how expensive it is to switch clubs mid way through the night. So why not pay to get in, and stay in that club for the duration ?
I prefer the idea of a club which is synonymous with a certain sound or philosophy - somewhere where I'll know more or less what I'll get even if I don't know the exact DJs or records. You know in London where to go. You have a community network. You know who to trust and where to avoid etc. In IBZ it is so much harder - there is constant chopping/changing and so many people i've never heard of. Even when I see names I know well eg Kerri C, Dixon, can I be sure they'll keep it real or play to casual punters? This is why I swerve the big brand nights. the expectation of disappointment.. a specialist night like something at Las Dalias is more likely to keep the diehards sweet
We always used to switch from DC10 to Cocoon becuase DC10 was always a daytime party, back before 2008 I dont ever really remember staying there past say 10ish, I dont even remember it staying open much later than that anyway, so a trip over to Amnesia was always a good idea to carry on your night.. there was none of this 5am finish at DC10..

I do miss the Monday marathon, We Love onto DC10 when Space shut, then onto Amnesia via Bora Bora or bars in San Rafael.. I really dont think I could hack that now days though! Literally talking 2 days without sleep haha, oh to be young again!
yeah I hate the whole culture around it. I sometimes find myself hyping certain names, purely on reputation, producer value or because of one mix I heard. it's lazy and I get sucked into it.

I think though that on holiday people tend to think like consumers with limited time so nobody wants to risk a night on someone they don't know. I think this is why the clubs are so reluctant to take risks on unknowns. it sucks but that's business...

I would love a night which didn't tell you who was playing but which just assured you an effing good time.
To achieve that can't you just turn up at any given club on a night of your choice without researching what is on and hope for the best? Or are you saying you want to attend a club night with nameless djs simply on the basis it has a reputation for being a good night with a certain style of music?

For me I want to know who I am going to hear because I like the style of music they play. Especially if I am paying over 100 euros to get in, travel and drinks. That doesn't restrict me because I listen to a lot of new music and frequently find new names I want to sample live. Equally I will regularly find other djs on the same bill that I previously haven't heard of and enjoy.
Absolutely. I regularly find that it isn't the DJ I'm going to "see", but somebody else on the line-up who ends up making my night.
Often can be the way. But that dj is usually there because of the sound that the promoters are seeking to use or the headline dj themselves.

As I've got older I go out less. That means when I do go out I want more assurance it will be good. That means I am seeking a certain dj or sound that is synonymous with a particular promoter. So I'm reality I can see both sides of the arguenent.
big part of the shift, as highlighted by the above comments, is more people now going out to see specific DJ's, rather than turn up and enjoy the night regardless of who is playing.

It's personal choice, I get that, but talk of 'similar level dj's' leaves me a bit cold.
By similar level Djs I meant cocoon and circoloco will book similar/the same djs which is correct so how can that leave you cold?

I'm not saying a level of greatness I'm just saying that both nights will book very similar if not the exact same DJs so if why would you pay another 50euro to basically so and see the same dj that's the point I was trying to make
To achieve that can't you just turn up at any given club on a night of your choice without researching what is on and hope for the best? Or are you saying you want to attend a club night with nameless djs simply on the basis it has a reputation for being a good night with a certain style of music?

For me I want to know who I am going to hear because I like the style of music they play. Especially if I am paying over 100 euros to get in, travel and drinks. That doesn't restrict me because I listen to a lot of new music and frequently find new names I want to sample live. Equally I will regularly find other djs on the same bill that I previously haven't heard of and enjoy.

I agree, but as you say it's a lot of money and it is often a gamble - intensified by being on holiday

I wish everyone had your open-minded attitude, but they don't and the clubs know it. I totally get why both clubs and punters are risk-averse. the downside is it's killing music for me (not just IBZ but across Europe) because so few top clubs will take that gamble anymore. I think I read stivi say that shamanic night at privi with the unpronounceable name died a death and had to be cancelled, so naturally everything just gets a little more samey. age old rant though!
I totally get why both clubs and punters are risk-averse. the downside is it's killing music for me (not just IBZ but across Europe) because so few top clubs will take that gamble anymore. I think I read stivi say that shamanic night at privi with the unpronounceable name died a death and had to be cancelled, so naturally everything just gets a little more samey. age old rant though!

Yep. And looks what's going on at Pacha with Mosaic.

We berate these clubs for their VIP and their EDM, then when they have the cajones to get a bit experimental, a bit leftfield, it doesn't get supported. A crying shame
As I've got older I go out less. That means when I do go out I want more assurance it will be good
but when you were younger, you were (more) willing to give it a try without knowing exactly who was playing, right ?

I wish everyone had your open-minded attitude, but they don't and the clubs know it
and the reason they don't any more is because they aren't open minded enough about the music
Often can be the way. But that dj is usually there because of the sound that the promoters are seeking to use or the headline dj themselves.

As I've got older I go out less. That means when I do go out I want more assurance it will be good. That means I am seeking a certain dj or sound that is synonymous with a particular promoter. So I'm reality I can see both sides of the arguenent.
Me too i hardly go out so when I do has to be a DJ i like/know/music style i like, then i know i will most prob have a good night. Course thats not always the case u can see your fav dj and for whatever reason they are not doing it for u that night.
Me too i hardly go out so when I do has to be a DJ i like/know/music style i like, then i know i will most prob have a good night. Course thats not always the case u can see your fav dj and for whatever reason they are not doing it for u that night.
I think that's why I liked space so much. When the whole club was open you were bound to find a sound or vibe to suit your mood
I think that's why I liked space so much. When the whole club was open you were bound to find a sound or vibe to suit your mood
Yeh very true thats what I loved about space always a room that takes your fancy, esp at closing! I bounced from room to room going i dont like this music lets go to the next room, was that f***ed i cudnt really pay attention to what was playing anyway ha..
Yeh very true thats what I loved about space always a room that takes your fancy, esp at closing! I bounced from room to room going i dont like this music lets go to the next room, was that f***ed i cudnt really pay attention to what was playing anyway ha..
Good times alright had some great times at We Love Sunday's . Gutted I missed the last ever night.
Hopefully privilege might pick it up this year, it's certainly big enough.
but when you were younger, you were (more) willing to give it a try without knowing exactly who was playing, right ?

and the reason they don't any more is because they aren't open minded enough about the music

Sign of the times anyway with social media, line ups, promotion etc. When I first started going in 2002 we knew the big nights but rarely even bothered with the line up too much if that makes sense. It's why I loved We Love & Circo Loco. You just went and got what you got