*** Ibiza 2017 observations ***

yeah, it's still basically a toilet. and people are pushing past to have a slash/dump/wash their hands. the whole thing is a gimmick to pull people in. I've seen it in other clubs when they have temporary booths, having one built in seems like it would get very old pretty quickly.

manumission did it 20+ years ago, surely Hi could have thought of a better gimmick than one that was worn out 20 years ago?
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manumission did it 20+ years ago, surely Hi could have thought of a better gimmick than one that was worn out 20 years ago?

I know I know.
unusual suspects at sankeys are doing the same thing too. or at least they did it during winter. not sure they do it in summer now.
it's really nothing new though and I'm well aware of that.
The toilet room is nothing but a gimmick and I feel sorry for whoever is playing in there when we're a few months down the line... i.e. when people are just using it for a toilet and nothing else...
can't make it up though... someone posts genuine concerns about the island being eaten from the inside, and how it's not sustainable in the longterm, only for the thread to move instantly onto the toilet in the new club, run by the very people who are shitting where they eat

ironic beyond belief, and proof if it were needed that people really don't care, as long as they can get what th... LOOK, THERE'S A BIRD OFF TOWIE!!!

ffs :(
can't make it up though... someone posts genuine concerns about the island being eaten from the inside, and how it's not sustainable in the longterm, only for the thread to move instantly onto the toilet in the new club, run by the very people who are shitting where they eat

ironic beyond belief, and proof if it were needed that people really don't care, as long as they can get what th... LOOK, THERE'S A BIRD OFF TOWIE!!!

ffs :(

Not one to stick my 2 pence in usually but.... you instigated the change of subject to 'said' toilet

I for one am not interested in listening to a dj in a bog and not interested in hearing other peoples tales from these toilets. Right load of shite... (pardon the pun)
Not one to stick my 2 pence in usually but.... you instigated the change of subject to 'said' toilet

I for one am not interested in listening to a dj in a bog and not interested in hearing other peoples tales from these toilets. Right load of shite... (pardon the pun)

My comment (mind blowing) was sarcastic over exaggeration - missed obviously....

Still there will be many a tale told of those toilets especially due to being uni-sex!!
unusual suspects at sankeys are doing the same thing too. or at least they did it during winter
Tribal Sessions did it last time I was there.

Try going to a club in India with severe Deli belly...Actually squashed a toilet roll into my back pocket before going out that night. Sadly no DJ to hide the noises coming from trap 2
Not one to stick my 2 pence in usually but.... you instigated the change of subject to 'said' toilet

I for one am not interested in listening to a dj in a bog and not interested in hearing other peoples tales from these toilets. Right load of shite... (pardon the pun)
I know that, but you do get that I was being sarcastic, don't you ?

I don't have to explain the joke do I ?
All the time here :oops: I find they are always clean and have toilet paper... unlike the swamp toilets you get back in the uk:eek:
I had to go at junction 2 festival in the uk last year. Sat down done my business the realised there was no toilet paper left! This was one of the worst experience off my life especially after being let's say abit wobbly
The Instagram society takeover is in full swing by the looks of things...
Social media for the most part nowadays is just like tabloids for the younger generation.
Useless information, celebrity gossip and lies in abundance. Keeps people from noticing from what's going on around them and that's fine, leave them too it.
Just a pity when the place we all love to spend our time becomes a magnet for hoards of people who only want to be here to have their picture taken in Ocean beach or Ushuaia.
Hopefully somewhere else becomes the "in" place soon.